Chapter 23

"You little rogue, you'll only get disappointed, you absolutely can't kill me. You want to kill me for the sake of your sister then you'll have to pay the price more terrible than death!" Qi XinLei had stunned Han ZiYe who'd finally let go of his hand, which was bloodied with some scary teeth marks. Eyes squinting, his sexy lips raise in a dangerous sneer.

He remembered that earlier in the afternoon, he to call the staff of the SM Club to set-up a room and teach someone a lesson. The SM Club should still be open at this time, and he cannot afford to waste money. However, he absolutely cannot allow anyone apart from him to touch Han ZiYe, especially those fat, ugly, and sick old women, but he still can use the SM Classroom to 'teach' Han ZiYe, punish him, and make him no longer dare to kill, completely surrender to him, as if his body cannot bear to be separated to Qi XinLei's.

Although he has never played with SM before, a boy who's super curious about sex would not be unfamiliar with it. On days that he watches porn on the internet, he would see a variety of them, which has a lot of SM included.

He was a violent ever since childhood, likes to abuse, torture people. He just started to like SM, and learned a lot of SM skills, very determined to become a Super S. But one time, he peeped and saw one of his good brothers playing SM with their lover, he instantly felt disgusted. He completely changed his views about SM, feeling that it's super perverted that watching it makes one want to vomit, so he no longer wanted to be an S, nor does he want to play SM with other people.

But if it's with Han ZiYe, then Qi XinLei was willing to endure his dislike and his disgust on SM, he'll be a super S and play SM with Han ZiYe!

"Little rogue, I'll be waiting for you to wake up, and meet you in hell, no, it will be in….. heaven, look forward to it!" Qi XinLei placed the knife down, placed the sleeping Han ZiYe back to his seat, while preparing to drive off the road to the SM Club, a thought suddenly flashed across his mind, a very obscene idea.

"So excited!" Qi XinLei reveals a happy expression, sighing with satisfaction.

The sudden thought made him feel good; actually, he doesn't need to wait until they arrive in the SM Club to punish Han ZiYe. Such a wonderful idea, he could immediately do it.

With Han ZiYe's face, delicate and smooth like a flower petal, as if it would be broken just by simply blowing at it, he would use his meat rod to rub on it, the pleasure would be unbearable, especially rubbing it on that delicate cherry mouth of his. Unfortunately, Han ZiYe is still asleep, otherwise he would've forced him already to help with oral sex, he could only wait for Han ZiYe to wake up and then do it with him.

Qi XinLei started his car while driving, he started masturbating, enjoying himself, while dyeing Han ZiYe's beautiful cheeks with his translucent juice, constantly spitting out lewd groans.

Han ZiYe, having lost consciousness, did not know what was being done to him, he didn't know about Qi XinLei's lewd playing, nor does he know about the terrible fate that awaits him after he wakes up. A tragic fate that would truly make him think that death is better than living.


"Damn it! Qi XinLei, you super evil demon, you dead pervert, what do you want to do to me? Quickly take this weird thing inside my mouth and let me down from here, otherwise, I won't ever forgive you!"

Inside the "Wild" VIP room of the city's most famous SM Club, skin exquisite and white as snow but very different from other people, an androgynous, beautiful, and delicate body, a very pretty and good looking teenager was locked in a BDSM chair, inside his empty pink mouth was a ball gag. Han ZiYe roars at his side. Standing beside him was a tall boy, wearing an attractive and sexy leather SM outfit, looking unusually handsome, his whole body exuding a dangerous aura, with a ready-to-eat expression.

"Little rogue, even after all this time, you're still so fierce, really naive. I'd like to see how you 'won't ever forgive' this boss! You're asking what I'd want to do to you right? This is an SM Classroom, what do you think would I want to do to you?" Qi XinLei slightly raised his eyebrows in a teasing way while scolding Han ZiYe, his lips, as sexy and charming as always, raise into a lewd smile.

He took out a shiny little bottled and opened it. Using the fruit knife Han ZiYe used to attempt to kill him, he dipped it inside the bottle, taking out a lump of pink paste, spreading it on Han ZiYe's crime-provoking, snow-white body.

"You super evil demon, you dead pervert, what the heck was that?! I'm warning you if you try to do anything else, if you dare try to touch me, sexually abuse me, I will not only kill you, I'll also cut you to pieces, let you die without a whole corpse, I'll make sure you extremely regret…." Han ZiYe hurriedly twisted his body, wanting to escape, his sweat trailing downwards. Staring at the cold and dangerous fruit knife, Han ZiYe does not know exactly what the pasty substance was, but he was certain that it's not something good. His face, in addition to anger, was full of deep fear.

As he woke up, he saw a dark and eerie green light, flashing like a wisp. Hanging in the four walls were all kinds of strange and obscene SM tools, instantly knowing that this is an SM Classroom. Then he saw Qi XinLei, stand like a teacher, he immediately understood that he failed to kill the demon, failing to take his revenge.

But he still hopes that his guess is wrong. Because of the SM photos before, he knew about the room's set-up, how being sexually abused feels terrible that he would rather the demon kill him. he doesn't want to be taught by this devil, be sexually abused by him.

But now hearing the devil's words which confirmed that he's guess was right, what should he do?