Chapter 14

"Little Baby, not only does your little flower hole looks so lewd, but it also feels so wonderful. You probably don't know but your flower hole is so tight, very small, but the elasticity is amazing, sucks my dick real hard. Let my handsome big cock open you up more, I'll make you feel more pleasure." Qi XinLei has a face full of obsessive infatuation while he was speaking, exceedingly satisfied with Han ZiYe's flower hole.

At this moment, Qi XinLei knew that the flower hole in front of him could not be compared to all the others he experienced before; they couldn't even be called flower holes anymore. Han ZiYe's peach blossom [1] is the only real one. The appearance of it can already hook a person, and inside was really tight, and most of all, really elastic, although it was torn quite badly, it was still able to take in Qi XinLei's huge meat rod, not breaking nor stopping to squeeze his meat stick, like a baby's mouth, sucking his hard rod constantly, his big meat stick getting more and more excited.

Not only that, but Han ZiYe's flower, even before entering, was warm, his flower path was quite long, Qi XinLei has been already halfway deep inside and he still hasn't touched the end. Because he's meat rod is bigger and longer than the average, the usual flower holes he'd experienced before could only accommodate half of his length before he could reach the end, he's playing was not very enjoyable. But Han ZiYe's was long, he could certainly stab almost up to the hilt of his dick, finally, he could enjoy.

Originally, Han ZiYe was pale white because of the pain, now it was red with shame because of Qi XinLei's words. In his heart, he was scolding Qi XinLei over and over again. The demon was too shameless, saying such nasty words, enough to make someone go dig a hole to bury himself into. He(QXL) has also been doing a lot of obscene movements, making the nipples in his small breasts and his small stem below both too stiff, to the point of dying.

I really can't believe that the world would have such a violently intoxicating pleasure, and just like what this demon said, it doesn't feel pain anymore. The devil was deep inside Han ZiYe, he's most intimate parts were become less and less painful, just feeling a bit full, and having an awfully strong oppressive feeling….

Suddenly, Qi XinLei had hit a certain point deep inside, an unexpected thing happened. His body felt like it was hit by a laser, and all the previous pleasure he felt became different, more stimulating, more splendid, making Han ZiYe want to scream as the pleasure spreads through his body…

"Baby, I finally hit your flower heart, look at you, excitedly moving your hips. Your flower heart was really hidden deep inside, it took me a long time to find it. As punishment, I'll hit it good!" Qi XinLei, with his experience, one look at Han ZiYe's flushed expression and intense body reaction, knew that he had hit his most sensitive part – the heart. His sexy lips hooked up into a beautiful arc, continuously bombarding the tender flower wall until it would seem to leak out sweet nectar.

I really did not think that his flower would be so tender and soft inside and out. Feeling so good, Qi XinLei's meat rod almost wasn't able to stand it, shivering a little. Unfortunately, …

Because of his strong desire to be buried deep inside, he was a bit disappointed to still see a part of his length visible outside the flower hole. He has thought that he would be able to put it inside up to the hilt before touching the end, but he did not expect that it would still be a little short, even so, he already can go in deep enough, still is very good.

Han ZiYe was starting to become crazy, his eyelashes fluttering like a butterfly's wings, blinking non-stop. His pale-colored eyes, bright and clear, was shrinking, looking more aroused than before. He has already been infected with pleasure, his body was no longer white, but with touches of pink, his reactions were more intense than before, better looking than most women, not only did he moved up and down, he also gently swayed left and right, the very appearance of a person drunk with sexual pleasure.

For the first time, Han ZiYe felt grateful to Qi XinLei, because the underwear he placed inside his mouth was able to keep him quiet, or else his voice would clearly release a very lustful cry. That place had been ravaged continuously by the demon, he no longer suffered the laser-like attacks, instead, torrents of heavy pleasure spread through him, that he simply cannot use horrific words to describe it. He wasn't able to resist, so he was forced to feel excessive pleasure.

Han ZiYe did not know that Qi XinLei wants to hear his lewd moans. Qi XinLei had been imagining that Han ZiYe's voice would surely be sweet, he wanted to remove the underwear, but he was worried that Han ZiYe would try to bite off his tongue again. However, looking at his expressions and reactions that are becoming more and more erotic and intense, he cannot suppress wanting to take off the underwear, surely listening to him cry out would be a wonderful feeling.

"Little Baby, are you feeling good? Look at your flower hole, it feels very good. I'll take the underwear off your mouth, but you're not allowed to bite your tongue off or think of other ways to die. If you don't listen, I'll leave your naked body out into the streets, so that everyone will know your secret. I mean it."

Qi XinLei flashed a cheerful smile but gave off a dangerous feeling. Because of the terrible threat, Han ZiYe can only nod. Qi XinLei took off the underwear, he knew that Han ZiYe was listening to him because even after the gag was removed, he still didn't try to commit suicide.

"Nnn, ah… ah… ahh… oh… oh…. Ah…." Han ZiYe's cherry mouth was finally freed, he immediately blurted out the lustful calls stuck in his throat, making him ashamed to death, but because of fear due to Qi XinLei's threat, he didn't try to bite his tongue, did not think of other ways to commit suicide, he can only anxiously scold: "You shameless devil.. stop… ah.ah… get out of my body! Don't forget….. ahhhh….ah… you're my sister's boyfriend! You also told her that you'll marry her, making you my brother-in-law, you... ohh… ah….. You can't rape me! This is incest, you'll be struck by lightning one day….. hah…ahh."