Chapter 7: Little sister bothering

It was a beautiful and refreshing morning for Yuko stretching her body with a big smile on her face she is really back she is glad that her family didn't abandon her for good after what she did, feeling the refreshing morning air through the window she look at her clock it was already 8:30 in the morning and it's still quite all you can hear is bird singing.

She got up on her bed walk toward her pink closet and open it she laugh at herself that her clothes it's not been touch ever since she left this house it's only maintained clean but the things it's still where it was so her family already think that even if she choose to with her boyfriend she will definitely back.

She was disrupt on her thought when someone knock on her door.

'knock knock' "Sleeping beauty? It's already morning time wake up, mother and father is waiting to the dining room"

It was Maho calling, after hearing the voice of Maho, Yuko quickly change her pajamas to her regular clothes, she was wearing a short and plain white t-shirt she walk toward the door and open it and saw Maho leaning in the wall holding a calling card.

"Sorry for the wait, what is that?"

"Hmmm this I think it's belong to you, since I saw it in front of your door" Maho scan the calling and it was written their the name of the contact it's 'Miwa corp' after scanning the calling card she look at her sister and grin to her.

Yuko got curios in suddenly grin of her twin sister and Maho put her left hand to right shoulder of Yuko and lean forward and whisper to ear "Tell me, you know someone in the Miwa family? You naughty girl aiming for the high pool"

Yuko shrugged off her twin sister and look at her with a questioning look she didn't know what she was talking about, will Yuko totally forgot about that calling after arriving last night that she didn't really pay much attention on it but she indeed remember that some guy give her a calling card but she really didn't care about it thinking that it just a random guy trying to hit on her.

"I don't what are talking about, I don't know a single in the Miwa family only father does" Yuko answer Maho with little bit irritation.

She really hate when Maho calling her naughty, if she call her naughty does it mean Maho is still naughty too? They are twin's after all same body and face.

"There you are again, you can't play off with me, just tell me I won't bite I'm your sister after all not to mention you are my twin sharing with the same face and body it's only natural to know with your other half to know what her other love life"

Yuko pinch and stretch Maho's face and said "You know what my other half you never change still playing a love detective even if you never experience love to yourself, you are already full grown you should find a man of your life and give mother and father a grandchild" Yuko grinned.

"Haa! At least I'm not like the other here that choose to go with the man she love and think that she can't live without him and work like crazy for him and only to find out that he was sleeping with other women not to mention it was her best friend that treated as her sister" Maho mock her sister.

Yuko face turned into red as tomato after hearing Maho words and she even more pinch her face she is not angry to her twin sister that she knows she is only mocking to her foolish decision will what is done is done she will make that will not happen again, the hall way was full of laughter cause of the sister and already forgotten that both of their parents for them to eat breakfast.

Inside the dining room Aiichi and Krystal could hear the laughter of their daughters in the hall way, Aiichi could only sight to it that his daughters never change after all of this years he was expecting that they will keep a distance to each other after not being together for a long time and seems he was mistaken.

The twin's is still laughing only disrupt when one of the house attendant call for them and they immediately went to the dining room upon entering the room both of them wearing a grin to their faces that made their father got curios.

"Seems both of in a good mood, what happen?" Aiichi ask both his daughter.

"Nothing special" Maho answer for both of them.

They start to eat their breakfast quietly Maho was looking to her sister eating beside their mother stuffing food on her mouth like someone could steal her food from her and laugh and Yuko catch that moment.

Yuko swallowed the food on her mouth "What are you laughing at?"

Maho just shook her head and laugh again "Nothing I just thought I saw a child stuffing her mouth with a food and I realize that it was you"

"W-what is wrong with that? I love stuffing food in my mouth" Yuko tried to play it off.

What she can do she eat that way even if she was from a rich family, when she was going to public places no one could think about that she has table manners but she just like eating the way she was comfortable with stuffing her mouth with food she like that way seems it's rude toward to others but she never mind it, they don't owned her life they have their life on their own and she has its own she was just being her true to herself.

After they finish eating breakfast Krystal remind her beloved daughters to prepare for the tonight's party that seems they both forgot about, both of juts nodded to their mother and Yuko ran back to her room to check her mails.

After a minutes later Maho enter the room and Yuko was seating on her desk that time checking her mails with a smile on her face seeing her sister smiling to the screen of the computer reading something she sit on the edge of the bed and look at her sister for a moment seems she didn't notice that she enter her room.

"You still making those weird delusion of yours?" Maho broke the silence between them.

Yuko was startled on her sit when she heard Maho voice and pout "Don't call it weird"

"Then creepy?" Maho answer nonchalantly.

"How rude, it's not weird and it's not creepy" Yuko pout to her sit while clicking the mouse thinking how to get back to her sister and she suddenly remember something.

She grin and turn her sit facing Maho looking at her with wide eye that made her really cute exposing blue glossy eyes and long eye lashes and her brown long hair braided into twin tail that really suit her.

Yuko put aside the being cute of her twin right and grin that made Maho got curios "I think you are the one is being creepy" Yuko said to Maho.

Maho look at her with questioning look "What are talking about?"

"Hmmm Nothingm I just heard you last night talking to your one of stuff toys last night I didn't know you are still talking to them beside of being an adult know"

Maho blush "Y-you saw that? H-hmmm maybe you just mistaken"

Yuko laugh "There is no need to be shy about it, it's adorable or you want me to pat your head when you sleep just like when we are little you be my baby sister again if you want to"

The room filled with the laughter of Yuko and Maho was being embarrassed that the last person she didn't want to see her talking to her stuff toys, Yuko was still laughing and Maho couldn't take it anymore she need to change to subject or her sister will die laughing at her.

"You have any plan today?" Maho ask.

"No, nothing after this" Yuko answer nonchalantly.

"Then hurry and let's go" Maho stand up from the bed and walk toward the window and open it.

Feeling the wind hit her face she loosen the braid of her hair and let it swing as the wind hit it closing her eyes she is feeling the refreshing wind, ignoring her sister back in reading her mails.

"Tell me Yuko" Maho look at her sister while leaning in the open window.

Yuko look at her sister with questioning look 'What with this girl? She won't stop bothering me since this morning'

"W-what?" Yuko really don't sure what Maho thinking she seems serious now maybe it's something important.


"You?" Yuko repeated after her.

"You are still keeping your kindergarten panties" Maho laugh.

"Huh?!" Yuko suddenly uproar her voice she didn't expect that Maho would come back to her like that, "How did you find it? I'm pretty sure I hide i-" she cut off her sentence she can't admit that she still keeping her kindergarten panties not on Maho because she would die in humiliation.

"I-I mean what are talking about my beloved little sister, maybe you it's just misunderstanding there is no way I would keep those things and it's rude to open someone's closest without permission" Yuko tried to played it off.

"Hmmm" Maho grinned "Then can you tell me why I found this teddy bear panties on your closet, I think you used to wear this when we are little" Maho waving a teddy bear panties on her left hand.

Yuko face suddenly turn red "Give me that!" she jump toward Maho tried to get the panties she was holding but Maho won't give it to her so easily.

They fight for it for a half an hour until both of give up and lay down on the floor trying to catch their breaths.

"Tell me what with you today?" Yuko ask while panting.

"Huh?" Maho replied also panting.

"Why you keep bothering me?"

Maho stands up still catching her breath and said "Because I miss you that I want to spend my whole day with you but seems you don't pay much attention to me so I keep bothering you" she grinned "Get some rest and get ready for the party tonight, I mean it's you welcome back party though try to invite you old friends and" Maho get something on her pocket and give it to Yuko that still laying down on the floor "Here"

It was the calling card Maho found this morning "Try to invite your prince charming"

"I told you he is not my prince charming and I don't know him"

Maho didn't answer and walk out of the room, after she's gone Yuko look at the calling card for a minutes and sight 'Giving him a simple text won't hurt' she grab her phone from the desk and open the messenger and send a message after that she lay down on the bed looking at the ceiling and close her eyes.