Chapter 10: Some Things Worth Mentioning

In the aftermath of the Battle for Huirot, the Demon army brought by Natasha took charge of clearing the land of west Chersea from the remaining undead of Seirna. To stop the spread of those creatures to the east, the Saint of Darkness joined hands with the Human Saint to erect another temporary barrier. Meanwhile, at first, the human populations that survived the 'Imperial War' and the 'Great Rising of the Undead' were unnerved by the sight of their horned defenders…

"Hey Maddie!" it was the Saint of Darkness, Natasha, who raised the issue one day while taking breakfast with us, "The demons were being attacked by the humans who are afraid of them. We can't finish the job because we had to defend ourselves from those idiots; fortunately, no one was killed just yet. But I'm afraid it would be so if we let it go just like that. Can't you do something about it?"

"Kuro, what do you think?" Maddie asked me.

"Well, we could use the Paladin Corps to accompany the demon armies and allay the fears of the population." I suggested, "I think the sight of your holy guards would make them realize the demons came as friends this time."

"Hmm…that could work." Maddie agreed.

"Hoh…you're really someone that's trusted by no other than the Human Saint now, huh, Kuro?" Natasha quipped.

"Thanks!" I replied, "Well, I'll always do my best for Her Holiness."

"Impressive…" Natasha was all-smiles, "You sure did your best. Now Lady Madelaine is the talk of the town; most people now look up to her as their savior…even from the demon armies."

"I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding, Lady Natasha." Maddie countered, "You know how our peoples had a bit of bad history together."

"Yes…" the Saint of Darkness seemed to ponder for a moment, but then she returned to her cheerful self, "In any case, Maddie, what do you think?"


"Can you lend me Kuro?"

"Are you wishing to die, Natasha?"

"Whoa, girl! Chill! I was just joking!" Natasha was quick to relent, dismissing Maddie's threats with a laugh. But I thought she was serious at the moment…

"Well, what are you intending to lend him for?" Maddie asked, "I could part from him for…a couple of days?"

That's great, Maddie! You threaten, then you ask…

"Heh…you're my guard Kuro, and you must be with me, not with someone else." Maddie told me in a matter-of-fact manner, "But then, I'd reconsider Natasha since she's the one who brought you to me."

Oh right! If I remember, the Saint of Darkness had given Maddie a magic circle that caused me to be summoned here. I've been wanting to ask her about that!

"Uh…Your Dark Holiness…"

"Not now, Kuro!" the Saint of Darkness seemed to have read my mind, "I prefer we talk about it in a more 'private' situation…"

"And pray, Lady Natasha, what do you mean by that 'private' situation?"

"I'll leave it to your imagination, Your Human Holiness."

"…" Well, this was getting awkward.

Maddie and Natasha were both smiling at each other, but I could see sparks flying from them. Was this their friendship? I mean, the Human Saint and the Saint of Darkness were friends, if I remember correctly, right?

"Kuro, there were things that even friends would fight out for." Maddie's sarcasm was oozing from her.

And Natasha was quick to back her up, "But don't worry, it's just a friendly competition…"

"Yes…very friendly."


Maybe I'll just proceed with eating my food while these two get 'friendly' with each other for a while…


And when the job was done, Saint Natasha and every demon with her returned to their own land, never to bother humanity again, but not before Maddie made sure that they were properly rewarded for their deeds. Though there were no medals or gold given to them, Natasha asked for economic concessions instead, like the right to trade with humans, and preferential treatment over other races with certain products and services.

Maddie agreed to most of them, of course. With the sudden push of humanity from a medieval society to a more modern one, the trade between demons and humans looked beneficial, rather than to have them both kill each other.


The event brought a new perspective on the human-demon relationship, and friendship blossomed because of that.


"That dark saint…she just did it!" Maddie had a wry smile on her face as she said that.

The demons were indeed gone, well, except for the demon merchants. After the war, there was a huge demand for guns—or what the Cherseans call the 'demon weapons'. Armies of the kingdoms in Chersea gradually shifted from swords and shields to guns and bayonets.

Of course, no wise merchant would miss the trend, demon or human, and so the trade for guns and gunpowder became lucrative.

I'd say Chersea began to abandon its chivalric past.

"Well, indeed." Maddie observed, "The age of the knights is almost over. However, I'm getting the feeling that we're about to have a new type of problem."

"Hmm…with technological advancements, humans would surely create new problems." I agreed with her, "However, with new problems are new opportunities."

"You're right. But what should we do about the demon weapons, first?"

Of course it worried Maddie. The proliferation of guns would surely lead from one tragic thing to another. Well, I think I'd seen enough consequences for this, so I kept mum about inventing artillery pieces.

"If I may suggest…" it was Lily who entered the conversation, "How about you continue with your plan in creating that 'peacekeeping' force you're thinking."

"Oh…right!" Maddie clapped her hands, "I almost forgot about that."

"And also, you could appoint several customs officials to supervise and regulate the import of these demon weapons." I recommended, "If the kings won't comply with your new laws, then you could use the sanctions to make them submit, or if they wanted war, the peacekeepers."

"I'd consider those." Maddie answered, "But could you explain to me what you mean by the customs officials?"

"About that…" I brought out several pieces of paper and presented those before her. I expected this kind of situation, so I made some notes about it, should Maddie deemed it necessary to consult it. The smile on Maddie's and Lily's face was so big it almost reached their ears.

"You know, Kuro…" Maddie then told me, "…if there's anything you want, please tell me! You see, I haven't given you any reward for your valuable accomplishments just yet."

"Yes, I agree with Maddie, Kuro!" Lily also said, "With what you did, you could ask for an entire kingdom to rule! Want me to ask the kings to grant you at least a land to govern? I've already received some proposals about granting you several titles and fiefs, you know?"

"And so do I," Maddie admitted.

"Nah! I'm good, really!" Well, a land to govern was something troublesome, though the monetary gain was good. I just wanted to have a peaceful, slow life in this other world I'm living in, surrounded by my friends and loved ones.

"Lily, Kuro just wanted to live with us." With a triumphant smile on her face, Maddie released my thoughts to her head maid.

"W-Well!" Lily blushed furiously, "So, do I! I don't need any titles nor royal positions if I'm with you, Kuro!"

"Yes…and we'll create lots and lots of children, right?" Maddie's perverted switch turned on once again, and I could see hearts oozing from her. She was already biting her lips, and caught my shirt, pulling me to her, "I think it's the ultimate reward I could give you, see?"

"M-Maddie, d-don't you think t-there's an order for things?" Lily was stammering.

"What are you wavering for now?"

"Though my body yearns for him, my heart's not ready yet!"

"Oh, then it's better! You're getting horny!" Maddie then unbuttoned Lily's maid uniform in front of me, and her other free hand was already fondling her friend's rich bosom while she licked her neck…

"Maddie!" the head maid cried but never resisted, "Ahn…stop!"

The sight is simply too erotic to behold, but my eyes looked nowhere…

"I-I'm f-f-fine." I was quick to stop them, before anything gets way out of control, "Don't you guys worry about my reward or anything. It's not like I did it for this." Well, to be honest, I wanted to do it too. My heart was already racing, and my body was raring to have a go.

However, I'm not some reckless pervert who'd take the opportunity to lose his virginity just because some girls were grateful for what I did.

What I mean was, I'd like to marry before I would do it with them!

"Hmm…" Maddie stopped at what she was doing, with a gentle smile on her face, "You're really something Kuro. How could you even control yourself in this situation?"

"I'm a teacher. Self-control is ingrained in my system."

"Alright!" the Saint chuckled, "I guess we'll have to wait 'till we get married then."

"Yes, let me find our own place to live in." I proposed.

"Hmm…but Kuro, how about you make that your reward?" Lily suggested.

"Nah…I got something else." Well, now that I had thought about it, for a reward, there's something I have in mind.


As for Seirna, she vanished after the Battle for Huirot, never to be seen again.

The Emperor confirmed this to us, for she usually visited him. However, Natasha herself thinks Seirna would return, for she's that hard to kill.


I mean, come on. She's one of the dreaded Saints in this world, and a simple slash to her neck would end her? That's pretty anti-climactic if you ask me. That's not how villains die most of the time, at least in my book.

Maddie also told me she talked to her godfather, who turned out to be a former agent of Seirna. During the battle, he was close to assassinating her, but his disguise wore off. Maddie said it might be because Seirna's magic vanished. I think it was when I slashed her neck.

I guess she used her magic to keep herself alive, huh?

The former prince Umberto Benicci then vanished, promising to watch over Maddie's actions as Saint. I don't know if he would return to complete his mission to kill her, but when he does, I'll make sure he could do that only when I'm dead.


The Empire of Chersea prospered during Jean Durres III, and, keeping his promise with the saint, he launched no invasion of north Chersea for as long as he lived.

Amaranth returned to its former glory as an economic powerhouse of north Chersea, but now, instead of a king, it was ruled by a Queen, Jessica Mae von Albert. She was the one who instituted the reforms her brother should've enacted.

Maddie's calendar came to be known as the 'Saint's Calendar', and the subsequent years were called 'the years of the Saint'. Her reforms brought about a new economic order in Chersea, and the standard of living slowly rose under her watch. The Cherseans thrived in the 'Saint's Peace', and they looked into this era as the 'golden age' of the land.


The surviving members of the Coalition eventually returned their own lands once the reconstruction of west Chersea, led by Maddie and Lily themselves, ended.

The students from the Mahan School of Swordsmanship suffered 12 casualties, both dead and injured. Because of that, they became famous throughout Chersea for the skill they displayed, considering their enemies, and the relatively low casualty count. Soon, Hagena was a bustling town because of the influx of people wanting to be students of the school, and its headmasters, Anton and Mariya Trevor became famous.

The Gryphon Knights became the model for the new branch of Chersea's military: the air forces. Ever since I taught Sir Dane the principle of 'tactical aerial bombing', it had been a mainstay of the Confederacy's armies. And soon, it was emulated by other kingdoms.

The Duke of Rubinforth saw his influence increased not only in Nerfes but also in Chersea, because of his valuable help in fighting the undead. In Fen, he was hailed as a hero, along with me and his holy daughter. Sophia and William also received a lot of marriage requests from other prominent nobles of the kingdom, intent on marrying into the Rubinforth House and have some 'hero blood' in their veins.

The Band of the Oak was now disbanded and was incorporated into the newly constituted 'peacekeeping' army. Gats and Tarasca became the commanders of a unit under this new corps, with Winters commanding the former 'Band of Brothers and Sisters' unit. Stephan and Kevin's units were also absorbed, and given new commanders from their own ranks as well: LeBran and Irvine.

Sir Simon remained as the 2nd Prince of Nerfes, but with greater power and influence than before. He was also seen as a hero among the long-line of Reeds that fought for Nerfes, though he was adopted into the house. As for his love, I guess he was still longing for King Rambo…

The Prince of Stadtsberg was elected as the Stadtholder of the League of Valley Cities, its highest leader, after the forced resignation of the previous one (brought about by his inaction in the 'Imperial War').

The Count of Brooke returned to his state in Amarth, where he was reunited with his family.

The Duke of Greene's title was elevated to that of a prince, as recognition for his heroic deeds in Huirot. His family became famous economists throughout Chersea, and Greene became synonymous for 'financial prowess' in the land.

The Count of Tillie also returned to his land, which received considerable financial aid from the Holy Palatial Gardens. He later was elevated to the title of Duke, in recognition of his efforts in the 'Imperial War'.

The Earl of Yares later became a famous adventure-seeker, but it was for another story.

The Duchess of Henristone…uh…well, she's a handful.


To recruit me to become her knight, she entered the service of Her Holiness, Madelaine Rubinforth, and became the new captain of the Paladin Corps after the vice-captain, Dame Atkins, refused the promotion (she claimed that she never wanted to speak over two words, so she declined the position).

Why did she become the captain? Well…

I resigned as Maddie's captain of the Paladin Corps, for there was one thing in my mind after surviving the 'Imperial War' and the 'Grand Rising of the Undead'…


"Uh…Kuro, are you sure this is all that you want?"

"Hm? Why not?" I asked Maddie, "This is my former job back in my old world."

"Well, you know you could ask for more." Lily told me, "The kingdoms of Nerfes are grateful for your efforts in saving Chersea from Seirna. And you know, my family is also thankful to you, for you tamed my curse. Because of that, I'm able to return to the House of von Leese, not only as their daughter but also as a hero."

"Nah, I just wanted something to do, you know." I admitted, "Staying at the Holy Palatial Gardens and doing nothing will kill me."

"It's true…" Maddie told Lily, with a sarcastic smile, "I looked into his heart and he's telling the truth."

"Sir Kuro is really strange." Eris quipped, "And what would an 'academic' school bring you?"

"Oh, plenty." I chuckled, "And not only do I get to benefit here, but all of Chersea would also gain from it. Imagine if there are many educated Cherseans here. Wouldn't Maddie's peace be achievable not only now but also in the long run as well?"

"Well, you got a point," Lily admitted.

"So, what are your plans now?" Maddie asked me, "You got your own school now."

"Ah, about that, first, we're going to hire teachers to assist me in running this place." I could feel the excitement in my heart as I look at the big palace-like building Maddie had given to me inside the Holy Palatial Gardens. It was to be called the 'Academy', after that first one in Greece back on Earth.

"Oh! I wanted to apply—"

"Nope. You're the Saint." I quickly countered her, "You need to focus on your responsibilities, especially now that all of Chersea looks unto you, their Saint, for guidance."

"Awww!!!" Maddie pouted.

"Well, it's all fine Maddie." Lily patted her in the head, "I'll make sure that Mister Kuro won't be chasing skirts here in his 'Academy'."

"What are you saying, Lily?" Maddie had a look of horror on the face.

"Well, I'm going to teach in this 'Academy' as—"

"Nope." I immediately rebuked Lily, "You're Maddie's personal maid; I won't be chasing skirts in this place of learning. It's the sacred duty of the teacher to think of the welfare of his students. But I already hired someone who'll teach with me."

"Oh?" Maddie and Lily stared at me.

"I think Lady Eris could teach a thing or two about history."


Eris had a triumphant expression on her face. Well, her appointment as a history teacher in the Academy I founded was well-thought of. She became my personal maid, and because of that, she would be near me most of the time. And since I could do things on my own, I won't need most of her services.

So, I guess Eris teaching history would be a nice addition to my school.

"Hmm…well, if you put it that way, I guess it's good with me," Maddie said, reading my mind once again.

"What did he think?" Lily asked her.

"Oh, it's purely academic, Lily." Maddie answered, "However, Lady Eris…"

"Y-Yes, Your Holiness?" the little girl turned to her.

"Take good care of Kuro, and I'll allow you to be his third wife!"

"For goodness' sake, Maddie!" I blurted out, "She's just a kid! I don't dig children; that's creepy!"

"Mister Kuro…" Eris cleared her throat, "I may be young, I'm also a maiden capable of love!"

"That's not how it works! I'm an old man already!"

"Hey…" it was Lily, "What about the Queen of Amaranth?"

"Huh? Oh yes, Queen Jessica." Maddie shrugged, "Well, she's the fourth wife."

"What? She's still open about marrying me?" I asked, "I thought with her brother's death, she's released from all her duties as the younger sister?"

"I guess she wanted to be your wife after all." Maddie could only sigh, "I mean, you're currently the hottest guy in all of Chersea, and many young ladies yearn for you, you know."

"Ah! I don't care about such things; I only yearn for deep and lasting relationships." I told them, "Anyway, let me do the thing I came here for…"

Maddie, Lily, and Eris looked silently as I pulled Luisa's newly repaired sword, and carefully planted it on the ground in front of the school. Then, turning to Maddie, I asked her to put a preservation spell on the weapon, so that rust and dust wouldn't be able to destroy it.

"Ad astra per aspera, Luisa…" I glanced up in the sky as I muttered those words, "In your memory and hard-work, I dedicate this place…"