Smells like Jasmine

The warm golden light shone and slowly eaten the wide horizon. Droplets of water on the leaves of trees and plants were sparkled with the gentle light.

Behind the crystal window, the white thin curtains swayed gracefully with the morning breeze.

Nonetheless, inside the four corners of a room, a person in a black clad school uniform was emitting a dark aura while staring intently at the picture of a beautiful woman smiling together with her cute little daughter, sitting on her lap.

 "Mom, I made a promise to you and Uncle Ben, but..." she gently touched the mirror that shows the reflection of a teenage boy and his obsidian eyes burning on fire. Clenching her palm, she said in a cold monotonous voice, "I, Zitrey d' Nightroad will definitely catch him! I really will!!!"

The veins in her forehead bulging with rage was somehow gone when she heard a pleasing and concerning voice of a woman, "Zeth, it's still early in the morning. Did you have nightmares?" 

This woman was sitting on her bed while facing Zitrey with a slightly closed eyes. Although she looked messy, you can still see her magnificent beauty.

The woman has blond silky hair, her long eyelashes covered her deep brown eyes, her porcelain skin perfectly reflect her apple lips. Named Kate d' Nightroad; older sister of Zitrey. Even though she was like an angel, there's this devil — hidden inside. 

Zitrey shooked her head, "It's nothing." She went to the side of her own bed and picked up her backpack on top of it. "Your breakfast has already been prepared, eat it when it's still warm."

Her sister gloomily smiled at her. "Ok, but before you go, come here." Zitrey stepped closer and sat beside her. Facing her back towards her sister. Kate wrapped her arms around her waist and leaned on her back. 

"Kate, is there any problem?" 

Kate slowly shooked her head. "Mnm, No... Your beautiful sister is healing you from your nightmare and absorbing all bad energies that's surrounds you. " 

Zitrey grew in silent after hearing those words. They stayed like that for almost three minutes but Kate still didn't let go, instead her embrace tightened more.

"Kate, If this took much longer. I will be late." These words startled Kate and she immediately let go. "Oh, yes, yes... I'm sorry."

Without a word Zitrey stood up and went to the door. "I'm going." She said coldly without looking back at her sister. She was about to turn the doorknob when Kate uttered a single word.

 "Andrea... " 

All of a sudden, the room atmosphere was like covered in a wall of ice. Feeling the coldness, Kate knew she unconsciously said the word her younger sister doesn't want to hear.

Still holding the doorknob Zitrey looked back at her sister. Her eyes were covered in cloud of darkness. "Don't mention that name again." 

Kate staring at her unemotional coldly eyes, felt that her heart squeezing terribly. It's horribly painful and sad, but her lips still managed to curved upward. "Sorry it suddenly came out. I just miss my cute little sister."

 Zitrey who opened the door nonchalantly, said, "She's dead... I'm going."

Looking at her back, Kate sighed. "I'm sorry Mistress Lilith, even I can't heal the wound of your daughter. The scar of the past was too deep. I hope someday, she will meet someone who can pull her out from the abyss."

It was already three years since Zitrey was adopted by Kate's Father as his — son. After thoroughly training by her adopted father and his colleague. Her appearance, gesture and the way she acts was like a man, even a bit resemblance of her old self was vanished. Also, having a flat chest helped her more on her acting.

All of the reason from this sudden changes was for her safety, she'd been warned not to tell a single soul of her real identity. Because if she may, those people from dark organization will chase after her head.

The Coquina Street was crowded, vendors busily serving their costumers. It was early in the morning, yet the street was lively; people talking to each other, eating, drinking, or just walking. Most people come here to have their breakfast because this street was known for their delicious cuisine. 

Zitrey walked to this path, although she doesn't like crowded places. She usually walked at other paths with fewer people, but right now time is much more important. This street consumes less time as it was nearer to her school.

On northwest part of the Coquina Street, someone screamed, "Don't follow me!" running away as fast as he could against his pursuers.

This guy was wearing a long sleeve black uniform with an owl logo on the right side of his chest while the pursuers were wearing emerald long sleeve uniform with a snake logo. They are youngsters around 15-18 years of age. 

"I'm really sorry, but it's not my fault. You're the one, who bumped into me! " the Guy with owl logo uniform shouted throughout his lungs. This Guy is skinny and has short legs, but he was extremely fast in running.

The other guy with the snake logo was furious when he heard that it was his fault. ''How dare her! Does she doesn't know who I am?'' he thought. In rage, he shouted "Chase her!"

Under his command the other guys with the same uniform started to chased the Guy with owl logo uniform. The pursuer was known as Burning Arrow.

Awhile ago...

The Burning Arrow Gang were usually in Coquina Street for breakfast. The leader of the group is a fat guy, who love to eat all kind of food in this street. He was busy eating his large hamburger when he suddenly bumped into someone. This someone was occupied with his thought, thinking deeply on what way is going to his new school.

''Is it this way or that way?'' While looking to the fork alley at the front of him. His pointing finger touched the skin between his brows and slowly closed his eyes. Hoping he remembers something but unfortunately, his brain didn't function well.

''Ok, then I will choose whatever way. Yea, that's right. I can definitely find my new school!'' He thought, convincing himself. He was about to step when he heard a groaned beneath him.

When he looked down, he saw a person, pale as ghost lying on the ground; he was the leader of the Burning Arrow Gang, almost fainted from the impact. It was like he bumped onto a hard rock.

The owl logo Guy didn't even notice this. Surprised on what happened and worried to the guy laying on the ground. The owl logo Guy offered his hand, asking "Are you alright ?" His voice is full of concern. But when the Leader of the Burning Arrow raised his head, the one who he thought was a hard rock was actually a person with slim body. 

"I was thrown away by this skinny woman? This is disgrace, an embarrassment! As a leader of Burning Arrow, this humiliation is unforgivable. I want revenge! " And he thought it was a woman.

Looking at his expression. The fat guy's face was twitching, frowning and changing in color. Seeing this, the owl logo Guy stepped back and thought, "This is not good." The Fat guy was about to open his mouth, but the owl logo Guy, already think ahead and started running. 

"Capture Her!" with a roar, the game of tag begins.

At present...

The owl logo Guy was running like all his life was depended on it. The distance between him and the Burning Arrow was quite far already, yet, he could still hear the Fat guy shouting 'her!'

Hearing this, the brows of owl logo guy knitted. "Hey fat guy! I'm not girl! Are you blind? I'm a boy! Boy!" he yelled while still running, afraid the Burning Arrow could catch up.

This owl logo Guy has no intention to deceive others. He was definitely a boy. However, he couldn't control the mind of others on how they will perceive him. Having a slim body with 5 ft. height, has long silky and smooth raven hair, his long eyelashes, pinkish lips and snow-like skin; you can say he was cute and the same time beautiful. No wonder, strangers always thought him as a girl.

Hearing the word 'fat'. The leader of the Burning Arrow became more furious. Yelling, "The one who can capture that girl, will have a price!" 

Because of this, his member became more motivated to chase the owl logo Guy. Blinded by appearance, this Fat guy really thought him as a girl. With those words the owl logo Guy is even more eager to runaway. While running, he says 'excuse me' and 'sorry' to the people who were on his way.

 "Catch yah!" When he heard this, the owl logo Guy felt shiver from his spine going to his head. Horrified, he screamed "No! Go away!" That chaser was metered away from him. The chaser extends his hand to capture the owl logo Guy, but the chaser felt a hard thing hit his head, with a 'thud' he fell on the ground. The notebook that hit his head, feels like a stone.

The owl logo Guy luckily escapes from this, but not long when the Burning Arrow catched up to his pace. Scared to death, he screamed, again "Waah! Don't come near me! Why are you all chasing me? Did I do wrong? Go away!" his eyes moistened, a drop of tear almost fall, but he holds it.

The owl logo Guy took a deep breath, he then opened his Aqua colored bag and threw everything inside toward his pursuers. One by one the gang fell on the ground. This owl logo Guy was more worth it to be called as the 'Burning Arrow' because all things he threw surprisingly hit the target.

Right now, only his bag left and nothing inside but the Fat guy was still chasing him. The owl logo Guy wondered on how this fat guy gets his energy; as he stubbornly chased him. Without hesitation the owl logo Guy threw his bag to the Fat guy. He even plans to throw his own shoes if he misses it.

Almost out of breath, panting and scared to dead, he shouted "Someone please help m-" without finishing his word he bumped to somebody and fell to the ground. It was a big 'thud'.

The owl logo Guy cursed in his mind ''Bumping to that fat pig, running without even rest, losing all my things, and even fell to the ground after I bumped to someone else. How unfortunate. Lord, God are you punishing me?'' He complained throughout his mind. 

Zitrey was about to turn in the corner of the alley when the owl logo Guy bumped unto her. From the impact on the ground, Zitrey felt the slight pain on her back, but her expression shows no pain. Her head was in between the hands of owl logo Guy while his right leg was in between the owl logo Guy's leg. This position was quite awkward though it looks like this person forcefully pinned her down.

Zitrey look at the expression of the person who had bumped her. The owl logo guy brows are twitching like he was in a deep thought. Sweat was dropping from his forehead towards the bridge of his nose. Eyes closed showing his long eyelashes. His body was quivering and his skin color was bit by bit turning to pale. Zitrey was about to say something when her eyes glued at the pair of jade eyes staring at her, widely.

At the same time, the long raven hair of the owl logo Guy fell from his shoulder and gracefully dance with the wind. Because of this, Zitrey was filled with nostalgia when she smells the fragrance of the owl logo Guy shampoo. It smells sweet... like a newly bloom flower at Spring – a flower called Jasmine.

To be Continued...