The “school” starts

Seth was looking out the car window while his mother drove in silence beside him. The tension in the car was heavy, and filled with worry and fear. The car suddenly stopped as Seth felt a cold breeze behind his back. His mother came out of the car and walked over to Seth's door. while opening it, Seth slowly walked out of the car. His mother looked at him and hugged him tight.

"This is it Seth, this is your new school! Are you happy?"

He didn't do much but nod his head with a blank expression on his face. He turned to look at the school and saw a large warm gray building with the sun rising up behind it. As Seth was standing with his mother in front of the parked car, they started to walk towards the gate of the school.

As they were walking, Seth heard a girl let out a yell and she fell and dropped her books. He stared at her blankly, and she stared back at him. The girl had a light pink hair color with beautiful big green eyes. She was short and looked fairly clumsy. The girl sat down and rubbed her leg as it appeared to have been scraped during the fall. She caught Seth looking at her, and she let out a sigh. She figured Seth would walk over to help her, but he continued walking and minding his own business. The pretty pink haired girl put on a mean and sad gesture on her face with the attempt that Seth would see.

Unfazed, Seth continued walking down the path in front of the school and past the other student until he arrived at the front door with his mother. His mother looked down at Seth and hugged him once again. She gave him a kind smile and said:

"Have a good day at school son, I love you."

Seth stared at her blankly as she walked away with her casual skirt and blouse and her black high heels that made an annoying sound each step she took. She was clearly worried about Seth's first day of school.

Seth continued to enter the school halls. He pulled out his schedule from his blue backpack and began to give it a confused look. His first class was in room 101 C. He had no idea where that would be.

Seth's white hair flowed as his body shifted past the other freshman. While he was walking, he bumped into a tall boy with black hair that was painted red on the roots. It was a strange style for a boy, very choppy and flowy. This boy had a very fragile and pretty looking face, that made up for his hair. He had a few freckles along the cheeks and had light brown eyes. His figure was skinny, but he looked strong thanks to his tallness. He had a strange leather jacket over the uniform and some black shoes on. He also had a bulky black digital watch that he was just staring at just before Seth ran into him accidentally. The boy looked at Seth very angrily at first, but it faded into a sweet and friendly grin. This boy asked;

"Hello! Are you looking for a classroom? Let me see your schedule please."

Overwhelmed with his strange unfitting personality to his edgy style, Seth hastily handed this boy his schedule. As he looked at it, he noticed something that made his eyes widen.

"Oh! We are going to be in the same class. Let's walk together. My name is Peter."

Peter said this with an eye-wrinkling smile while facing Seth. Both of them walked through the gray halls decorated with old looking portraits of past principles in the large school until they find their destination.

Once they arrived into their classroom, they noticed they were early. Seth slowly walked to a seat in the back closest to the window. He sat down in his chair and threw his backpack behind it. He placed his head over his palm and faced the window, letting his mind go blank until the teacher arrived. Seth didn't care, or notice that there were only about five other classmates in the same room. Each classmate was different in their own way, but fairly similar looking. The only one who really stood out was the boy he just met, Peter. As more people began to enter the class, the teacher would soon arrive. He set his books down and did roll call. When the teacher called on Seth, Seth didn't answer. The teacher tried again, but he wouldn't open his mouth to talk or even turn his head to look at the teacher.

"Seth. If you don't answer, i'll have to mark you absent or give you detention, and none of those are good."

Seth turned to him and lifted his hand up. But he still wouldn't talk. Everyone in the classroom found seth weird and mysterious. They all thought of him as special or not normal.

"Uh, Teacher. He just doesn't talk, dont worry too much about it."

Peter said with a worried look on his face. Soon, all of the girls took notice of Peter and found him to be

insanely attractive, but in a strange way. Peter seemed like he wasn't the type to notice his attractiveness, so he wouldn't notice it when girls or other people did. Peter sat back down and started to stare at his watch.

A girl creaked open the classroom door nervously. It was the girl that Seth saw before. She noticed him, and did not like what she saw. The girl was annoyed that he saw what happened to her and didn't bother helping pick up her things. She was used to people helping her, so it was strange seeing someone notice her struggle and not do anything about it.

Peter looked up the moment this girl walked into the classroom, and he blushed from how cute she was. Seth didn't budge from looking at the view of the birds flying across the skies and into the trees; so he didn't see her come in the classroom. The girl looked at Seth, and quickly turned her head towards the teacher.

"I'm really sorry im late. Something happened, but it won't happen again, I promise." She said while not being able to look the teacher in the eyes.

"That's quite alright, go ahead and take a seat. Keep in mind students, that these seats are where you are going to sit for the rest of the year." The teacher exclaimed so all the students could hear.

She walked over to an empty seat in the back, which happened to be close to Seth's desk. The girl sighed as she neatly put her books into her desk, and her backpack behind her chair.

"Excuse me, girl. What is your name?" Asked the teacher kindly. The girl looked up while fluffing her pink hair, and responded

"My name is Maria."

The other girls looked at her in jealousy. Maria was a really beautiful girl, but her personality seemed short tempered and shy. Maria fit amazingly in the school uniform. It seemed like everything she wore looked great on her. Her body was one any girl would dream to have. Maria took out a hair tie from her back pack and started to tie her luscious, voluminous and natural pink hair. She was so effortlessly stunning, it amazed the classroom. Peter couldn't stop looking at her, and neither could everyone else besides Seth.

A few hours passed and class was coming to an end. Lunch was just about to begin.