Chapter 58: Against all odds

Makiling looked at Shi Fan with deep contemplation. A kid not yet reaching Rank 9 to discover the power behind the sands let alone discover how it fluctuates at fast speeds. He smiled in deep awe.

"Even so, how could you possibly escape your current predicament?"

"It's simple, mana attracts mana. No matter how dense they would surely attract each other especially Innate Mana(the mana inside bodies of objects/living things)." Shi Fan pulled out the Sword of Uograzi and target locked Makiling. "Slash!"

Quan Shi smiled as his student figured out things by himself. However.."Hey, kid you sure about that?"

"What?" Shi Fan was about to land his slash. Even though he could only look forward the distance is still close enough for his sword to reach Makiling.

"Warning!. An adventurer activated skill [Slash] on you. Activate Defense protocol?" Another voice in Makiling sounded. However, it couldn't be heard by the other party. He just smiled again and said "Negative".

Makiling just stepped backward as Shi Fan continued to cast the "Slash" skill on him. As long as the target could be seen regardless of the distance anyone could activate melee type skills. His mana reached 0 after pouring out hundreds of skills due to his intelligence being boosted so high.

Shi Fan finally felt the Golden Sands stuck to his shoe falling out as he could now raise his feet up high. He looked towards Makiling as he continued to cast slash in order to counteract the mana regeneration until he reached the fishing pole.

He pulled out the pole with great difficulty despite his strength also boosted by his stats and sword. He contemplated on how heavy this thing could be as he compared the sword of uograzi to it. Their difference was massive. The sword of Uograzi could be comparable to a young branch from a 300-year-old tree however the weight of the former is the tree itself. He knew that Makiling was a very powerful individual yet he holds this pole like a twig.

"Goddamit" he said to himself. He's still so week right now yet a feeling of intense euphoria permeated right through him. He only have one desire right now. To stand toe to toe with powerful individuals that could flip mountains and trample the continents.

In a game where myriad of classes existed unique individuals pop up day by day to the point they no longer consider themselves unique yet they are still one in a million. Challenges that could determine the fate of the city, a country, an empire or even the Continent itself. All for reaching the ultimate goal, to become an Emperor that is unrivaled by many. Shi Fan knew if he couldn't possibly triumph against them, even being as strong as Makiling would only be a pipe dream.