
Kael panicked as he saw that the enemies arrived and he was not there to lead them. Enemies flooded the vicinity and Kael's heart raced. He moved on his fastest to immediately lead the troops.

Running in full speed, he draws his sword in his side and was fast approaching. His soldiers were all confused as they didn't have commands to follow.

All was a brawl, they didn't have formations yet. He rushed towards the battlefield and saw his soldiers were attacked. Kael jumped to the fray and immediately leads them.

"Everyone regroup! Spearmen make a phalanx! Swordsmen! Make a circular formation in beside spearmen! Two handers! Make a way for us to go through! Daggers! Chains and Brawlers! Come with me!", He said to them.

Immediately, the two-handers swings left and right their heavy weapons. Making the enemies thrown by the impact. Kael charges as the two-handers executed his command.