
"Boss wants... the cute little bunny?" The man asks looking over to the handsome man sitting down. The man tilts his head to the side as he watches me glare at them all. He then shakes his head and says "She's pretty but not my type... you can have them."

The men surrounding us all laugh in happiness and say "Boss is truly the best!" As the men step closer to us, I back up to the other women and glared at the approaching men. I grit my teeth in anger as I say "If you lay a hand on any of us I will rip your *beep* off and shove it up your *beeping beep* hole!"

"I'll then shove his head up your *beep* before ripping his *beeps* off you nasty *Beep beeping beep beep beepers*!!!!!" I yell at the top of my lungs causing all the men to freeze and look at me with large shocked eyes. I glare at them like a wild animal as laughter from the attractive leader breaks the silence.

"Wow... you sure are a feisty one aren't you. Your looks are deceiving..." The attractive man says with a chuckle as he gets up from the chair. He struts over and stops in front of me before squatting with an amused smile.  

"Tell me little bunny, what's your name?" He says looking into my green eyes. I continue to glare at him causing his amused smile to grow. His eyes flicker across my body but his eyes stop at my necklace. My heart skips a beat but I try my best to remain calm... I don't want him thinking it's anything special.

He reaches out causing me to lean away but when his dark eyes jump up to mine, they hold a warning. I grit my teeth even more as he reaches out and gently grabs the glass vial. His eyes light up as he says "You seem to be filled with surprises... what is this bunny?" 

I continue to glare at him as he snaps the necklace off my neck. My fists tighten as I try to break free but the ropes are just too strong. I try to remain calm but when he looks back to me, he must see something in my eyes. His smile grows as he says "I think I'll keep this for safekeeping... why don't you join me tonight bunny?"

"I'd rather bite my own tongue off and kill myself..." I say between my clenched teeth. He stares at me for a few silent moments before throwing his head back in laughter. "How about we make a deal? If you agree to be my woman, I'll let all these women go... how does that sound?" He says with laughter in his eyes.

My glare falters as I think about the women behind me. Their crying and sniffling intensify as the men around us look at me with growing anger. The man in charge has my necklace... I'd need a way to get close enough to get it back...

The man watches me with glittering eyes as if he finds everything entertaining. I deflate a little as I say "If you let the women go and promise not to harm them... I'll agree." The man in charge watches me with a knowing smile as he says "You have my word."

"Boss!! You can't be serious! What about us??" The men say with discontent. The leader looks up to the surrounding men and says "We leave first thing in the morning." He walks over and goes to grab me but an angry man steps forward, blocking him. 

"This is bullshit! I wan..." Suddenly I'm covered in warm blood! The women behind me all scream in fear as the leader pulls his hand back out of the man's chest. I look up in horror to see a fist-sized hole through the man's body. I can see through it!! 

The man starts to fall back, towards me and the other women but the leader quickly grabs the man's shirt and tosses him to the side like a pile of trash. "Does anyone else have a problem with my decision?" He says looking back to me. 

The other men quickly shake their heads as the leader steps closer. I no longer glare at the man as I freeze in fear. He literally shoved his fist through the man's chest like it was butter! He didn't even bat an eye!! He's dangerous... extremely dangerous!

He can just keep the necklace for all I care!! I'd rather run for my life. To my surprise, he scoops me up and carries me up the stairs! I thought for sure he'd throw me over his shoulder like a sack of tators! I stay frozen stiff in his arms as he walks all the way to the last room.

He kicks the door open and walks in. He places me on the bed before shutting the door and locking it. He walks over to the window and opens it before turning to look at me. I stay frozen on the bed as he walks over to the table in the middle of the room.

He slowly sits in a chair before lifting my necklace. He holds it up and lets it sway back and forth as his dark eyes watch me. "Let's try this again, My name is Guozhi... what's your name?" I swallow hard and say "Nova..." His perfect eyebrows draw together as he says "Nova? That's an odd name... everything about you seems odd, bunny."

I'm crying internally as I ask "W.. what do you want? I'll give you the necklace if you let me go." His dark eyes dance in amusement as he says "We made a deal bunny. You for the women downstairs... should I call them all back?" 

I bite my lip and quickly shake my head as my eyes dart to the open window. His smile grows as he says "We're on the second floor... you're welcome to try though." I slowly start deflating as I realize how screwed I am.