
"What do you think about the performance, Director Han?" Celestine turned to Director Han who had been watching with a hawk-like gaze.

A small smile formed on his lips. "They did well. And their script seemed a lot more interesting than yours."

Celestine narrowed her eyes on him. "Do you really have to point that out? Unlike them, I can't just freely change the storyline. I'm merely following what's written in the book and there was no hint that Vixen could be in love with Lyrae."

"That's what we call youth's creativity." Director Han smirked at Celestine. "I guess your youth has already faded away. When are you retiring?"

She gave him an overly sweet smile. "I will continue to write even in my grave. So make sure to put pencils and notebooks in my coffin."

"Not your laptop?" He raised an eyebrow at her.

She rolled her eyes. "Fine. Include my laptop in case they have electricity on the other side."