Chapter 36

Qi XinLei wanted to get angry with Han ZiYe's remark, but when he saw Han ZiYe's cheeks slightly flushed and hiding his embarrassment, his small hand trembled a little more and Qi XinLei's anger was replaced with joy.

Great, when I touched him, he responded. Last night was very effective, already done conquering his body, then next, I'll conquer his heart.

Qi XinLei already knows everything about Han ZiYe, so it would definitely be easy to get his heart.

"I'm not going to touch you, but you have to promise that you'll go to my house to drink some antipyretics. Let me take care of you until you get well. If you dare not to agree, I'll immediately go to school and tell your sister all the good things that happened yesterday afternoon and last night." Qi XinLei opened his hand and threatened Han ZiYe. Han ZiYe's face was becoming even more red, probably burning even more. They need to get home as fast as possible so Han ZiYe could drink his medicine.

"You really are despicable!" Han ZiYe bitterly cursed.

"As long as you can get better, I'll do anything, whatever means. Then answer, do you agree?" Qi XinLei said with a sincere look, his voice filled with concern.

But he did not wait for Han ZiYe to answer. He immediately started the engine, making the car rollout. He knew that Han ZiYe would dare not agree.

"You don't really care about me. You're just doing this because of how I look. Too fake, disgusting…" Han ZiYe sneered, he scoffed at Qi XinLei, grinding his teeth, he unwillingly said: "I'll not allow you to do anything to me, after I arrive at your home and take the medicine, even if I'm still a bit ill, I'll go immediately…"

Han ZiYe was well aware that the devil only wanted him to get better, not because he was concerned about him, but because the devil was afraid that if he dies, then he will no longer be able to play with his body.

Last night, the devil looked very addicted, he became incomparably crazy, making Han ZiYe think that he was really abnormal, even liking his strange body. Last night was very different from what he had experienced from his first time, he really loathed it afterward. He was afraid that this devil would want to play with his body again.

So he promised to go to the devil's house since he has no other choice. He couldn't afford to let his sister know about him and the devil, about what happened yesterday afternoon and last night. He can only pray that this devil would not be so perverted as to want to have 'sexual interest' with a sick person, or else, with his current state, Han ZiYe won't be able to resist the deviant and perverted things the devil would want to do to him.

Qi XinLei nodded. He wanted to tell Han ZiYe that he genuinely cares about him, for him to be well. But Qi XinLei knew that Han ZiYe would never believe him, so he decided to use actions to prove himself.

Qi XinLei's starry eyes flashed a touch of dazzling laughter and said in his heart: My bisexual baby, you'll eventually give your heart to me, I'll soon make you like and love me. Just like your sister, and all the women who were crazy for me…

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Qi XinLei did not bring Han ZiYe to the Qi Mansion, instead, he took him to the best section in the city, at the highest floor of a superb and luxurious apartment.

Han ZiYe was looking towards the apartment, at the very least, it should be about 300 square meters. The decorations were very stylish and luxurious, without looking imposing. Everywhere he looked was very elegant and impressive, can't help but leave him stunned. Compared to the Han Family's villa, the gap is really too far. This is what you call a real mansion.

"My little home is great, but my family's house is better. Next time I'll take you there." Qi XinLei's was smiling proudly, facing Han ZiYe's puzzled eyes, he explained: "This was a gift from my parents for my 15th birthday. This is for me to live in, and for my future family——but usually, I stay with my parents in the family's mansion."

Qi XinLei decided to take Han ZiYe here, instead of taking him to their mansion. He was afraid that his parents would ask who he was, plus, there were too many people there, so he won't be able to get along with him alone. He wanted to solo Han ZiYe, and take the opportunity to cultivate their feelings and capture his heart.

Han ZiYe's eyes flashed a touch of surprise and disdain. This demon's parents are really too rich and love him too much. They even gave him a mansion as a birthday present. This mansion is obviously more expensive than the Han Family villa. However, Han ZiYe didn't envy Qi XinLei, on the contrary, he felt very ashamed of him, expressionlessly looking at the devil, obviously trying to show off.

"I'll carry you first to bed, then I'll go and look for the fever medicine for you to drink."

Qi XinLei carried Han ZiYe across the very spacious room and fancy living room, to a room that resembles a bedroom of a palace's crown prince, gently placing him on the king-sized bed, one that is designed for monarchs. Qi XinLei helped him take off his shoes, then went out of the bedroom to look for the fever medicine.

As soon as Qi XinLei's magnificent back disappeared from Han ZiYe's sight, his face became instantly red due to embarrassment.

He couldn't move at all, let alone walk, so when the devil threatened him when he tried to get off the car, he tried his hardest to make his body stop trembling. His mind was still full of the yellow scenes that happened last night.

"Nn, wu…" Han ZiYe moaned softly, but the cause was different from before where his body was feeling uncomfortable, but because his body was feeling very comfortable. The big bed under his body was very pleasant, he had never slept in such a soft and cozy bed before as if he was lying on a cloud….