We got out the base and it was chaotic there.
"So anyone want to introduce themselves? I am Ximen Feng, nice to meet you all." I asked.
"My name is Feng Liang. Nice to meet all of you. I guess this is the end and we need to go different places huh?" From happy, he frowned looking at the ground.
"No! We have a new mission! We need to protect her and protect the mission our group wanted to achieve." Lady Hacker said.
"Lady Hacker?" She shushed me and cut me off.
"No! Call me Chao Xing. At your service!" And I looked at the other's expression and she was quite shy.
"I-I am Guan Yin!" She plucked all the courage she has. All of us talked about having a new group.
"Maybe a squad to he exact though?" Feng Liang assured.
"Well, who is the leader though?" Chao Xing asked and they all looked at my direction. I don't know whether to laugh or cry though.
"What are you looking at? My handsome face or my lovely eyes?" They laughed there ass off as they heard what I said.
"No silly! Hahaha! We are looking at our best leader at option. You are able to pull a heist that took night wing 4 days to prepare. And you are able to plan several times and all of them went great! Even me a Watsonian couldn't plan that way." I couldn't take them flattering me so I just nodded.
"Okay, now that's fixed. What was the secret that your group was hiding me Huh?" They looked at each other then Guan Yin talked.
"The game is a virus! It killed a lot of people by putting them to hard things. In exchange, they get a reward that could help the game itself. Now, we end it. We were developing a new game that could be a counter against the game but we can't. Whoever created the game is a god programmer." I didn't know all these. All these times I was living in a lie?
"But my friend, where is she?" I muttered.
"She... She was the programmer!" I froze. I clenched my fist. I can't believe this. This is a lie...
"Come on! Move to the other topic, where shall we stay? I mean in this dimension, we are criminals!" All of us coughed blood, not literally upon hearing this.
I just laughed it all up and told them to come with me. I need to figure out a way to get out of this situation.
"Okay! The phone!" I silently thought.
I drew out my phone and to my surprise, a new game appeared. I called them off to see this and the we're shocked. It was the game they were wanting to counter the virus. But how exactly?
"It will assign us quests and we need to do those to get the things we need to destroy the game!" Chao Xing exclaimed and Feng Liang and Guan Yin were just able to nod their heads.
New game, new team, new life. What could probably go wrong.
I spoke too early!?