The Way Out

I wake up when I feel my face burning. I frown and slowly open my eyes but the bright sun nearly blinds me! I moan and cover my eyes with my good hand and look down to see Bun gone. Did he leave? I feel a little sad about losing the little guy but I decide to start walking again.

I've already lost precious time by sleeping but I really needed the rest. I feel a little better after sleeping all night. I slide down the tree and bite my lip to keep from crying out. I readjust the sling holding my arm and start walking but only after taking a few steps, something comes flying straight at my face!

I quickly dodge to the right but the thing turns midair and smacks me in the face! I nearly fall back but when I hear the familiar squeaking, I realize that it's Bun! He quickly climbs to my shoulder and pats the side of my face.

I frown and look over at him in confusion as he lifts his other paw to the right. I look to the right then back to him before asking "This is the way out?" He chirps at me and quickly nods his head making me smile. 

Happy with my little navigation system, I start walking to the right as I say "If we make it out of here, I'll feed you all the food your little heart desires." Bun's little body shakes in excitement and he squeaks at me in happiness. 

After a few more hours of walking, the woods were now becoming darker and denser. I look up to see that the sun was still shining brightly, it was just the trees were blocking it.

I look around with worry and as it slowly becomes even darker, I look over to Bun and ask "Are you sure this is the way out? It feels as if we are going further in..." Little Bun looks to me with a frown and points his paw straight before nodding again.

I decide to trust the little guy and keep walking but I started to get a bad feeling. I bite my lip in worry and look at Bun again while asking "Have you been here before?" Little Bun nods his head at this silly woman. He's come here a bunch of times! Nothing ever happens!

"Does anything try to eat you or chase you?" I ask looking around the dark woods with worry. Little Bun shakes his head and gives me a pouty look so I keep going. Suddenly, a low growl causes me to freeze midstep. I slowly look to my left and find a large gorilla looking thing!

I say "looking" because it was a golden color and has four arms!! Was this... was this the spirit beast I've heard people talk about!? I slowly turn to face the gorilla and softly say "I'm sorry if I walked into your territory... I'm just passing through. I mean no harm." I say in a calm voice.

If Little Bun can understand me, this gorilla should be able to as well, right? I quickly look over to see Little Bun frozen with fear. "Bun?" I whisper at him, breaking him out of his frozen state. He quickly climbs under my hair and snuggles up against my neck in hiding as his little body shivers in fear.

I feel my face grow dark as I look back to the gorilla. His lips pull back in a snarl, showing off his large teeth as he suddenly roars at me! I quickly cover my ears as I look at the thing in fear. "Nice... gorilla, pretty gorilla..." I say as I slowly start backing up. I'm suddenly having flashbacks involving angry chickens...

The gorilla growls at me again and charges straight at me! I swipe my good arm, calling to the dirt. It flies up and hits the gorilla straight in the face as I start running for my life. The gorilla roars in anger and starts running after me.

It crashes into a tree causing an earth-shattering cracking noise and explosion. A large tree comes flying past me and over my head before landing in front of me, effectively cutting me off. I stumble to a stop and look at the large tree with horror. 

Just how strong do you have to be to throw something like this!?! I quickly turn around to see the gorilla charging at me with red eyes. So this is it? This is how I'm gonna freaking die!? I quickly pull out my other arm and ignore the pain as I sweep both my arms at the charging beast.

Blades of grass fly into the air and charge at the beast at lightning speed. The gorilla can't stop in time as it's hit with hundreds of blades of grass. Several razor-sharp blades cut him all over causing him to stumble to a stop. 

He cries out in pain and confusion as he looks at his bleeding body. He looks back up to me with rage and confusion before banging his chest in anger as he roars again. I take the chance to take off running again but I know in my heart I'm not fast enough.

I'll die trying!! The gorilla roars again and charges after me in a fit of rage. I run with everything in me but when I feel the beast's hot breath on the back of my neck, I use my powers again to try and run faster! Dear Lord, help meeeeee!!!!

I'm nearly in tears as I realize that the gorilla is still right behind me! It reaches out for me with a roar and grabs the back of my dress. The dress rips as my heart nearly beats out of my chest in fear! Suddenly, I hit a solid chest, nearly knocking the air out of me as power suddenly explodes around me.

I hear the gorilla cry out in pain as the power hits him head-on. The man wraps his arms around me in a protective manner and spins around to keep me save as he unleashes another powerful blast.