Epilogue (1)

"1...2....3... CLEAR !" The defibrillator surge as they made a Girl's body jump. " again.." she get the machine ready. "1...2...3...Clear!" They Say again.

Two minutes later.

"beep...beep...beep..." a machine made, that was the noise she kept hearing in the other world.

"She's back alive" a male voice said.

"Check pulse, blood level, sugar level and everything else. Note it down" The male ordered.

Nora was confused, who was talking and what happened. She thought she had died. Her eyes moved under the eyelids and her finger moved. "Doctor! her finger moved!" a female said before he left.

He quickly went to see, he opened her eyes to check if they were responsive. The sudden light made her eyes closed directly. And the nurse smiled.

It was weird, didn't the female said doctor.... was she in a hospital?

. . . . .

Couple of days later, when she had fully awaken and rested. She check for any wound but she had no scars or wounds. She wondered what had happened. Has what she lived all a Dream, but if it was one. Why died her Heart hurt so much. She brought her knees to her chest, as she placed her hand in between both, and rested her head on her knees. A nurse entered. "Hello Nora, how are you feeling?" she ask

"my Heart hurts... its painful.." she spoke. The nurse was surprised and thought something was wrong. She wrote it down and went to get the doctor. The male arrived and look at her.

"what's wrong Nora?" he asked.

"My Heart hurts... its painful... its feel likes its tightening on itself, i feel like i'm suffocating.." she begun to cry. "it hurts..."

"do an emergency scan" he Say checking the monitor, nothing seemed to be abnormal. The nurse nodded and got the scan ready for her.

"Does it hurt anywhere else?" he ask. She shook her head off as she hugged herself.

"Can i ask a question ?" she ask.

"of course"

"how long was i in hospital ?"

"for 18 days, so 2 weeks and 4 days. You fell into a coma." He explained.

"Can i ask another question?" she ask

"if course" he nodded.

"how did i fall into a coma?"

"we don't know for sure. Nothing from your surroundings, and test didn't explain anything. We just thought you didn't sleep enough. Or you fell into a deep sleep. Type 4/5 which, is similar to a coma. But you can't wake up from it." he explained.

It seemed really much like one.

"i had a Dream..." she Say.

His eyes widen. " what was the Dream about?" he ask

"i.. i was chased by a killer, and killed several Times but i Always got revived... we... fell in love at some points... and then... well... we were going to kill each other... but ended up killing ourselves...." she Say. Hugging herself more tightly. "but my Heart hurts.... is it because... of my dream." She ask looking at the doctor.

"it may be possible, you may he having symptoms of Heartbreaks Syndrome" the doctor replied. Nora didn't have much of a reaction

"Doctor... has someone been refer to this hospital as the same condition as me?" she ask.

"this is confidential my dear" The doctor replied.

"oh.." she nodded, she look empty.

"Listen, just don't tell anyone. there's has been several cases of your conditions. And i will admit, another patient had been refer here at the same times as you, and has mysteriously awoken about the same times as you" He replied.

Her eyes lit up a little "What's their name?" she ask.

He hesitated. "Well.." he look at her.

"oh.. confidential.." she nodded and look at the window.

"Nora Can i ask you a question ?" he ask.

She look at the doctor "Of course doctor" she nodded.

"Can i ask You who was the Killer in your Dream?" he ask

"He was a boy, his name was John — from what he told me. His 19 years old, i think. And he was a Killer in my dream; we pursued each other. From the first Time i thought that if i get Killed i'll be stuck and never be awake, but if i killed him then i'll be awake again. I never thought that we would end up killing ourselves...." she replied. "but, i know that he was in love with me... and that i fell in love with him." she added.

The doctor nodded, he was satisfied with the answer.

Her family entered the room as the doctor finishes to take notes. He nodded at them and left, her Mum hugged her and the boys also hugged her. She smiled awkwardly at them; like she had been for the last 4 days.

. . . . .

The doctor, him, walk to another room.

"Hello John, how are you?" the Doc ask.

"empty.." he replied.

"Why?" he ask.

"i miss her" John replied.

"The girl in your Dream?"

The patient nodded.

"was the girl's name Nora?" the doctor ask.

John's eyes widen surprised, he had never mentioned her name. The doctor smiled.

"well, that's a New case!" he Say.

"what do you mean?" John ask confused.

"You were a Killer?" he ask

"yeh, and i don't know why." he answer "i don't know why i ended up killing a girl and then pursuing another one.. All i know is that i loved the girl and now i have a broken heart..." he replied.

"Seems like similar symptoms to her." he mumbled.

"her?" John ask "you mean Nora? that's just a Dream. I don't think it was Real... But i can't escape the image of seeing her killing herself... she wanted to kill me but didn't bring herself to" He spoke

"i know." the Doc smiled. "She's 16 years old, She is called Nora. She was in your Dream, and ended up killing herself. You pursued her to kill her, but ended falling in love with her. Before you Killed her, she said she was in love with you and then killed herself. You ended up stabbing yourself and hugged her till you both died" he Say in a summary from both visions.

"yeh, that sound about right" John replied. "Doctor, has any similar conditions as me existed?"

"of course. Don't tell anyone, but a girl has been admitted lately with the same problem as you" The doctor replied.

John's eyes open wide "don't tell me.... that its...." he Say.

The doctor only had a smile on his face.

"What room is she in, i need to see her!" he Say, getting ready to get out of bed.

"stay here and rest. You will meet her soon." the doctor pushed him back on the medical bed and look at him.

"It is really strange, that two of you arrived at the same Time, same condition and were in each other's Dreams. What were you doing?"

"i was watching a horror film on Netflix, you know. Getting in the Halloween mood" He chuckled.

"interesting" he replied. "alright, now question. Do you feel any pain? "

"no, not anymore. " John answers.