I Didn't See That Coming

The boy takes another bite of the bun as he slowly looks at me from head to toe before suddenly nodding his head. "Was that a yes? You'll stay with me?" I ask with uncertainty. The boy chews the steam bun looking like a little hamster as he nods his head again.

He's so cute! I large smile breaks out across my face as I nod in happiness. The young boy watches everything with a blank face as he continues to eat. I'm pretty sure he's nearly eaten the whole bag! Hmm... he is a growing boy so he'll need lots of food!

"Okay! This older sister will make lots of money so I can buy you a lot of yummy food okay?" I say pointing to myself. The boy nods his head as he continues to eat. I walk over and pet him again saying "Good boy"

I squat down next to him and begin taking off the chain around his neck. He freezes at first but slowly goes back to eating when he sees me removing it. After a few more twists with the key the man gave me, he's finally free! I step back with a large smile while saying "You look so much better! I won't let anyone else ever put another chain on you!"

The young boy nods his head as he begins picking up the crumbs from the steamed buns. He had eaten the whole bag! He must have been super hungry... poor thing. "We need to get you cleaned up so we can leave as soon as possible. I ran away from a super crazy strong guy two cities over so we need to keep moving."

The boy pauses to look at me with a curious look so I quickly say "A quick explanation about what happened is this, He kidnapped me, held me against my will and then tried to force me to marry him. Crazy huh!? That's why I'm running away... I would beat him up but he's way too strong so all I can do is run... are you okay with that?" I turn to look back at him.

He nods his head but suddenly something comes to mind. I smack my forehead and instantly cry out! "Holy cheese nips that hurt!" I say gently touching my forehead. It must have been when I fell earlier... oh well. I turn to look at the boy and quickly say "I said sister before but from now on you have to address me as your older brother. I'm dressed like this to make things easier."

The boy's expression never once changes as he nods his head again. I frown and sigh... I guess I don't have anything to worry about since he never speaks... I then turn to him and say "Let's get you cleaned up okay?" He nods once again and walks over to me.

I bring him to the water's edge and begin by cleaning his face. The more I cleaned off the more shocked I became... he was so cute!! He would be a knock out when he gets older! As I finish washing his face I bring his hands over and begin washing them in the water.

The boy watches me with those dark eyes the whole time as I clean his hands but when I look back to him I see him looking at my forehead. "Does it look that bad?" I ask with a small smile. The boy's dark eyes shift to mine before nodding and looking back at it.

Suddenly he leans over and kisses my forehead. The pain was intense as a blinding light knocks me over. Confused I bring my hand up and cover my eyes as I try to figure out what just happened but I soon find a problem. Even with my eyes closed the light was still blindingly bright.

Was this like being blinded by a flash on a camera!? Suddenly I feel like a warm soft blanket is placed over me, wrapping me up tightly. The soft blanket soon turns into a death trap! It continues to tighten around me until I can hardly breathe but I still couldn't see anything! Everything was still super bright as I struggle to break free. What was happening!?