What Else?

Zhen and I look at the courtyard for a few more moments before Zhen says "Let's go. Whoever was here is no longer here. I will talk to the King about it later. It may have been one of his Shadow Guards." I nod my head and slowly follow Zhen out with a slight frown.

My "instincts" were telling me that is wasn't one of Bai Lei's men... I don't know how I know that, I just do. We walk for several minutes before we come to a nice little pond filled with lily pads and large pink flowers. 

Zhen stops next to the pond and nods his head before turning to me and saying "What can you do with water?" I blink several times before looking back to the water with excitement. I step forward and sit next to the water's edge before saying "Rise" 

I wait for several seconds before frowning. Nothing... I turn to look back at Zhen with disappointment. Zhen chuckles at me and says "Try something smaller... a pond this size is probably too much for you at your current strength." 

My eyes light up at his words. What he says is right! I just started cultivating... I lean forward and scoop up a handful of water and say "Rise" Instantly, the clear water in my palm begins to float like a small water bubble. 

A large smile breaks out across my face as I turn to look at Zhen while pointing at the floating water bubble in excitement. Zhen's smile grows as his dark eyes flash with amazement. "What can you make it do, child?" Zhen asks stepping closer.

I mumble "Dance" and watch as the water begins to lengthen and sway in the air like a dancing fairy. "I want you to give the command in your mind... don't say it out loud," Zhen says watching the water with excitement.

I look back to the water and think "Break" The next second, the water splits up into a bunch of smaller drops looking almost like rain. Zhen's chest rises and falls in excitement as he says "Good job Liling! Now, I want you to turn it into a weapon and attack me! Don't worry about hurting me, you aren't strong enough right now."

I frown a little and want to disagree but he nods his head and says "I'm ready!" I feel uneasy about it but decide to trust him. I look to the floating water droplets and think "Attack" The water seems to turn sharp as it shoots straight at Zhen with amazing speed!

My eyes grow large with worry but it's for nothing. Zhen easily blocks the water and throws his head back in laughter and delight. "You did it, child!!! Do you have any idea how special your powers are!?" I nervously lick my lips and shake my head no.

Zhen chuckles with delight as he comes over and sits next to me while saying "This power is unlike anything in the world. We have powers of destruction and strength but no one can control nature! It seems that you can command it to do anything you want! The possibilities are endless!! As you continue to cultivate, you'll be able to do more and more with your powers. Just think about it..." 

Zhen's eyes become far away as he loses himself in his thoughts but I can only play with the ends of my hair with confusion. This was a good thing, right? I look down at my silver hair and find myself frowning. Things always seem to be different with me... it must be because I'm from another world. 

Could I control nature because I was in charge of world-building in the gaming process? The herb thing carried over... so, had this too? It would make sense in a way... My brain hurts! How is any of this possible!? Sometimes things can't be explained... they just happen. 

Kinda like two stars accidentally colliding and creating a new planet with life... or religion... no one can truly explain it and yet, it exists. I guess in a way... this is just like that. I look to the pond and wonder how much stronger I have to become in order to control this much water.

If I want to be able to protect myself and those I care about... I need to get much stronger! When I think about possibly returning to my world, my heart starts to ache again. I look out over the calm water and feel myself growing calmer as well. 

It's starting to look like I may remain in this world for the rest of my life... that should be okay, right? I don't have family back in my world... I only have my teammates but even then, they have their own lives... 

"Liling?" Zhen calls me and gently nudges my shoulder with his nose. I turn to him and give him a warm smile as I say "I want to become much stronger... as strong as I can." Zhen smiles at me and nods his head but I see the way his dark eyes watch me in concern.

"Liling, my child, you don't have to become stronger if you don't want to. I can always protect you and keep you safe. You should only do what makes you happy, the rest will fall into place." Zhen says watching me with kind eyes. 

I reach out and give him a large hug while saying "Becoming stronger to protect the ones I love and care about will make me happy. Thank you for taking me as your Granddaughter, you are the first... the first one who really wanted me."  

Zhen stiffens in my arms before slowly relaxing. Suddenly, a warm wash of energy is felt as a strong pair of arms wrap me up in a large hug. This time I stiffen as I lean back to look at the handsome man with white hair in front of me! 

Zhen slowly smiles at me and pulls me back into a large hug saying "It's about time my Granddaughter knows what I truly look like. Don't worry child, you'll always have gramps with you." I slowly relax into his arms as I slightly chuckle saying "You... you don't seem like a Grandfather when you look this... young." 

Zhen chuckles and says "I'm a NineTailed fox, we age extremely slowly. I'm older than the dirt we're currently sitting on." I chuckle again and snuggle into his warm chest. Yes, he's young and handsome looking but the warmth I feel coming from him is that of a Father or Grandfather. It was priceless...

Suddenly the air around us drops several degrees and I feel a large weight pushing down on me. Zhen stiffens and looks up to Find Bai Lei glaring at us with a murderous look.