Chapter 19

No! Han ZiYe shook his head, feeling and looking gloomier than ever.

He couldn't accept that his favorite, most precious sister, is only being played with. Whatever was in his head must be wrong.

Sister is beautiful, kind, gentle, and considerate. How could someone not like her, not love her, or have the heart to play with her? And all along, that demon was very good to his sister, and he looked like he was awfully fond of her. The devil liked his sister's appearance, it's possible that he was just playing with her in the beginning, but now it's unlikely that the demon would not have feelings for her even a little.

The devil raped and defiled him, probably because it was the first time he saw a hermaphrodite, he was probably just curious about the body's deformities, and could not help but try to see what it feels and tastes like, so the demon momentarily forgot about his sister and told him…

After the demon had raped him, he will surely come back to his senses and feel that a normal female body is much better and that he couldn't compare with his sister. The devil saying all those things while doing him, all those refreshing and happy expressions and words, is certainly just a caprice, fake, and he certainly does not care.

Thinking this way, Han ZiYe felt a lot better, he gently let out a sigh, determination flashing in his eyes. It was a nightmare to be violated and defiled by the demon. He only needed a good night's sleep tonight, and tomorrow, he will forget about everything after waking up in the morning. He definitely must not tell anyone, especially not to his sister.

His elder sister had done it with that demon, she also likes and loves the devil. If she found out what they did, she would surely want to die, immediately want to commit suicide.

Han ZiYe believes that his sister will never know as long as he does not tell her about it. The devil would surely not tell his sister, unless he really does not like Han ZiChen, nor love her.

Speaking of sister, why is she not back yet?

This time I went to school earlier. And I didn't go to my afternoon class, maybe she knew so she didn't go home immediately after school but looked for me around?

Most likely, my sister, although we're not classmates, our rooms were just next to each other, and she's familiar with my classmates, so she would know that I didn't go to class this afternoon.

Han ZiYe started to worry. He had to quickly call his sister and tell her that he came back home early so she could stop looking for him and hurry back home. It's winter now, and it's very cold outside, especially in the evening. Staying out for a long time would be too cold, especially for Han ZiYe's sister who couldn't handle the cold very well.

But unlike his sister, he didn't have a phone. Their parents didn't buy one for him. If he wanted to call someone, he would need to use the phone in the living room. Fortunately, their parents aren't at home right now. They attended a dinner party and will not be coming home until late. He will not have to worry about being scolded and punched by his parents for using the phone and calling him a waste of telephone bills.

Han ZiYe endure his aching waist and got out of bed. Struggling to leave the room. He walked out from his small room to the magnificent and dazzling living room. He sat down on the couch imported from Italy, where his parents would always use, not giving him a seat at all. He picked up their newest telephone inlaid with gold and dialed his sister's number when familiar light footsteps sounded behind him.

Han ZiYe turned around and shouted in delight: "Sister you're back, I was just about to call you…"

Then he saw Han ZiChen's tear-streaked face and her swollen eyes, Han ZiYe swallowed back his words. He didn't go to class this afternoon because he was feeling very uncomfortable so he hurried home to rest.

"Sister, why are you crying? What happened?" Han ZiYe was surprised and quickly got up and carefully asked his sister. He was full of worries and could only hide his insignificant sigh since running towards his sister made his waist ache more.

"Xiao Ye, what should I do? XinLei doesn't want me anymore. He said that he's breaking up with me." Han ZiChen Hugged her brother, heartbroken, suddenly bursting into tears.

Han ZiYe was stunned after hearing Han ZiChen, it was a long time before he could return back to his senses, he asked incredulously: "How can this be? Hadn't you and Qi XinLei always been good?"

"Yes, ah! We were obviously in such a good relationship together, that's why I thought… After school I left the classroom to go to yours to find you so we could go home together, then you see, Qi XinLei came to me, I thought he was going to send me back home so I was very happy. But, I didn't think that he would suddenly demand to break up. I thought he was only joking and he said he really wanted to break up. I asked him the reason and he said that he actually didn't like, nor love me at all. He already loved, fell in love with others. Saying that I should not look for him again, or involve myself with him again." Han ZiChen cried even louder, remembering how cold and unfeeling her boyfriend was earlier, her heart became more pained, unable to breathe.

She didn't want to believe that the boyfriend that once said that he like her so much, loved her so much, and even promised to marry later, would suddenly change his mind, change his heart, stopped loving her, stopped wanting her, and would just forget about each other.

"How can Qi XinLei do this to you? I'll immediately go and find him. Sister, don't cry anymore. Your eyes are becoming more swollen." Han ZiYe gritted his teeth, gently wiping his sister's tears. He lamented: His fears came true. Qi XinLei this demon really did not like sister, nor love her, and was just playing with her.

However, he didn't understand why the devil raped him. After doing it, he immediately went to look for his sister, to break up and confessed that he didn't like his sister, that he fell in love with some other. Don't tell me…. This devil actually fell in love with…. Me?

Impossible, his imagination is probably just running wild, the devil didn't even like his sister, how would he come to love him? He has no place to compare with his elder sister.

No matter what's going on inside the devil's head, thinking that he had abandoned his elder sister, and seeing his sister crying like that, Han ZiYe won't spare anything that comes his way.