Let The Games Begin

He hesitates for a few seconds before slowly stepping closer. I need him closer so I watch him with a smile and crook my finger at him. He licks his lips again before stepping up to the edge of the water pool. His dark cold eyes now have a familiar heat to them as he stares down at me. 

My smile grows as he crouches down in front of me. I can really see how he and Bai Lei are brothers.. both extremely attractive. I lean forward a little causing his breathing to become a little even and wait. I can see his jaw clenching as he leans over, giving me his ear.

I lean over a bit more as I open my hands. His long black hair easily reaches my hands as I whisper "I'm not from this world." I lean back into the water so that my body is hidden and say "Would you like to join me? I'll wash your hair." 

His dark eyes watch me as he struggles internally. "If you aren't from this world, what world are you from?" He asks while I move away from the edge. I keep low so the water line is at my neck but it doesn't stop him from still trying to see. 

The water has a milky hue to it making it impossible to really see anything but he can still make out faint outlines. His dark eyes shoot back up to my green eyes as I smirk at him saying "A world that is parallel to yours... similar and yet completely different. In fact, your brother even came to my world." 

His dark eyes narrow in anger at the mention of his brother and asks "Have you slept with my brother?" I giggle at him and shake my head no while saying "Your brother and I have never had sex. Why?" My smile grows when I see his relief and quickly say "Why don't you join me?" 

He stays in his crouched position as he thinks it over but I just ignore him and turn around. I slowly stand up in the water, allowing him to see my back as I cup the water and bring it up to my shoulder. I suddenly hear the sound of clothes before the water level rises with a splash. 

My evil smile grows as I lower myself in the water again and turn around to see his bare chest in front of me. Was he built? Yes. Was he hot? Yes! But I was on a mission. I rake my eyes across his chest and pause when I see the scar. 

His dark eyes watch my every move before slowly lifting his hand and touching the scar while saying "This would have killed me if it hadn't been for you. Does it upset you knowing that you saved me? Knowing now that Bai Lei tried to kill me and you saved me?" 

I shake my head no and say "I told you, whatever is happening between you and your brother is between you two. I saw someone in pain and bleeding out. I'm not the type of person to just leave someone like that."

"In my world, killing is bad. Punishable by law. Sure, there are bad people who still do it but for the most part, we help each other." I say playing with the water. He watches me closely before slowly lowering himself in the water while saying "This water is healing water. It's a natural source from underground." 

I nod my head and look at the water surface while saying "I like it. Turn around and I'll wash your hair." His eyes narrow on me again while saying "How will I know if you aren't going to slit my throat while I have my back to you?" 

My eyebrows shoot up to my hairline as I look at him in mock shock. I stay lowered in the water and lift my arms up saying "I don't have anything to cut you with. Search me if you don't believe me." This time he looks at me in shock as I cock my head to the side waiting. 

"Here, I'll make it easier for you," I say turning around and slowly standing. The water stops at my lower back, hiding my butt, so I stand and wait. Just when I think he isn't going to take the bait, the water moves and splashes a bit as he moves over to me.  

I grit my teeth and wait. Just keep playing Nova... it's all part of the plan. His long fingers touch my side making me slightly flinch. I bit my lip and hold still as he pauses. I turn to look at him with a smirk while saying "It's cold outside of the water." 

His hand moves down to my hip before slowly going down my entire leg. He does the same thing to the other leg before saying "Are you really going to let me continue?" I feel his breath on my shoulder making me slightly shiver as I quickly say "You're just checking right? It's not like anything else is gonna happen."

I hear him chuckle before both of his large hands start running up the inner parts of my legs. I want to elbow him in the face and jump away but I force myself to stand still as his hands go higher. When he reaches my inner thighs, I jerk. His chuckle is low and dark as he says "You aren't gonna let me check all of it?"

I grit my teeth and say "Go ahead." He chuckles again before raising his hands again. I hold my breath a turn stiff as he gets close to my lady bits but to my relief, he stops. He slowly stands and stops at my ear as I cover my breast with my hands. Playing with fire Nova... playing with fire.

"Should I wash your hair as well?" He asks next to my ear while touching my hair. I turn to face him and hear him suck in as I say "No need. I already washed mine. Turn around so I can wash yours." His dark eyes struggle to keep looking at my face but I keep an innocent look on my face as I wait.

I know exactly what I'm doing to him... but I continue my "innocent" act. I keep my arms over my breast as I wait. I know the water is still hiding my lower half so I'm not too worried. He swallows hard and quickly turns around with both of his hands going to his face.

Hehe... I lean over and brush the back of his shoulder a little as I grab the cup next to the water pool. His whole body stiffens as I pull back and dip the cup in the water. I fill the cup and slowly pour it over his dark hair with an evil glint in my eyes.  

I slowly begin running my hands through his hair as I rub in some soap. After rinsing his hair and running my fingers through it again, I realized he was now relaxing with his eyes shut. After making sure his hair was completely washed, I quickly slip out of the water and walk over to the blue dress.

I grab the towel and wrap it around me as I turn and see him watching me with dark, hungry eyes. I ignore him and grab the blue dress before walking away. Once out of his sight, I quickly dry off and get dressed before slipping the hair I collected off him under the pillow next to the doll.

I sit at the desk and begin brushing my hair as Lei Wei shows up in the mirror behind me. He watches me with those familiar cold eyes and says "I really don't think you are from this world... Can you return to your world?" 

"Hmmm... I could but someone took something from me. I need to get it back before I can leave again." I say as I continue brushing my hair. Go away already... He steps closer and says "Again? You left once before?" I nod my head and place the brush down before turning around.

He was now right behind me, looking at me with those dark, cold eyes. He reaches out and lightly touches my hair before asking "Who has it?" I smirk at him and say "Why? So you can go get it for me?" His dark eyes hold no humor as he says "No, so I can find him and destroy them both. You will never be returning to your world again. This is now your world."

My smirk fades and I stare at him with a straight face and say "I don't do well with others who try to force me to do things... I don't take orders and I sure as hell don't warm beds." This time he slowly smiles down at me while playing with a strand of my hair saying "We'll see about that."