What's Happening Now?

I suddenly find myself standing in front of a huge wall of... magic? I look around me in shock and worry but I don't see anyone so I turn back to look at the wall. What is this? A powerful force of energy hits the wall from the other side causing a wave of energy to flow out through the ground.

Was this the barrier to the Under Realm? The waves of power seem to be coming from the other side of this wall. I step closer while looking at the semi-clear rainbow-colored barrier. Another blast of power hits the wall causing another wave of energy. 

I take another step closer and lift my hand up to the barrier but stop when I hear Bai Lei yell "Don't touch it!" I stop in my tracks and turn to find Bai Lei and Zhen behind me. Bai Lei runs forward and pulls me into his arms as he quickly steps away from the barrier.  

Zhen and Bai Lei both look out of breath as Ren appears with a frown. "No one can go in or out but with your track record, you shouldn't touch it, okay?" Bai Lei says looking me over. I slightly frown at him but I nod my head in agreement. 

Zhen steps closer as he says "What did you feel and what happened?" I look back to the barrier and say "Every time a blast of energy hits the barrier, a wave of energy washes through the ground. To answer your other question... I don't know. I just felt the energy and was curious about what it was and where it came from."

Bai Lei and Zhen both frown as Zhen says "Neither one of us can feel it. I don't really know what's happening right now but we all need to be extra careful right now. Especially you Liling. You're like a magnet for danger." 

I sigh in irritation but I can't deny it. I just nod my head and look back to the barrier. The attacks seem to have stopped... "Nova?" Bai Lei calls to me, breaking me out of my thoughts as I turn back to look at him. He frowns at me and says "From now on, I want you to stay away from here okay?"

I don't like being told what to do but I know he's just worried about me so I just nod my head and take his outstretched hand. He pulls me away as we all start walking back but when I feel another wave of energy, I turn back and look at the barrier one last time before walking away.

Bai Lei dropped me off and left after being called by some of the other leaders so I walk over to the largest peach tree and sit against it. Suddenly, a little white fluff ball comes flying at me and lands in my lap. "Master! You're back!" Little Bun says with his little fluffy tail twitching in excitement.

I giggle at him and say "Yup." as I gently pet him. A thought suddenly occurs to me as I look down at him in my lap and ask "Can you feel energy flowing through the ground in waves?" Little Bun frowns and says "There's energy everywhere. Even the ground." 

This time I frown as I shake my head and say "No, this is different. Can you feel a different kind of energy flowing through the ground at times?" Little Bun tilts his head to the side as he turns to look at the ground. He jumps down from my lap and lands on the ground.

After a few moments, he looks back to me and shakes his head no saying "I don't feel anything... I'm sorry." I smile at him and scoop him up saying "It's okay, don't apologize. We'll just have to figure it out ourselves." Little Bun nods his head in agreement as he jumps up to my shoulder.

It clearly has something to do with the others on the other side of the barrier but I'm curious to know why I'm the only one who can feel it. I look down at my hands with confusion as my mind tries to make sense of everything.

I lean against the tree and close my eyes as I decide to start cultivating again. I need to become stronger! No matter what's happening, I need to stay focused. I'm tired of being pushed around by those who are stronger than me.


Lei Wei stands atop the roof of the palace as he watches Nova from a distance. She leans against the large tree looking more and more like a divine goddess. She's even more beautiful than the last time he saw her... Suddenly, Bai Lei's shadow guard, Ren, appears in front of him, effectively blocking his view of Nova. 

Lei Wei looks at the shadow guard with a smirk and says "I'm just enjoying the view of beautiful flowers in the palace. No need to worry." Ren glares at the man and says "Look elsewhere. That flower is off-limits to the likes of you." 

Lei Wei's smirk grows as he says "My brother's shadow guard seems to think too highly of himself. I'm the King of the Heavenly Realm. Know your place." Ren's face never changes as he says "It doesn't matter what title you currently hold. You are less than dirt to my master so that is what you are to me." 

Lei Wei clenches his fist as he glares at the bastard in front of him. It'd be so easy to kill this worm but he curbs his rage and bids his time. He needs to wait until the right moment. Lei Wei's smirk grows dark as he says "It looks like this loyal dog will have a horrible end."

He turns away and disappears mid-step. As he reappears in the room, his shadow guard shows up and says "The preparations have been made. We can move when you're ready." Lei Wei waves his hand to dismiss him as he slowly walks over to the window.

Just a little bit longer and she'll be back where she belongs.