Leaving the Ye Family

After breaking through to the second level of Arrival God, Yuan Ren's body was filled with vigor and vitality. He felt that every bone and meridian in his body was filled with potent energy waiting to be unleashed. Sensing the changes in his body, he casually threw a punch into the air, causing ripples to form around him. "So, this is the power of the second level—how exhilarating!" Yuan Ren exclaimed as he gazed at his fist, clearly delighted by his newfound strength.

Making his way to his room, Yuan Ren was greeted by a group of Ye family servants, especially the ladies, who were throwing flirtatious glances at the young man. Upon arriving at his room, Yuan Ren opened the door, and in a swift, dark motion, a shadow pounced on him. Yuan Ren smiled lightly as he opened his arms to catch the shadow. This shadow turned out to be the silver wolf king pup he had found in the Death Forest. The pup continuously licked his face while wagging its tail. Yuan Ren chuckled and said, "Alright, alright, stop licking my face." He gently placed the pup down and began preparing food for it. Upon seeing the food, the pup gobbled down the meat in the blink of an eye.

After feeding the pup and changing his clothes, Yuan Ren emerged from his room, a sense of purpose guiding his steps as he ventured out to find Ye Xinyue. The mansion's lavish corridors sprawled out before him, adorned with opulent decorations that were a testament to the Ye family's prosperity.

As he walked, his thoughts drifted back to the last time he had encountered Ye Xinyue—a memory of her laughter dancing in the air during a family gathering. Her grace had stood out amidst the crowd, captivating his attention and etching an image in his mind that he couldn't easily forget.

Yuan Ren's heart beat with determination as he navigated the hallways, replaying the memory of their interactions in his mind. He pondered how to express his intentions to her—how to explain that he was planning to bid farewell to the Ye family in pursuit to return to his hometown and obtain revenge.

Passing by the mansion's exquisite garden, he spotted her amidst the vibrant blossoms and lush foliage. Ye Xinyue sat on a bench, engrossed in a book, her expression one of peaceful contemplation.

He took a moment to admire her from a distance—the gentle curve of her profile, the soft sunlight casting a warm glow on her skin, and the tranquil atmosphere that seemed to envelop her. Summoning his courage, he approached, his steps measured and deliberate.

"Ye Xinyue," he began, his voice calm yet carrying a note of determination.

She looked up, her eyes meeting his with curiosity and recognition. "Yuan Ren," she greeted, setting her book aside and offering him a polite smile. "What brings you here?"

He took a deep breath, steadying his resolve. "I wanted to speak with you about something important," he said, his tone sincere.

Ye Xinyue's expression grew more serious, sensing the weight of his words. "Of course, What is it?"

Yuan Ren's gaze held hers, his eyes unwavering. "I've come to a decision," he said. "I've realized that I need to leave the Ye family and embark on a journey of my own, as I have grudges that need to be avenged."

Her surprise was evident, though she maintained her composure. "You're leaving?"

"Yes," he replied, his gaze still locked with hers. "There is something that I must do."

Ye Xinyue's thoughtful gaze held a mixture of understanding and respect. "I appreciate your honesty, Yuan Ren."

He nodded, his expression earnest. "I wanted to bid you farewell in person. You are the first friend I've made since coming to this place."

Her smile was gentle, her eyes reflecting a deep appreciation for his candor. "I'm grateful that Young Master Yuan sees me as a friend. Ye Xinyue won't forget the kindness you've shown me," she said. "Please be careful on your journey, and if you have time, please visit us here."

After his conversation with Ye Xinyue, Yuan Ren felt a sense of duty to inform the Ye family patriarch of his decision to leave. It was a matter of respect and gratitude for the opportunities he had been given within the family.

Seeking out the patriarch's hall, Yuan Ren entered the grand room with a mixture of solemnity and gratitude. The patriarch, a wise and formidable figure, sat behind an intricately carved desk piled with ancient tomes and scrolls.

"Yuan Ren," the patriarch greeted with a knowing look in his eyes. "I've heard that you wish to bid the family farewell."

Yuan Ren nodded respectfully as he bowed. "Yes, Patriarch. I believe it's time for me to embark on my own journey."

The patriarch leaned back in his chair, studying Yuan Ren for a moment. "Your resolve is strong, and your spirit mirrors that of a true cultivator. Before you go, there's something I'd like to offer you."

With a flick of his finger, he retrieved a small, ornate box in a flash. Inside were an array of colorful pills, each emanating a faint aura of energy. The patriarch spoke, his voice carrying a mix of wisdom and fondness, "These pills are a gift—a token of the family's support. They will aid you in your travels, enhancing your abilities and offering protection when needed. Don't you dare not accept it; this is just me repaying you for saving my daughter."

Yuan Ren's eyes widened in surprise and gratitude. He had heard tales of the potency of the Ye family's elixirs, and to be entrusted with such a valuable resource touched him deeply.

"Thank you, Patriarch," Yuan Ren said with genuine appreciation. "I am honored to accept your gift."

But the patriarch wasn't finished. He then produced a small, unassuming ring, its design elegant and understated. "And this," he continued, "is a spatial ring. It will allow you to carry more than you can imagine on your journey, without the burden of weight."

As the patriarch placed the ring in Yuan Ren's outstretched hand, Yuan Ren could hardly believe the generosity he was witnessing. "I don't know how to express my gratitude," he said, his voice tinged with emotion.

The patriarch offered a warm smile. "Your spirit and determination have not gone unnoticed, Yuan Ren. We believe that you can stand on top of this world if given enough time; don't die young."

With a deep bow of respect, Yuan Ren expressed his heartfelt gratitude. "I will carry the Ye family's values and teachings with me on my journey. Your kindness and guidance will always be a part of who I am."