Epilogue: A Legend's Disappearance

So in the end, I had no other choice but to stay in my old room in the Holy Palatial Gardens.


Well, it's not that I'm angry at Maddie for destroying my house since I plan to have it renovated anyway, but I think she's getting way too clingy lately.

Hmm…was it because we had so few intimate moments together?

In any case, I guess I'll have to deal with her soon, that's why I'm preparing for it right now.

"Sir Osmond, can you tell me where could I buy the prettiest ring in Arles?"

"Prettiest ring, huh?" the militiaman asked, "I knew a store for that, but what for?"

Oh, I forgot that this place was in a different world, thus it had a different culture compared to mine. And, since I intend to do it anyway, I explained to him…

"Well, from the place I came from, we give rings to the person we love as a sign of our willingness to marry."

"Oh!" there's a nasty smirk that formed on Sir Osmond's face, "So our very own Lord Kuro would want to marry a girl now, huh? Tell me, who is it? Is it the Iron Princess? Or is it Lady Braunhauer? You're pretty close to them!"

"Err…" I was having difficulty answering those questions. I don't know how would he—as well as the rest of Chersea—received the truth. But, well, I think I'd have to tell them eventually…so why not now? "Both of them…"

"Damn…you're one lady-killer, Lord Kuro!" the militiaman commented, "Those are two of the bigshot ladies in this land. Haha! And I won't be surprised if one day, you'll marry our beloved Saint as well!"

"What a coincidence! I'm doing that too."

"Surely, you jest."

"It's true."

"Really? You swear by Her Holiness' name?"

I nodded.

"Ptuu!!!!" Sir Osmond could not keep himself from spitting out the tea he was drinking. It almost hit me in the face, fortunately, I ducked in time, "My apologies for that, Lord Kuro. I was just surprised."

"Don't worry, I'm also surprised as well. I didn't have an idea why would they want to marry someone like me, but I'll be a responsible partner for them."

"Oh, Great Saint…my lord is becoming a real man now…"

"And stop calling me 'lord' for goodness' sake. I'm still the same old Kuro!"


And so, Sir Osmond helped me choose the rings for the four of them, Queen Jessica of Amaranth included. For Maddie, I chose a diamond ring with blue topaz in it, since I felt brave and courageous whenever she's around. For Lily, I chose a gold ring with an emerald, for she symbolizes calm and patience for me.

As for Eris, I bought her a silver ring with garnet, because she showed me what passion and devotion to her loved ones were like, even going as far as betraying Maddie to avenge them.

And lastly, for Queen Jessica, I plan to give her this platinum ring with a lapis lazuli stone, for through her I learned the value of wisdom and awareness.


"That sure is a lot of rings…" Sir Osmond commented after we came out of the jewelry store, "I hope your ladies will be happy with that."

"Yes…I hope so too!"

"By the way, want to eat out for a bit?" he invited me, "You still have to treat me to the stories of how you defeated the Imperials! The food's on me!"

"I could see no reason why not!"

And so, we went on our way to the famous restaurant Sir Osmond recommended to me. However, as we go along a narrow passageway…


Much to my surprise, I saw Ruro coming towards me! Or is it someone else? Well, I could somehow see that she looked like Ruro of the Wolf, but with longer hair and a restless expression on her face.

"Is that the Beastman Saint?" Sir Osmond asked.

"I don't know…but she looks so different." I stepped forward to greet her, "H-Hey there, Your Fluffy Holiness! Long time no see!"

"k-k-k…" she kept on muttering strange sounds.

"Are you alright?"

And then, without warning, she grabbed my hand and held it in an iron-like grip. It was painful and scary, but I kept my cool. Sir Osmond almost reached for his sword, but I stopped him midway.

"Your Fluffy Holiness… that's you, right?"

"k-k-k…" those were the only sounds that she made.

"Sir Osmond, I guess we need to cancel the eat out for a bit." I told my companion, "Will you help me bring the Beastman Saint to the Holy Palatial Gardens?"

"Sure thing!"

Sir Osmond then took Ruro's other arm, but as we were about to carry her…


"Sir Osmond!"

Something hit the militiaman at the back of his head, causing him to lose consciousness. I turned around and what I saw was Kashca with a stick in her hand. And was that a pair of fox ears and a tail on her body?

"Kuro!" Ruro suddenly grab hold of me and pushed me down. Her face was red, and she was panting strangely. From that moment, I knew it had to be her 'beastman' instincts acting up.

"Your Fluffy Holiness!" I tried to reason with her, "Please stop! You're out of your mind!"

"We're sorry for this, Sir Kuro!" Kashca told me.

"What do you mean?"

"Someone wants you eliminated." she explained, "And, seeing the opportunity, Her Holiness Lady Ruro of the Wolf proposed she took you to her land, instead."

"Hey, wait! Maddie's still waiting for me!"

"Kuro! You're mine! You're mine! You're mine!" Ruro kept on mindlessly saying that, it brought me the creeps.

"So please, stop resisting and come with us." Kashca said, "Anyway, you won't be able to fight with your arms restrained like that."


***A few distances away from Kuro***

An unmarked carriage bearing the king of Nerfes, James Walter Reed II, was parked nearby the alleyway where Kuro encountered the Beastman Saint. The monarch watched silently from afar as Kashca and Ruro carried away their victim.


A smile then appeared on his face.

At long last, he finally can remove that pesky commoner from his beloved, Madelaine Ann Rubinforth…