
On the summit of Infernal Mountain, amidst the perilous Decaying Peaks, also known as the "Death Peaks," a white-haired youth with fiery red eyes leaned against a withered willow tree. His body was adorned in crimson garments that were now drenched in his own blood, while numerous open wounds marred his once-flawless skin.

It had only been a few fleeting breaths since he had taken refuge on the tree, yet a pool of blood had already formed beneath his feet. Despite being mortally wounded, he managed to remain standing, relying on the indomitable strength of his demon physique.

His chest heaved with each labored breath, its pace enough to instill fear in any ordinary person. Even in the face of certain death, he refused to yield, his body propped up by the willow tree. But it was his eyes that revealed his true nature—cold, calm, and piercing, akin to two gleaming daggers. The edge of his mouth curled into a sneer, brimming with profound disdain.

Surrounding him, within a radius of several thousand feet, the ground was littered with severed limbs and mangled corpses, bathed in a macabre tapestry of fresh blood. Human experts encircled the youth, their voices raised in menacing threats. Yet, none dared to engage him directly; instead, they strategically blocked every conceivable escape route.

"Yuan Ren! You're trapped! If you surrender the map that leads to the royal demon palace chamber, perhaps we will grant you a swift death," one of the human experts called out, his voice laced with a mixture of coercion and false mercy.

"Today, we shall exterminate the last surviving member of the royal demon clan. Hand over the map willingly, and you may die without suffering," another added, his words dripping with sadistic satisfaction.

Yuan Ren listened to their words, observing their postures, but there was no hint of fear in his eyes. He scoffed at their ultimatums, his gaze brimming with a cold arrogance and unwavering pride. He knew he was surrounded by an army of human experts, with no hope of survival, but as a prince of the royal demon palace, he refused to relinquish his dignity.

"Do you all...desire" Yuan Ren's voice resonated with a chilling, cynical laughter. Slowly, he raised his right hand, revealing a scroll emanating a dim radiance. As the map came into view, the onlookers froze in their tracks, their eyes transfixed by the allure of its power.

"My father devoted his life to saving the world, nurturing countless children, seeking neither reward nor fame. But due to your insatiable greed, you humans slew my father, massacred my kin, and laid waste to our kingdom. And now you speak of heaven's retribution!?" Yuan Ren's voice was filled with venomous hatred, each word dripping with disdain.

"I own weakness. If I had foreseen this, if I could turn back time, I would have stopped my father at any cost from forging an alliance with your kind," Yuan Ren continued, his words resonating with the seething anger that consumed him. The memories of his father's death and the annihilation of his clan burned bright in his eyes.

A palpable silence hung in the air as Yuan Ren glared at the individuals who encircled him, his gaze brimming with fury and unadulterated hatred. With a smirk, he uttered, "You despicable humans! You covet my map? You are all deluding yourselves!"

In that moment, a fierce wind howled, thunder reverberated through the air, and the sky

darkened ominously. Without hesitation, Yuan Ren raised his hand and flung the map into the air, swiftly slashing it with his dagger.

"What have you done?!"

"He destroyed it!"

"Yuan Ren! Do you truly desire death so ardently!?"

The map disintegrated into countless fragments, reduced to ash with a mere flick of Yuan Ren's hand. The onlookers stood in shock, their greed transformed into frustration and rage.

"Kill him now!"

"A mere level 0 demon dares to mock us!"

"Yuan Ren, there is no longer any purpose in keeping you alive!"

A dozen experts lunged toward Yuan Ren simultaneously, their intent to eradicate him clear in their eyes. Yet, as they closed in, Yuan Ren burst into laughter—a weak, dry sound, but one infused with arrogance. "I may not possess the ability to kill you all, but don't assume you can kill me! You worthless scum are unworthy of taking the life of this prince!"

Amidst his laughter, Yuan Ren summoned the last remnants of his strength and leaped backward with astonishing speed. Though a mere level 0 demon, his swiftness surpassed that of any human expert.

"Someone stop him!"

"He's trying to escape!"

Hands reached out, attempting to seize him, but they could barely grasp his ethereal shadow. However, one hand managed to slice off both of his horns, a final act of defiance. Helplessly, they watched as Yuan Ren's body plummeted into the treacherous depths of the peaks.

"Let us depart. None can survive in these unforgiving peaks."

"I managed to sever both his horns—a disgrace for a prince of demons."

After his leap, Yuan Ren closed his eyes and began to reflect. "There is nothing that holds me here any longer. I am unburdened by the cruelties of this world. Father, my clansmen, I apologize for my failure. I could not avenge you."

"Uncle, I have failed to live up to your teachings. I am sorry. Your sacrifice was in vain." Yuan Ren's thoughts became consumed by the scenes replaying in his mind—the valiant last stand of his uncle, who singlehandedly decimated a group of human experts before meeting his inevitable demise.

Unbeknownst to Yuan Ren, a blinding red light erupted beneath him, engulfing his tear-streaked face as he drowned in the memories of the past. The forbidden land of Genesis bore witness to the anguish and determination of a fallen demon prince, lost amidst the echoes of his shattered pride and unfulfilled vengeance.