Chapter 2: Brother are you a gay?

Miwa Tsuyoshi was filled so much question from his family and didn't do what do to anymore he just pretending not hearing their nonstop question about his actual gender, his father, mother, even his grandmother are questioning him if he's really interested in girls or he is a homo because ever since his childhood Miwa Tsuyoshi never bring a single women home except to his sister that living with him Miwa Yui that silent eating her food across her brother that being bomb in question.

Is not that he is not interested in girls but he just don't want to date a random girl that just throwing their selves like a ball thrown by a player, and he was in the big problem right now his grandmother secretly set him in a date to another random girl again, the ticket was given to him just today in their family dinner every first Friday night of the month he want to complain about they should stop setting him up in some random gold diggers it's just a waste of his time.

"Tsuyoshi don't misunderstand us, we are just worried that you are not young anymore and you never bring a single women to introduce to us"

"I did always bring a women" he replied in casual tone.

"Huh?" his father replied.

And he pointed to his little sister who just silently eating her food ignoring their conversation.

"I'm referring to Yui and beside she is you little sister she is no count" his grandmother talks.

"Grandma that's mean" she pouted as she cross her arms and added "And if brother can't find his women I can be his women I will give all my love to him" she grinned toward her brother.

"What are you talking about Yui? You are watching too much anime that scenes only happen to anime, that never happen in real world, what kind of big brother falling in love with his little sister" he replied without changing his tone.

"Hmm you just notice my sex appeal" she pouted again.

He scan his little sister and shrug while he shook his head and take sip to his drink.

Miwa Yui pointed her brother when she saw his brother shrug to her "Ah! What with that shrug for? Are you telling me that I don't have sex appeal?"

"You said that to yourself" he laugh lightly with a mocking face toward his sister.

Miwa Yui turn to her mother and said "Mom did you see that brother is being mean, I was kind enough to accompany him to his big house thinking he gets lonely and he is being mean to me, can you believe that?"

Miwa Tsuyoshi laugh "Really? I don't mind being alone in that big house or you want to live with our parent again?"

"T-that's not gonna happen" after hearing that she just shut up and silently sip her juice, thinking that she would never going to live with their parent aging, if she does she can kiss goodbye to her anime and freedom, because if you want live in the main mansion of Miwa family you need to obey a strict rule.

That's why she decided to live with her brother since he was living alone, Miwa Yui first year in high school that her brother choose for her, she didn't really mind what school she is attending, she never interested going in school anyway for attending school is such a great waste of time for her, her academic knowledge is already pass the high school because when she is little all she do is study, study like a crazy, she is another genius in Miwa family in this generation, first her brother that really good handling business, and second is her that good at any academic except for any physical activities.

Now going back, Miwa Tsuyoshi parent is really insisting that he should go to this, to clear that rumors that the genius business man of Miwa Family is a homo.

Damn those articles!

Making fake news that he is a gay, for Christ sake he wasn't a gay!

At the age of 29 Miwa Tsuyoshi was still single and not being seen dating a women except for his little sister Yui that having a date to him once a month it's more like hobby for the sibling to have a date in the first weekend of the month. Yes, he is not seeing anyone but what is wrong with that? What is wrong for being single? He didn't really a love life, for him Yui is being with him is more than enough he want to spend his time with Yui until he decide to have a relationship.

He remember the night when Miwa Yui ask him that if he is a gay, he still remember that night event when he discover that his parent use Yui to ask her brother about his sexual orientation, thinking about it he wonder what the heck his parent thinking using Yui like that.

Because of that rumor even his little sister started to think he is a gay, damn those articles and people that started that rumor they should burn in hell starting that false rumor, because of that his life is a mess.

"Brother are you a gay?" Yui suddenly as her brother with serious tone but there is a faint smirk to her face like she is trying her best to hide it.

Their parent and grandmother almost choke in sudden question of Yui to her brother.

"What did you just say?" Miwa Tsuyoshi glare to his little sister.

"I ask you if you are gay?" Yui repeated her question and added "You don't need to be afraid brother just tell us the truth, if our parent and grandma don't accept what you really are I'm here, you have me I'm staying to your side I will not leave you alone" she said it in a sympathy but she aren't serious about it she just want to tease her brother.

He shrug "What are you talking about you stupid little sister"

"But" before Yui can talk their father cut her phrase "Stop it Yui, just give your brother a little more time to think and whatever his decision if his choose another the other side we just accept it all our heart"

Miwa Tsuyoshi rolled his eyes and said "What lead you to think that I'm a gay? It is not obvious that I'm not a gay"

Yui pass the newspaper to her brother and pointed it the main topic of the article with a large smile on her face clearly she wanted to laugh she found it very amusing when she see the article start to spread across the media, of course she didn't believe this article she just want to make fun to his brother.

Miwa Tsuyoshi get the newspaper rolled it "You all actually believe this nonsense?"

"Well if want to prove that you are not a gay, you should go to that set up date that grandmother personally organized for you" his mother finally talk.

He look at them and sigh "Okay, I'll in this blind date whatever you called it and in the end if I bring a women after this you'll stop bothering about my sexuality"

"You bet" his father found it amusing and make a bet in entire family, that his son bring a women after this or not and the loser will pay for the next family dinner.

"I bet for not bringing a women" his father along with his grandmother that he is not bringing a women.

He look surprise seeing his grandmother bet to that side, she is the one who set him up in this date? And why she is betting that he is not bringing a women.

And the other two his mother and his little sister bet he is bringing women home.

He just shook his head seeing his family like, well whatever is the result he don't really that care.