Chapter 25: Heaven's Essence

Upon confirming what Essence that Roland meant he realized he would just rathered fight dozen raid bosses at the same time rather than accept such a quest.

"WHAT!" Shi Fan and Quan Shi couldn't help but both shout in unison. Only Shi Fan could be heard of course. The shout was too loud it captured the barkeeper's attention.

"You must be crazy!" he added.

"I know. Is it still easy for you?" Roland raised an eyebrow questioning if Shi Fan can still consider it easy to do.

Contemplating for a while Nah just kidding Shi Fan didn't even contemplate it for a second and immediately said. "Impossible."

Heaven's Essence. Also considered as the Energy Spirit of Rank 9 and above Monsters. Despite the hardness of the task what also made it hard is it's very low chance of dropping.

Since the release, there is still not a single Emperor back then as the highest know ranking reached is still at Rank 7. The first time it dropped and have been known to the public it started the War of the Kirin Plateau. Kirins are known for their tough armors and incredible speed which made hunting impossible. But Kirins are known Rank 7 and 8 players as only King Kirins which is Rank 9 have seen to only drop them twice.

It is very contested because when forged, the weapon that was imbued with it will be given a Private Weapon Skill the system has determined the user is compatible with. Which meant it cannot be traded, can not be dropped and also cannot be stolen by others.

There is also known other way to obtain such essence and that is to find the decayed spirit of monsters and synthesize them which can only be found from God's ruins which are rarer to be found than finding Rank 9 monsters in a field.

"See? Who told you I'll be this easy?" Roland laughed again as if his plan succeeded. Of course, you can choose not to accept such a quest but the rewards will be gone...forever." that momentary paused caused Shi Fan's hair to stand a little. With the quest requirement such difficult as this who knows how great the rewards could be. His father might be rich but he ever since he left his birth planet chose to live independently. So he knew the meaning of high-risk high reward otherwise he wouldn't dare to leave Stratos Company and just play the game.

His mind is still thinking when a system ping pulled him out of his consciousness.

[System] Roland the Great have given you: "3 Star Quest: Essence of the Gods."

"Do you wish to accept? If you chose to decline you still have a 6 month grace period for you to accept the quest again. Otherwise, it will be gone forever." the system written.

"This game is practically wishing me to accept this quest." seeing as the quest still has a grace period he respectfully chose to decline the quest.

Seeing as Shi Fan decline the quest Roland smiled a little. "At least you're not that crazy."

The duo kept on talking for about 10 minutes until Shi Fan noticed the time and he decided to go out of town and grind EXP's.

He said goodbye to Roland and left the Inn. He began wandering around the town asking for any monsters that give good experience points. After searching for half an hour he's still undecided where to go.

"Master, what's the nearest good farming spot?" Shi Fan, of course, needed the suggestion of his personal guide as to where it is.

"How about..the Glass Plateau?" Quan Shi suggested. Shi Fan is about to agree when his suggestion stupefied him.

"Isn't that the place with a lot of Reset traps?" Shi Fan asked. As he was searching for spots he also gathered about dangerous places around the town. One of them is the Glass Plateau.

One of the good spots for harvesting Rank-2 Glass Grass. It's by-product the Mirror Potion allows the user to have a chance to return damage dealt by others for a good percentage. This is why it is one of the coveted potions during raids as tanks will be the most benefitted with it. However, the place itself is full of traps which some can instantly kill players.

What made it worse is that most of the traps there are called Reset Traps. Which is, of course, traps that reset after a short period of time and can be triggered again.

"Just go there. No more questions. Chop chop." Quan Shi burned brightly which means he will no longer accept any buts."

"Fine." he began running towards Glass Plateau. Without Shi Fan's awareness, there are actually two groups in disguise which are following him ever since he left the inn. And the only individual to notice both of them is Quan Shi. Which is silently laughing as those idiots fall into his plans.