Chapter 10

Han ZiYe immediately opened his eyes and was greeted by a close-up view of Qi XinLei's handsome face. The person kissing him was really Qi XinLei. Han ZiYe was scared silly, his brain stopped function, unable to think.

Han ZiYe was incomparably shocked. His face was showing an unbelievable expression, Qi Xin Lei was looking at him, but did not leave his lips and continued to force and kiss him gently.

In fact, Qi XinLei was more surprised than Han ZiYe, not even in his wildest dream would he dare to kiss Han ZiYe, but when he saw Han ZiYe reveal an extremely desperate and painful expression, wanting him(QXL) to kill himself(HZY), he couldn't help but feel distressed and pity, suddenly wanting to kiss Han ZiYe, to comfort him. Before he could even think of why he had such an idea, he was already kissing him.

Qi XinLei was scared of himself, even if Han ZiYe is beautiful, making his heart flutter, he was still a man, and his most hated enemy, so how can he kiss Han ZiYe? He wanted to stop, but Han ZiYe's lips where so soft feels so good and was too beautiful. Han ZiChen's lips were redder, but Han ZiYe's pink supple lips have his favorite orange flavor, he can't say that it was not sweet and delicious, so he really wants to kiss it rotten, he really wants to eat it.

Because Qi XinLei kept on devouring his lips, prolonging the hot kiss, Han ZiYe's lips started to feel painful, his brain gradually began to return its functions, and he can finally think. This demon must've taken the wrong medicine, suddenly taking my first kiss, and is still kissing me. Pervert, pervert!

"Pa!" "Han ZiYe started to become annoyed so he pushed Qi XinLei away, and gave him a loud slap in the face.

Qi XinLei placed a hand on his face that was hit, a bit of pain on his cheek. He innocently looked at Han ZiYe, incredible someone dared to hit me or slap me. This was his first time being hit.

"I didn't expect you to be homosexual, you disgusting pervert!" Han ZiYe became so angry and cursed in disgust. He wanted to turn around to run again, but he was pulled.

"This boss is not homosexual, I'm straight. It's your fault, you sick bastard." Qi XinLei shouted, his handsome face livid.

(🍑:boi you da one who attacked baby ZiYe)

This brat is not only brave enough to beat him, but Han ZiYe also accused Qi XinLei of being homosexual, really deserves to die! If not because of his beautiful face that keeps Qi XinLei from beating Han ZiYe, he would already be made into a pig's head. But his face is really, really beautiful, so for a straight person like him, it was his first time to kiss another guy.

"How is it my fault? You're the one who's sick, you bastard! Don't touch me, let me go… AH –"

Han ZiYe was trying to break free from Qi XinLei's hold, but Qi XinLei was not willing to let Han ZiYe go, so when both of them forcefully pulled away, Qi XinLei accidentally grabbed Han ZiYe's clothes from his chest, ripping it apart, blame it all on Qi XinLei being too powerful and Han ZiYe's clothes, being too old and too weak.

"Oh my God! [2]" Qi XinLei saw the exposed snow-white chest, and could not help but shout, his eyes as big as a copper bell [3]. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Han ZiYe's snow-white chest was nothing similar to ordinary boys; it's not flat, but it wasn't made up of muscle, instead, it's like the chest of newly developed adolescent girls, two little breasts were shaped attractively, slightly larger than the average male's, with alluring rose-colored nipples.

Han ZiYe was terrified again. How can this be? How could such an accident happen?! Now that the demon saw his chest, this demon will surely discover his secret…

"You're obviously a man, how can there be a woman's breasts? Or do you actually just like to dress up like a guy?" Qi XinLei back to his senses, he grabbed Han ZiYe's shoulders and excitedly asked, he just wanted to know the possibility (of Han ZiYe actually being a girl).

"No, I'm not a woman, I am not…" Han ZiYe instinctively shook his head, his expression opposite to Qi XinLei, he frantically struggled to get rid of Qi XinLei's large hoop-like hands, but it's no use just like before.

Qi XinLei heard, but he was extremely puzzled and curious, he decided to make sure what Han ZiYe really is.

"Are you really not a woman? Then let's see below if you're really not!" Qi XinLei said while holding Han ZiYe's pants. This is the best way to know the truth. He couldn't wait to see what Han ZiYe really is.

"Don't, please! Don't take off my pants, don't take it off…" Han ZiYe was anxious, tears started coming out and he crazily struggled again once more. He wanted to stop Qi XinLei from discovering his secret, but it was to no avail. Qi XinLei quickly pulled down his pants and underwear…