18. Wedding Duties

I was having a great time with Jeremy and Riley, I didn't realize it's six already. We continued our lunch to a cake discussion then turn into cake tasting, where they finally decided on the cake making me the deciding factor as the additional person.

They were both so glad that I spent the whole afternoon with them, helping them finish off all the undecided choices for their wedding stuff, including center pieces and garlands. "You guys! I've never seen so many shades of beige in my life. I think I might be color blind by the end of the night." I whined and pouted, while resting my head against Riley's chest.

"Jeremy! I never understand why your New York friends are all boring, egotistical, snob people. While I'm loving this one so so much! Maybe we should take Lorraine back with us? I might get bored being a house-husband, she will definitely cheer up my days." Jeremy laughed at Riley, and kissed his lips.

Awww... So sweet!

Now they dragged me to see one of the bands. They still haven't decide which one that was going to perform on their wedding. Then James called when we were about to enter the bar, I told him to come meet us at the bar so he can pick me up, because I didn't bring my car.

We were laughing and talking, still waiting for the band to play their song, when James found me.

"Lori." He pulled me up from my seat and gave me his hot scorching kiss.

"James." I moaned his name, and circled my arms to his shoulder. Suddenly I felt like there were no one else but us.

He pulled me flat to his chest, as he put his hand on the back of my neck, while his other one cupped my cheek. I moaned his name, making him groaned. Until people were whistling at us liking our little kissing show. He finally peeled himself off of me, as I blushed profusely.

Riley was looking at me knowingly, while Jeremy was trying to keep his cool. "You must be James. Come, have a beer with us man. I'm Jeremy, and this is my husband to be Riley."

"Please James, an hour max. They need me to pick a band, we're already here anyway." I whispered in his ear, he finally sit down on the booth next to me.

"Okay, but I will want something in returned for the one hour that I will be missing doing it with you." He whispered back in my ear huskily. I know I was instantly wet down there. He slipped his hand to my inner thigh covered jeans, making me gasped.

"So, what's good here? We will eat here Lorraine, so I can ravished you soonest we get to your place. It's closer from here." He was asking me, but was loud enough for Jeremy and Riley to hear. Jemmy was choking on his beer, while Riley was giggling while trying to keep his face still.

This man...

He finally ordered us large pan pizza and some chicken wings, and more beer for us. And water for me, since I was still on my pain meds. He asked about my ankle, and satisfied seeing I actually look okay with my pain.

"So, congratulations on your upcoming marriage. I've heard that Lori will be your best-man, and yes, I will attend the wedding. I'll note it down on my calendar." James opened the conversation, then we all talked the until the band start playing.

"These guys are good. So, what are you waiting for?" I looked at them confused.

"You really think so? Jem said they sounded a bit too romantic." Riley smiled, looking worried at me.

"It's a wedding, it's supposed to be romantic. Unless you wanted to turn it into be a really gay wedding, and invite Cher to performed?" I raised an eyebrow to Jeremy challenging him.

"Look, this band fits perfectly with the romantic cake that we decided, and all the beige decorations, I think this is the way to go. Jemmy babe, you know I love you. Why don't you give this one to Riley yeah? And make him happy? It's his wedding too. He has good taste, it'll be classical romance. There, that's your wedding theme." I smiled at both of them. Jeremy finally smiled back at Riley and me. Riley was grinning at me hugging me, mouthing silent thank you to me.

I stood up and decided it's time to go. James was already settling our bill with the waiter. "Now, I think it's time for James and I, to leave you guys with your choices. Riley, seriously call me if he started changing anymore plans okay? No wonder you guys didn't get anything finished, you should hire better wedding organizer, the one that you have is a bit too caffeinated and easily intimidated." I hugged Riley and Jeremy, while we said our goodbyes.

"Finally, I got you to my self. So that will be one hour twenty nine minutes, we will see how many times you can cum in that allotted time frame." He whispered sexily in my ear, making me gasped and squirmed.

"But I...no! That's too much time for me James! You didn't say anything about..." I was babbling, until he started kissing me in the car.

His driver was already going to my place, I didn't even know when he was informed of my building address, but we managed to arrive there. He took his overnight bag with him and told the driver to go back, and not to wait up for him.

He threw his bag on the floor and started stripping my top off, my bra was magically on the floor. I was a moaning mess under his touches already. I know I was wet, really really wet already. He pushed me down to the sofa and licking my nipple, while his hand caressing the other one.

"Fucking hell James!" I arched my back giving him more. "Your clothes, take it off." He pulled me to sit up and took my hand, getting the message I quickly stripped his jacket and shirt off, then I kissed him hard, he was groaning, then moaning my name.

Feeling brave I pushed him down making me straddle him. "Fuck Lori, grind me baby. Fuck yes. So fucking good baby." I started moving down, unbuttoning his pants then stripped him naked. He was already hard and moaned my name, when I lowered my lips to his erection, and started licking it. I was sucking his tip, and slowly lowering my mouth to his, while my hand was fisting the rest of him.

"Lori! Baby, fucking hell!!" He came in my mouth after vigorous sucking and licking, I take it all making him shudder under me. I could feel him twitching, while he came down from his climax and emptying all of him in me. "I missed that baby. I missed your sexy mouth on my dick. Come it's my turn." He smiled deviously at me as he started kissing me roughly, making me whimpered.

"Fuck! You do like it when I'm rough with you! Shit! Sexy baby. This is going to be a long night."