Chapter 2: A new world

"Hey!. Hey! Wake up." a soft voice calmly said while softly slapping him.

Shi Fan suddenly jolted awake. The next thing he sees is a young girl about his age which is crouching at the ground he is sleeping at. As his vision is still blurry he could'nt directly see her face. He then finds something comfortable to put his back.

Lying down onto something hard he began observing things around him. Shi Fan can see a huge looming tree above him. He noticed his back is at the trunk of a tree. Upon feeling that his posture is alright he then observed the girl in front of him.

His eyes opened wide in shock. The lady in front of her is a real beauty that even the reigning Galaxy Queen is lacking in comparison to her. That innocent look on her face coupled with that pure white smile is what captured Shi Fan's heart that instant. He began to shake his head left and right thinking he's just imagining things. Alas, the girl is still there with the same beauty as he had seen before.

Since birth, Shi Fan has been greeted by countless beauties in social events but now looking at this girl, that so-called city or even country toppling beauties is nothing in front of this young lady. Her snow colored skin, round aquamarine eyes, as well as aqua colored hair and that amazing appeal when she wears her light blue armor. She looks so amazing like a water goddess.

"Hi yes, I'm sorry. Where are we?" Shi Fan said hurriedly he couldn't help but blush a little. Looking above he can see the lush leaves of a tall tree-like an acacia behind him except this one is huge in size.

"Oh? You don't know where you are?" the lady in blue asked.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry I'm new to this game so." Shi Fan spoke shyly.

"Oh? Ah, so you are a newbie then. Then let me give you an introduction to this place. This is the Kingdom of Estafiel. Also known as Graveyard of the Fallen with the player population count of almost 3 million individuals. It is ruled by King Sampem of the Seven Seas Guild." the lady slowly explained.

"Graveyard of the Fallen?" Shi Fan asked after noticing the grim title of the kingdom.

"Yep. Huge wars have been waged in these lands for years for its mineral-rich resources according to history books." the lady soflty said then smiled. Shi Fan's heart even if he is inside a game began pounding very hard.

The lady is about to talk again when she suddenly realized something. "Oh? That's weird. This is a level 45 farming spot so what are you doing here?"

"Huh? Hahaha." He just laughed a little, even he didn't know what happened before. Shi Fan looked around and he can see monsters that look like rhinos with level indicators mostly at Levels 42-46 as well as other players grinding the said monsters.

"You better return to the capital it's not wise for you to be here. Just a single one of them can insta-kill you." the lady interrupted his observations as she is getting something from her pouch. She pulled out a blue-colored runed stone. "Here, it's a teleportation stone set to the nearest revival point."

The young lady gave Shi Fan the stone. Seeing as Shi Fan was about to decline the gift she immediately said "Don't bother, think of it as a welcome gift"

The lady did not give him any chance to speak. Seeing her intentions he just happily accepted the blue colored stone with a rune symbol Shi Fan politely said thanks to the lady and vanishing.

"Interesting guy. Such a new person but I can already detect an Emperor Soul on him" the lady smiling as she looked where Shi Fan was before "Oh well, if fate allows we will see each other again." She looked in the bright blue sky above.

"Milady!" a male voice sounded from afar. Running to the lady in blue he immediately bent on his knees. "The supplies are here. It's time for us to depart"

If Shi Fan was here he will surely be shocked at this burly man as well as the lady. A Level 400 adventurer is actually respectfully kneeling in front of the lady he just spoke to.

"La la let's go" the lady turned around and skipped gracefully into the distant horizon.