
Talent a natural ability or skill which every human is endowed with, any human no matter who he/she is has a special ability,but at most times we neglect and hide our beautiful talents.

Fortunately humans in Greatcliff have a different opinion about talents,Greatcliff which was once a mortal world had a change in history when the ancestors of this world came together and decided to take talent into another level,they worked hard and bitterly for years before they finally came up with a result which they passed to their younger generation.

They discovered that talents could evolve and bring out powerful results,a man who is talented in the art of sword could evolve his talent granting him the ability to split mountains with his sword.

This discovery changed the system of Greatcliff,talent has now become the most important factor in a warrior's life,other citizens of Greatcliff also began to discover and awaken extraordinary talents .

Evolving their talents had a pretty good effect on their bloodline, their offsprings needed no longer to begin to search or seek for their talents, it could easily be discovered on their day of birth.

On the day a child is born a symbol would appear on the child's head,this symbol represents his/her talent,if the symbol is a spear,the talent of the child is to be warrior who wields a spear,if the symbol is a flame the child would be able to control fire.

But this doesn't happen immediately, one has to first evolve his or her talent to gain full control of his/ her talent,meaning the child who can control flames would not at first be able to do so,until he or she undergoes their first evolution, but before one can evolve their talent one had to have reached a particular cultivation level.

A ceremony which concerns evolving of talents is currently going on in a small clan which is located in the depths of Greatcliff.

The residence of the clan had few archaic buildings in it,with a very large space where several children were seated in a lotus position.

Several middle aged men and women gathered around the children, they should be members of this infinitesimal clan.

Among the bunch of kids was a lad who's presence could not be ignored he possessed silver hair that sparkled under the scorching sun,with an impeccable smooth skin and dark pitch eyeballs.

Apart from the fact that he is handsome he sat in a very conspicuous place,where anyone would easily notice him.

He is Ethan the genius of Figlake clan,he is fourteen,two or three years younger than his peers who are preparing to evolve their talents.

He his precisely the most talented offspring that the clan has ever produced,he possessed three talents which was a very amazing one even among big clans.

Standing in front of the lads was an old man with a bald head and long grey beards, he his Lawrence the patriarch of Figlake clan.

Figlake clan is a clan where poverty built its kingdom and hunger its throne.

They don't have any single treasure or money that they inherited from their ancestors who also suffered the same fate.

Their only means of survival was hunting for wild beast, which they would sell and also eat.

Almost everybody in the clan was a hunter,even the children that are seated are also hunters with great experience.

The only reason why all the children could participate in the ceremony of evolution was because no form of money or resources is attached.

The clan head just have to release his ring power(qi) and the talents of the children would absorb and evolve.

Training them to this stage was all because they only needed to build and refine their bodies which could easily be achieved by arduous training.

"Ethan,step forward"said Patriarch Lawrence.

The silver haired boy rose and walked towards Patriarch Lawrence with gracious steps.

The members of the clan suddenly began to grow anxious,Ethan was about evolve his talent they didn't know precisely what his talents were,only the clan head and Ethan himself knew,but they all knew that he had three talents.

There is always an increase in power when talents evolve but during the first evolution the only thing one gains is the control of one's talent,but it was still an increase in power as one was not able to do so before.

Nobody felt jealous about Ethan been the first person that would first evolve his talent,they all knew the importance of Ethan he was the only one capable of rescuing them from the abyss of poverty.

And the only way he could achieve this was to get admitted into a huge sect.

"Are you ready"asked Patriarch Lawrence.

"Yes I am ready "said Ethan in a very calm manner as he sat back on the floor in a lotus position.

Patriarch Lawrence hands suddenly began to glow with rays of ring power.

Ethan's body seemed to be like a magnet as the rays of ring power began to flow towards him.

The rays of ring power had almost reached him when suddenly three phantom symbols appeared on his head.

The first symbol was a huge sword that was covered in a scabbard,the second symbol was an azure coloured flame while the third was surprisingly an azure coloured mist.

The symbols absorbed the rays of ring power hungrily like a starved animal.

Out of all the symbols the only one which Patriarch Lawrence recognised was the azure mist which is popularly know as Crystal mist,it is a rare type of mist which can be converted into solid crystals,it was very dangerous as the crystal were very sharp and swift.

The grown up members had their mouths ajar,they didn't know that his talents were as good as this, two elemental talents and one weapon talent.

But Ethan and Patriarch Lawrence knew that it was not sufficient enough to get him into a huge sect.

There are precisely six types of talent namely nature talent,weapon talent,elemental talent,beast talent,titan talent and lastly celestial talent.

Nature talent was the weakest type of talent,it only grants the user control over vines,trees and plants which carried little or no force in it.

The next which is weapon talent grants the warrior a weapon and the ability to make use of it,this weapons were very strong and carried enormous power in it,but the issue about weapons was the part of comprehension.

The talent ranked third is elemental talent just like Ethan's crystal mist and azure flame,there are several other types such as darkness,lightning,light, metal, ice and so on,warriors with this kind of talent are always very powerful and could easily defeat a warrior with several weapon talents.

Next in line is beast talent a talent that grant humans attributes of Sedron beast,this talent gave the wielder innate skills of Sedron beast which they are talented in,not only that this talent also came with elements meaning every warrior with beast talent could control one or two elements.

The margin between a beast talent and an elemental talent was very wide,even with Ethan's talents he could still not meet up with someone with beast talent.