Chapter 50

Qi XinLei was delighted, his thin and sexy lips curved into a beautiful arc, although his little sweetheart have not yet said his choice, but his reaction already tells him what he had chosen. Things had went again to what he had expected, Qi XinLei was really happy.

Qi XinLei embraced Han ZiYe, wiping off the tears on his face in distress and softly said: "Little sweetheart, don't cry. I promise, I won't make you regret marrying me."

Han ZiYe struggled for a moment before lying down on Qi XinLei's wide and warm chest, which makes people feel secure. He raised his tear-stained face and looked at Qi XinLei, "My sister is better than me, is this world's most perfect existence. Why do you not love her? Instead you chose to love me, someone with a deformed body, someone who is not supposed to exist. Not only did you choose to love me, you also want to marry me?"

"Little darling, your body is not deformed, you are not a person who should not exist. You don't know how beautiful and attractive you are. You are fascinating and I always thank God for creating you, for letting you be born, for letting me meet you. Although in the eyes of others, your sister is more important than you, is better than you, and is the most perfect existence in the world, but in ny eyes, you are the most perfect existence in the world, and I can't control myseld from loving you, from falling in love with you, and wanting to marry you. If you don't promise to marry me, then I would only be in so much pain that I'll just commit suicide." Qi XinLei answered in an incomparably sincere voice to Han ZiYe's disbelief.

All of Qi XinLei's words were true, except for the last line he said. If Han ZiYe did refuse to marry him, he would really be in pain, but he would not commit suicide. He'll only think of other ways to make Han ZiYe agree to marry him, just like now.

Han ZiYe didn't know that the last part Qi XinLei had said was a lie and was moved by his words that hia body slightly trembled, his headt violently beating. Knowing that ever since childhood, to the eyes of others, especially to the eyws of his parents, his twin sister is better than him at everything, ia this world's most perfext existence, but this devil doesn't think so.

It was the first time someone had ever felt that he was better than his sister, and that he was the most perfect being in this world. Qi XinLei said that he would kill himself if he refused to marry. Such a man id absolutely worthy of giving him his life and happiness which which could make everyone envy! It's just that….

"You have to be honest, tell me, did you fall in love with me because of my body?" Han ZiYe asked worriedly. This is what he fears the most. If the other person just fell in love because of his body, then falling in such love is very dangerous, and also very easy to disappear. Please read this at www . yehetstradamus . wordpress . com.

"Of course not. Little sweatheart, I fell in love with you even before I knew about your body. The moment I saw your face, that's when I fell in love with you. It was love at first sight." Qi XinLei scratched his nose, even if Han ZiYe did not have his strange and beautiful body, it was still likely that he would be this in love with him.

Hearing what Qi XinLei had said, Han ZiYe felt let go of the worry in his heary. The other person's eyes were unsually sincere, told him that what he said were not lies. What he said was sincere, he can feel at ease in marrying him, and even bear his children….

Han ZiYe's phoenix eyes hangs down, his gaze falling to his stomach and a hint of helplessness appeared. He clearly remembers that he just revealed to the devil that he was pregnant and was really excited about it. If he told him that he didn't want this child, Qi XinLei would definitely not agree. Although he is still afraid of the child, he will still try to gef used to his existence, try to slowly like him, slowly love him. But….

What about my sister? Isn't she pitiful?!

Without thinking of his sister, just marry this demon and have his children, and continue to live a happy life, it's just too selfish….

"Little darling, don't worry about your sister, I will try my best to make up for her. I will introduce her to my friends. All of my friends, regardless of their appearance, family background, although they don't compare to me, they are still regarded as dragons[1] in this world, she will definitely like and fall in love with one of them, eventually forgetting about me." Qi XinLei comforted, after seeing the sad and worried look on his little sweetheart's face.

"Thank you!" Han ZiYe's fave finally showed a little smile, but hidden in his phoenix eyes were a toucj of bitterness he was careful not to let Qi XinLei find out.

Although Han ZiYe's elder sister deeply loves this demon, she's still young, and still has a long life ahead of her. It is still possible for her to fall in love again if she wants to. Unfortunately, he will not be able to see his sister fall in love with others, he won't be able to see her happy and excited appearance, because he could never see her again.

Because the deep sense of guilt made him feel really ashamed of seeing his sister. And his belly would grow big, and if she saw him, the things between him and the devil will be exposed. Not matter how hard he would try to explain it to his sister, or ask for her forgiveness, Han ZiChen would still be deeply hurt, it would be difficult for her to accept, and resolutely not forgive him…..

"Little sweetheart, just thanking me with words is too insincere, you have to use your body to show your sincerity." Qi XinLei thought that Han ZiYe was no longer troubled when he saw his smile, so he laughed out loud and planted his lips on Han ZiYe's.