Chapter 7

"I don't want anything, I just want you to let Zi Ye move to one of the rooms on the second floor, don't let him sleep in the utility room. The utility room is small and dark, the ventilation is very poor. If he continues to live there, he'll eventually get sick." Han ZiChen took the opportunity to put forward what she has always been hoping for. Their parents had really gone too far forcing Han ZiYe to live in a utility room when there are a lot of empty bedrooms on the second floor. If not because she was being treated very fondly, regarding her as the apple of their eyes, she will obviously hate them.

Han couple did not expect that their daughter would want this, four eyes intersected, then angrily stared at the silent son. They thought that the son probably complained to their daughter for living in the utility room, so he begged their daughter to ask them to change his room. The dead boy is too insatiable, they did not abandon him, kept him for so many years, let him eat well and dress him, but also sent him to school, this son is not only ungrateful but also dares to pick and choose.

"Mom, Dad, why aren't you answering? My request is so simple, yet you don't agree, you don't love me at all. How can I introduce my boyfriend to my parents, if my parents don't even love me?" Han ZiChen, seeing their parents did not answer, pouted her lips.

"….Well, we promise. This Saturday, you will invite Master Qi for dinner and introduce him to us." The Han couple looked at one another and said in unison with the tacit understanding

"No problem, Thank you, Mother, Father." Han ZiChen smiled, kissed her parents' cheeks, and turned to her brother: "Xiao Ye, later you don't need to sleep in the utility room anymore. Quickly thanks, Mom and Dad."

"Thank you sister, but I still want to live in my room. I'm already full so I'll go back first." Han ZiYe gently shook his head and whispered. Not waiting for his sister's reaction, he got up and left. He's thankful for his elder sister for wanting to give him his own bedroom, but he had noticed their parents' ruthless stare, obviously very unhappy that he will be living in a bedroom. If he agreed to live in a bedroom, the parents' treatment to him will certainly get worse.

"Darling daughter, look at Han ZiYe, really has a knack for making people angry. You always help him, but he doesn't even accept your love! You were kind enough to call him to dinner but he doesn't even finish his bowl of rice, only eating half, nor does he carry his dishes away. He clearly felt that our food is not worth eating. Next time, don't ever call him over to dinner." Han Mother immediately started to scold, instantly grabbing the opportunity to shame the son.

Han ZiYe hasn't even gone out of the dining room yet, so he obviously heard the mother's words clearly, but he didn't care. Sister knew him, and he believed that the sister would understand the reasons behind his reluctance to moving into the bedroom, as to why he only ate half a bowl of rice and didn't carry the food, sister will understand. From an early age, the parents would refuse to feed him, not even allowing him to carry food. All the rice and vegetables will be given to his sister, so when he grew up, he developed the habit of only eating little amount of food, he wasn't able to change.

Han ZiChen wanted to open her mouth to refute her mother's words, but was beaten by his father's curses: "I knew he was this kind of unlucky wolf. When we threw him away back then, we shouldn't have brought him back."

Hearing the father speak, Han ZiYe quickly walked out of the dining room, with an indifferent face. When he was out, he finally exposed a sneer. On the day they were born, their parents discovered that his body was flawed and cruelly decided to throw him away. However, they were met with a wandering Taoist priest and advised them not to throw him away, otherwise, their family will be struck by an unexpected calamity, and when he grows up, he will become rich and dignified. The superstitious parents discussed for a long time, reluctantly carrying him back home.

But his parents have always treated him badly, regarded him as an eyesore, a thorn in their flesh. When they were sent to school, they found out that he's learning was just average, and will never grow up with achievements. What big and wealthy children, they felt that they were cheated by that Taoist priest. They wanted to throw him out again, but the sister knelt down crying and begging. They tried forcing him to leave, by making it worse for him: They never gave him pocket money, or buy anything for him, even clothes or shoes, everything he wears was old clothes and old shoes. After elementary school, they had wanted to make him drop out so he could work in their factory, fortunately, the sister knelt down again to beg, so they reluctantly agreed to let him continue his studying.

Han ZiYe is really grateful to his sister; She grew up being so good to him, always gives him pocket money, and eats and plays with him. When their parents bought her a computer, his sister desperately begged them again to buy another one for him. Parents weren't able to do anything, so they bought a second-hand computer. So although he hated his parents and he hated their house, but because of his sister, he stayed until junior high school, even though he wanted to leave their house.

"Father, Mother, please, don't say that to Zi Ye, no matter what, Han ZiYe is still your son, you have to treat him better!" Han ZiChen helplessly begged her parents, if it wasn't for their parents being good to her, she would've already snapped at them for how they had treated Han ZiYe. So no matter what, she can't get angry at them.

The Han couple were silent. In their hearts, Han ZiChen was their only child, the other one was just an added burden, too troublesome. They were good to their daughter, and because of their daughter being able to find such powerful young tycoon like Qi XinLei, marrying into his family, they would be able to enjoy unimaginable wealth which ordinary people won't experience. But the son?

The son had a deformed body, not only is he not able to pass on the Han Family name, he won't ever be able to find someone to marry, staying with the parents to raise for a lifetime. The son's grades were not good, going to college is a problem, and once he became part of society, he will surely be unable to find work. He cannot have a bright future and he won't be able to bring honor to their ancestors. For someone who is such a waste, they've already been kind enough to keep him.

But they can never tell these words to their daughter because she'll surely get angry. Because of their relationship as twins, no matter what they say to their daughter, no matter how they persuade their daughter and talk ill about their son, she doesn't listen, always desperately being good to her brother, making them endlessly worried.

I wish our daughter would soon wake up, start to hate her brother, stay far away from him so we wouldn't need to worry…