"Chose your fate!"
With these words I am finally able to open my eyes again.In front of me the same white window that I've seen in front of countless people before can be seen. The only difference is that the windows is at the very least a hundred metres in length and width and a few hundred blobs of light are slowly circling around it. Furthermore, under the window, a blob the size of a small car made out of golden light stands there motionless. Looking closely at it, a faint human silhouette can be barely distinguished inside.
The window is divided in two parts:
On the left side there is a white palace with a complexity that exceeds my imagination. The size is humongous to say the least, with thousands of windows decorating its sides complemented by countless glowing marbles that looks extremely similar to diamonds, making it emanate an overwhelming aura.
An immense garden with all sorts of beautiful flowers beautifully displayed in perfect shapes and forms surrounds the whole Palace. I can even make out a few beautiful ponds with golden fish swimming within. In front of the palace, over a thousand people dressed in formal attire can be seen bowing slightly with smiles on their faces. All of them are young men and women with impeccable looks.
Not even in my wildest dreams could I have imagined such a scene, but here it is before me, and, considering the current situation, there is a big possibility that I might end up living in this Paradise.
On the bottom left corner of the window, some details can be seen written with golden letters.
78'th Liridian Heavenly Palace
- Created by the former Upper 2 Digits Ranker Liridian de Jakhardion in the 8'th Lesser Cycle of the 1.972.162 Grand Era.
- Contains a Divine Array that guarantees protection against any enemies bellow the "S" Level.
- Comes together with 500 Female Servants and 500 Male Servants of Bright Jade Quality or above.
- The contract is for a period of 100.000 Lesser Cycles with the possibility of increasing the period afterwards at a set price of 1 Soul Stone / 100 Cycles.
- In the contract are also included a total of 3 Soul Stones and 2.000 Crimson Soul Crystals.
- Comes together with 1 additional Eternal Reincarnation.
-The contract can only be signed by a Golden Soul or a less than 6 Digits Ranker.
Date: Signature:
103'th Lesser Cycle of the
2.107.301'th Grand Era. ......…..
Well, there are definitely a lot of unknown information there… I don't even recognize the time management in this place not to mention things like Bright Azure Quality Souls or Soul stones and Crimson Soul Crystals. Well, a million Lesser Cycles should be quite a lot of time. Even if a cycle represents a single day in this place, a hundred thousands this kind of cycles should be over 280 years which is a lot. Furthermore it says that the contract can be extended by paying 1 Soul Stone / 100 Cycles which means that I can earn those Soul Stones in a way or another.
Taking one more look towards the magnificent place that I might end up calling home in the future I turn my head to the right towards the other half of the screen.
There, in extreme contrast with the left side of the screen, a small wooden house with a twenty square metres garden can be seen. Despite the fact that it is small, the house is quite exquisite, with two windows partially covered by green vines and a door in the middle with the number "903.898.109.668.501" written on it. Looking around the house, there are countless other small wooden houses just like mine as far as the eyes can see.
From this I could deduce that the number on my door might be the number of my house. My question right now is quite obvious: why in the nine circles of hell would I chose that small house when I can chose the 78'th Liridian Heavenly Palace. The simple fact that they offered me this different options means that there might be a secret about that wooden house. Looking at the bottom right corner, the details can be seen written this time with blazing red letters.
Upper 15 Digits Normal Residence
- Created in the moment the Ranker's Contract is signed.
- A small house owned by all 11 up to 15 Digits Rankers
- Can not be sold afterwards
- Can be upgraded at any time and its position can be changed accordingly
- Comes together with 10.000 White Soul Crystals and 1 Soul Stone.
- Comes together with the official title and privileges offered to a Purgatory's Ranker.
- Comes together with 3 additional Eternal Reincarnations.
-The contract can only be signed by a Golden Soul or a less than 6 Digits Ranker.
- The contract can be signed by dropping a drop of blood on the mentioned section.
Date: Signature:
103'th Lesser Cycle of the
2.107.301'th Grand Era. ......…..
Ranker… So this is the way to become an official Ranker, whatever that might be. And the three additional Reincarnations… This was mentioned before as well, but I really can't comprehend what it might be about.
So… I have to chose between living the life of a God for 100.000 Lesser Cycles or becoming a Ranker, which I don't know what it means, living in a wooden house that is smaller than my former room from the hospital and being stuck with it for life. I mean, now for real! Why would you forbid people to sell that thing? Not to mention the fact that I doubt there are many people interested in buying something like that, but why would you even sell it? How much could it be worth?
Well, it does say that the house can be upgraded and moved afterwards but still…
Hahh… My whole life I've lived with the fear that tomorrow might be my last day, alone, in a place forgotten by all those that I once called "family", in perpetual darkness, only me and my thoughts. Back then I swore that I would always trust my heart and I would never regret anything I chose. This is why…
"I CHOSE … "
The moment those words came out of my mouth, a small exquisite dagger appeared out of thin air in front of me. Without any hesitation I took the small knife and with a swift movement s tiny cut appeared on my left palm. Squeezing my fist tightly, a few drops of blood came out but, and fell towards the assigned place on the screen of the window.
In the next second, the same soft voice I heard at the beginning could be heard once more.
"Congratulations! Your choice has been registered. I, your humble servant, shall escort you towards your new home. Please relax and enjoy the ride."
Like this, the huge window disappeared and the Golden Blob swallows me whole. I've seen this countless times before but I never imagined that it would feel so amazing to be inside of one of those things. It's warm and comfy and I feel like I have no worries in the world.
To be honest, I never thought I would ever have the oportunity of living the life of an Emperor, inside a Heavenly Palace, served by thousands of people, enjoying life with no worries whatsoever…
Well, I hope that I'll have this opportunity again in the future because…
Today starts my new life as a Ranker.