That's Him!

16 years ago...

Two tall and extremely muscular men were walking down an alley in Chocolate Village, finding the location of a thief boy that took something very valuable. Something they needed to get back.

The salty sea air was nowhere to be found as the village was right in the center of an island near the Sabaody Archipelago. The village was quite poor so their security was lackluster at best. Making it hard for the two men to ask around, especially when the people around them looked at them with hidden intentions.

"Is this really a job for us?"

The more tanned skin of the men picked his nose while walking leisurely. His white suit and stripped undershirt had specks of dust on them as if he hadn't washed them for a while. He probably didn't. The man had short black hair that spiked outwards, showing how unkempt they are. His rather short goatee caused his sharp chin to be concealed unless a person was looking for them purposely.


"Shut it Garp! You're the idiot that lost the damn fruit in the first place! Kong's gonna kill you if he finds out you lost another fruit!"

The other man wearing a similar white suit but with a floral undershirt beside him took a careful look around, searching for any clues regarding the boy who took the fruit. It would be dangerous if the kid lost it, or worse, if he ate the damn thing. That wasn't a toy after all, that' a damn devil fruit.


Garp merely shrugged his shoulders while kicking a stray pebble on the road. He didn't really mind the scolding, rather, he was actually pretty scared of Kong. The man's got quite the punch after all. The rock he nonchalantly kicked around then flew straight across the alley and a sound came from a few meters away.



A high pitched cry was heard from a spot just around the corner. The sound was familiar to Garp who recalled the voice from yesterday. Immediately after though, a sound of someone falling on the ground was heard.


"Oi! That's him!"

Garp ran towards the direction where the scream came from while Sengoku just had his mouth agape. That was because Garp was now holding on to a kid with red hair, dissimilar to the descriptions of the kid they were looking for. But the grin on Garp's face indicated that they found what they were looking for.

"What the f*ck?"

Sengoku had always wondered why Garp had such good luck. He was even able to rise to his rank within a few years, guessing the answers to the written tests that was a prerequisite if you wanted to get promoted. He studied day and night while Garp was going out to party but the man had reached the same level as him.

'He even scored higher than me!'

Sengoku had seen the test papers when they were returned to them a few weeks ago. His 97 percent score would have been impressive if it wasn't dwarfed by Garp's 99 percent. The worst part was that the man was actually shoving it against his face every time he had the chance.

'He kicks a pebble and gets the kid!?'

Now he doesn't even care and gets the kid on his own. Did he even need his help? Sengoku's straight back had bent in exhaustion when thinking about how unfair the world is. Why is the world like this? Is it because I got a devil fruit and he doesn't?

"Bwahahaha, got you now you little punk!"

"Wha? Sir?"

A kid was brought back to Sengoku by Garp. The kid was hanging from Garp's thick hands that held the boy's neck. Strangely, the boy didn't seem to find it hard to breathe as he continued talking. Though he didn't seem to struggle free from his grasp, seemingly not bothered by the fact.

"Garp! That's the wrong kid! Your report said it was a brown haired kid, this one clearly has red hair!"

"I'm sure it was this kid! Look! Hey, kid, you remember me?"

Garp made the boy face him, giving him a big smile. But the smile had made the boy feel so terrified that he started shivering. The boy even held his hands against his face, allowing only one eye to be seen.

"Why are you looking for me? I thought you said we were quits?"

"Quits? What's this about Garp?"

Garp had sweat cover his back as he only now remembered what he did yesterday. The kid's pitiful appearance made him remember the mercy he gave to the boy yesterday, he gave him the fruit intentionally, well, accidentally.

Although it was hazy, he could somewhat remember his face. The hungry kid was just so pitiful that he agreed to give him something to eat. He was about to hand him his lunch but he might have given the kid the fruit instead. Meat against fruit, it's easy to see which one stays behind.


Garp face palmed himself while Sengoku had a look of anger showing on his face. The report given out was that the 'Sun-Sun Fruit' had been stolen by a kid with brown hair. It was a report given by an officer directly under Garp who had been drinking the whole day yesterday.

"Umm, kid, I'll trade with you the fruit I gave you yesterday. Look, I got a lot of snacks."

Garp put the kid down gently then frisked himself to look for anything to exchange it with the boy. Though he only took out two candies and a half full packet of fried rice crackers. He placed them on the child's open faced palms while the kid watched intently.


Sengoku and Garp watched as a horrified look appeared on the boy's face, his lips twisting in agony as the hand that held the treats trembled while drool had flown out of the kid's mouth. His eyes then darted from the food into Garp's eyes as it pleaded for a concession.

"What about it kid? One lousy fruit for all of these treats? Good deal yeah?"

Garp had a smug look on his face as if the whole ordeal wasn't because he gave a random kid a devil fruit when he asked for food. He gave the kid a condition that if he helped him carry his bag to the headquarters then he'd reward him afterwards. He remembered how grateful the kid was as his eyes were bawling out when the rather large fruit that was similar to the size of the kid's two hands were give to him.

"I'm sorry."

The kid then placed the food back into the squatting Garp's hand while a look of melancholic parting showed on his face. He bowed his head while never letting his eyes extricate themselves from the sweet treats. He might be hungry, but he couldn't give his part of the deal so he shouldn't try to force it. These people could be dangerous after all.

"About the fruit... I ate it all yesterday, I thought it was delicious!"


The meal from yesterday had been the best one he had in weeks!

The abundantly large fruit even had so much juice come out when he took a bite that he licked from his hands after he was done. It was much better than the things he pick up from the trash. He couldn't help but drool when he thought about it, causing his stomach to rumble in hunger.

*gasp* *gasp*

Sengoku and Garp had incredulous expressions when they heard the boy talk about eating the fruit. It was even more exaggerated when they heard his comment about it being delicious. Those clear eyes didn't lie as even the kid's mouth overflowed with saliva as if savoring the damn fruit.

'Devil fruits are supposed to taste disgusting!'

This made the two think about a mistake being in the story. Perhaps the fruit they received was a fake in the first place, and this kid really just ate a random fruit that they thought was the Sun-Sun Fruit.

"Oh, I see. Here, just take this then."

Sengoku then squatted next to Garp while taking the food he had on his hand to give to the poor boy. He could see that the kid was homeless as the dirty rags he wore and the stench he emitted almost caused his eyes to water. Though that was because of the smell and not from pity.


"Bwahaha- Eh!?"

The kid hurriedly took the candies and opened them. Putting them inside his mouth as if ensuring they won't be able to take it back if they don't want to have spit all over it. Garp was about to laugh it off when something happened.


The kid's packet of fried rice crackers suddenly burst into flames as the kid's hands became covered in light. The kid cried out in horror as he tried to put the fire out to try and save his food. Clear dread were expressed in his eyes.

"No! My food!"

The child repeatedly slammed his foot on the fire as if trying to force it to give his food back, but it was for naught as his foot also started emitting light.


The kid knelt down on the ground while holding onto the piece of cracker left behind. His eyes were gushing out tears at the loss. But similar to him in appearance were the two men who were now sitting on the dirty ground as tears also gushed out of their eyes.

'We're screwed!'