
Even though he was enraged Majid didn't throw his dice blindly, he could sense disharmony between the Hall Master and the Royal Guard. An apparent displease was on the latter face, the Hall Master didn't seem to respect him at all, it might be that he's a low ranked royal guard. The Hall Master didn't even glance or take the latter opinion while he was dealing with Majid, and he didn't use honorifics when talking with him.

Majid has grown tired of living in stress and fear anyway, what kind of life is this. Now he started to understand some of those unbridled MCs. They seemed unreasonable before, but in this kind of world to seek greatness, one must bet his life along the way. There is no way around it, fortune and danger go side by side. Majid shed another layer of his skin old skin and serenity descended on his heart evaporating the rage inside.

"Guoro, this is a sect internal issue, I hope you don't interfere, this treacherous animal doesn't respect his elders and he didn't admit to his sins."

Seeing as the royal guard didn't take Fanli side immediately proved his intuition was right and gave him more confidence.

"I'm not even a disciple of Divine Hammer Sect, how can it be an internal sect issue. Honored Royal Guard, If this one did wrong, I will accept my punishment without complaining. In the presence of the esteemed royal authority, I don't see anyone more fitting to judge his Majesty's subjects."

Song Fanli jumped from his chair, slamming his hands at the table, "Are you saying that I'm unfit."

"It's not that you're unfit, it's not your place, you're the one pursuing the matter on behalf of the Cloud Temple. You can't be the accuser and the judge, this clearly goes against reason. Only the venerate Royal Sect has such authority, are you saying you are an equal then?"

Majid knew he could beat such nonsense with reason, but it was no different from spouting nonsense in front of power. Only by borrowing royalty name can his argument gain weight.

Never in his dreams, Fanli would have thought a nobody and a little imp to bout would challenge his authority. It was an unwritten rule, you can't face the power of a Sect unless a powerful Sect is behind you. Your only option was bigging and hope for mercy.

"You, you…" no matter how angry he was, he couldn't find a come back without offending the royals.

Majid was delighted seeing the Man tongue-tied, it looks like we have brawn and no brain here.

"Our venerated ancestor established the schools' system to cultivate young talents, to protect and maintain the glory of our kingdom. As a royal guard charged with this mission and representative of the royal authority, I shall oversee this case myself. Does anyone have a different opinion."

A clan of the kingdom must serve the royals, yet this Fanli didn't care to blatantly say that his clan follows the Cloud Temple. But no matter what he was just a little guard, otherwise, he wouldn't be in this minor city instead of the capital. So normally he wouldn't get out of his way to provoke a Sect for no reason. But no matter what he's a royal representative, a bit of respect is mandatory, yet this Fanli didn't seem to put him in his eyes. He stored a lot of steam these past years, and he felt it was a good opportunity to release it all.

No that it turned out into a royal authority was involved, no matter how bold Fanli was, he could only blow his sleeves, as he set back on his chair.

"I ask honored royal guard for some time, I came here for the exam, not for a trial, I'm young and shocked by the developments, I need some time to clear my mind."

"You're excused." Guoro was amused, and he really liked the look on Song Fanli's face. This kid is something alright, what a waste that his cultivation is ruined. Otherwise, he would have taken him as a disciple, he shook his head lamenting.

"We don't have time to waste on you, say if you have anything to say,"

"Hall Master, you're overstepping your boundaries again, this is a trial held by the kingdom authority. If you want to pursue the matter, you have to respect the judge's authority." He didn't leave any opportunity slip, to widen the gap between the guard and the hall master in his favor. Even if the guard saw through his intention, he can be excused as a helpless boy defending himself.

"You, you…" where the hell does this imp came from, just you wait.

"Fanli, if you don't want to pursue the matter I don't mind."

Fanli didn't respond as he looked away, his teeth grounding against each other.

Majid took his time thinking, he saw Young Master Bi talking to some candidates discreetly, don't tell me he's… his face relaxed and a big smile took place. His mind ran simulations of different scenarios. After half an hour he felt he was ready, he thanked the Royal Guard before he walked toward the witness.

"Did you hear me say I am Cloud Temple Disciple myself?"

The boy started to think as his eyes were vacant for a moment, Majid strolled around him with his hands behind his back. Before the boy said anything he added, "but remember, lying in the presence of royal authority is a serious crime."

"Whom are you trying to scare, boy just say it, I guarantee your safety." Fanli looked at the boy fiercely, the latter's face turned white as of a sudden. Majid could tell that the Fanli was applying some kind of pressure on him. So he hurriedly turned to the Royal Guard, it was another chance to slap some faces. Didn't you say you gonna protect him let's see about that.

"Can I ask your honor, what is the punishment for perjury."

Majid suddenly felt a huge pressure fell on him, he looked at the Fanli and his eyes were trying to kill him if they could.

"Excuse me, your honor, I feel some treacherous soul pressure thrown around in blatant disrespect of your presence. I wonder if it's a just a rotten vengeful ghost, maybe we need to hold an exorcism session first." now that he was sure Guoro was in his side, he didn't hold back his jabs.

"You, you…" Majid for the first time felt a killing intent in his life, his hand went straight to his bone as Fanli stepped toward him.

Guoro slammed his hands on the table, "I won't allow anymore disgrace to the royal authority, any more and this trial is over. And I would report this breach to the School Master and even his Majesty no matter what it takes."

"Guoro, what do you mean by that," threat was apparent in Fanli's tone.

"I mean what I said," he glanced sharply at Fanli for a moment before he turned his eyes to Majid. "In response to your question, Indeed perjury in a heinous crime, It can go from a fine, imprisonment, or even death. It depends on the seriousness of the accusation."

And of course the mood of the judge, Majid laughed with himself.

"Your honor what about my punishment given I am proven guilty," Majid looked at Fanli instead. The latter sprung from where he stood again and interrupted.

"Since he didn't admit to his faults and his rudeness, no less than crippling his cultivation and 100 lashes." Fanli's eyes fixated on Guoro.

"Fanli, one hundred lash or even two, is still acceptable but crippling his cultivation is pushing it too far,"

"Guoro, this is no simple matter, I'm being lenient here not asking for his life. I would make sure the Cloud Temple know of this, can you bear the responsibility." He liked the boy, and really wanted to help him, if the Cloud Temple got involved though, the situation would turn serious even for him. He could deal with this Devine Hammer but the Cloud Temple Sect was on a whole other level. It's one of the 7 great sects of the kingdom, even the royal clan as the top power can't ignore their influence that easily.

Majid felt that the Guoro can't do anything about this, so he hurriedly said.

"Many thanks for the royal guard consideration, this one would accept his punishment as long as it's proven. and I demand the same punishment for whoever slander me, so long as it's proven false, what does the Hall Master thinks."

Fanli looked down at him, trying to be smart heh, you indeed gave me a hard time today boy, but you just dug your own grave. A vicious smirk grew on his face. "Of course, of course, if they did lie they deserve the same punishment," he looked at the witness with a meaningful look.

Majid looked back at the boy, "So did you hear me say it or not." He smirked before he said, "what are you turning white and blue for, if you say the truth there's nothing to worry about."

The boy hesitated for a long time before he said "I heard you say it," he looked away, his body perspiring furiously.

"See, I told you Guoro, wrap it up already, we wasted enough time," Fanli sprung from his chair again.

"Can't you set respectfully for a moment like the Elder you are, he said I did, I say I didn't, why should we believe him and not me."

A stifled laugh escaped Guoro, as fast as he got hold of himself but he didn't bother to hide the smile on his face.

Fanli wished he could strangle him then and there, but he could only play along. "Didn't you say I'm the plaintiff, so I can't be the judge, you're the defendant, you can't be a witness either."

"Is that so, I heard many farts today but your farts are the nastiest. I'm a witness in your farting case, so you don't have the right to argue with me."

Stifled laughs sparkled throwout the crowd like a chain reaction, but they shortly stopped as the Fanli shouted.

"What did you just said, I dare you to say it again,"

"Elder Fanli let me just take care of him, this is ridiculous," Song Bi strode without hesitation toward Majid like a predator to a wounded prey.

"Do I look like a joke to you, get the hell back to your place and don't make a sound until you're permitted." Guoro liked neither the master nor young master, this little bastard didn't seem to respect him either. Seeing as Fanli didn't say anything, Bi could only cower his way back to his place.

Majid bowed slightly to Guoro before he continued, "Ok now that no dog is barking we can go back to the subject. It's unbelievable right, Hall Master, so you admit it's retarded reasoning," Majid didn't hold back anymore, these guys wanted to crush him for no reason. The enmity is already brewed, might as well give them a concrete reason, so his mind can at least be at peace.

"Good, good, so one isn't enough is it, was any of you present," Fanli looked sharply at the crowd, it doesn't take them long before some raised their hands. Majid guessed most of them if not all of them weren't present at all that day, a cold smile couldn't help flash on his face.

"Come here," about six candidates appeared before Fanli, 4 boys and 2 girls. "Did he say it."

"Yes I heard him clearly say it, it like it just happened"


"I knew he was pretending…"

Fanli looked at each of them with a smile nodding his head, "Heh, imp, do you have anything more to say,"

Majid looked back at him, his heart was full of peace at the moment. "Hall Master, it's obvious they thought you're a despicable character and wanted to frame me out of pettiness. So they volunteer to curry favor with you, after all, you hold their fate in your hand as the Hall Master."

Silence took over the place, some even gasped, even Guoro was surprised. If the boy was defiant before and played some jokes on Fanli, now he directly insulted him.

"You, how dare you-" Fanli head was muddled, and the veins on his temple threatened to burst by this time. His whole body was shivering from anger.

"Hall Master, this is their thoughts, not mine, if you want to blame someone, you can blame them. Don't worry, I have a way to prove it, to prove they are lying."

The witnesses' eyes bulged as they looked at each other. Even though they were sure there was no way to prove they lied, remembering the punishment that awaits them, they couldn't help but shudder.