Chapter 22: Another Dinner Date 2

On their way home Yui keep looking at Yuko like a predator waiting for its prey and Yuko keep smiling hiding the pressure and pleasure she is feeling right now she may have sister but this kind of sister she wants more younger than her and need to be pampered like Yui looks she is being spoiled by her brother that's why she is so shock seeing her brother bringing a women home this is the first time on his brother life bringing a women home she didn't know if she will happy or angry.

Her eyes is still glued on Yuko looking her every move carefully that she even sitting on the front sit she look at her brother that so focus on driving and not making any sound since they left the hospital she pouted by her brother doing and she get her eyes back to Yuko and this time she is surprise after she look Yuko again that she is smiling toward her, she closed her eyes and look away and then she peak at Yuko with one eye trying to look what Yuko doing after she but Yuko still smiling at her.

She blush a little seeing her still smiling and little embarrassed but she keep her attitude ignoring Yuko she lean at the window of the car looking at the night view of the city full of light making the dark night bright, it was quiet for a moment and Yui was feeling so sleepy her eyes was slowly closing on the silent she almost fall asleep when Yuko poke her side that startled her making her to wake up, when she look at her side she is surprise that Yuko sitting beside her.

"W-why are you here?"

"Because I climb my here?" Yuko laugh "I know you are upset seeing your brother a women all of sudden but don't worry I'm just his co-worker that's all"

"Really no more no less?"

"Yeah no more no less were just co-worker"

"Hmm but it's strangely you are so close to my brother, why is that?"

"Er-" Yuko was stuttering she wasn't expecting that Yui still question the same thing "W-we meet before I transfer"

"Hmmm" Yui look closely to her near her face to face with dead eye look "Really? your not making a lie?"

Yuko nod as she answer to Yui "Y-yes"

After that Yui back to her sit and started talk about her brother "As you may not know my brother even if he is kind of awkward, stupid, air headed despite on his smart look and not really handsome unlike other brother there"

Listening to Yui talking and hearing the every kind of insult come to his little sister's mouth he suddenly step on break making Yui bump her head on the sit she hold her forehead and look at her brother she come closely to her brother and slap his shoulder.

"What that's for?"

"Nothing there is a stray cat suddenly appear in front of me so I don't want to hit it so I step on the break" Stuyoshi answer like he don't care what happen to his sister.

After Yui sit back and look at Yuko and suddenly and Yuko suddenly hug her out of nowhere and rubbed her face against Yui face while saying.

"You're so cute I want you to take home and I'll be your big sister and I will pampered you even more"

Yui pushed back Yuko and said "What are you talking about, don't treat as pet and I will not going with you my brother will be alone if I leave"

Yuko hug Yuko again "It's okay I have a sister, I will trade you to her so that your brother will not lonely and the wish of you for your brother will come true having a women to his life"

Yui and Stuyoshi said it in unison "of course it's not okay!"

"Ejh? What's the problem with that it's not like I will get your little sister without any returning that's why I'm trading my sister to your sister"

Stuyoshi stop the car and went out and Yui open the door of the car and jump out and ran toward inside of the house, Yuko scanning the house in disbelief that this guy is owned a two floor house she slowly walk while still scanning her surrounding they are walking in the stoned path with connected fish pond until in the edge of the stone path.

Stuyoshi open the door to let Yuko in first on the inside there are a big chandelier on the center of the house with sofa on the side where Yui was sitting cross legs semi exposing her underwear while watching television when she notice that Yuko looking at her she look at Yuko back for a second and blush a little bit in embarrassment she didn't notice since she wasn't paying attention earlier but Yuko has a stunning beauty.

Her brown till her shoulder framed her small face and pale white skin is really suit her on her formal dress on Yui's eyes she is like an foreign model that lost on the street and being pick up by a some unknown creatures that her brother and she even bother thinking if her brother is really in love with this woman if he is, she will protect him by this hiding devil on the innocent woman standing near their door looking at her.

"What are standing their come her and sit" Stuyoshi call for Yuko when he see her standing near the door.

Yuko walk to the kitchen and sit on the seat offered by Stuyoshi she look Stuyoshi preparing the ingredients she has no idea what he going to cook she look at her phone it was 8:30 in the evening and it was miracle that she didn't receive any single calls from Maho since she left this morning she wondering what she doing right now, Yuko was worried she might get upset she won't tell her that she will home late.

After sending her text she look at her back and see Yui was eyeing to her like a predator waiting for it's prey and she look Stuyoshi busy cutting ingredients she couldn't the silent so she speak first.

"Are you sure bringing me home is a good idea?"

"Why that's?"

"I think your little sister hate me" she pointed to Yui direction.

Stuyoshi look at his Yui and went back to Yuko "Don't mind her, just pretend she didn't here"

Yuko laugh lightly, after the end of the conversation between her and Yuko she stand up and walk toward Yui that still watching.

"I think you might not mind if I watch with you?" Yuko ask Yui politely.

"I don't mind but you might get bored" Yui replied nonchalantly.

Yuko smile sweetly "It's okay I like watching anime too"

Yui suddenly jump looking toward Yuko "Really?" Yui eyes sparkling "What kind of anime do you like?"

Yuko look at the anime Yui currently watching and look back at her "Hmmm one pi"

"Really? I like that too"

In long conversation between the two, Stuyoshi call them.

"The dinner is ready"

After hearing her brother words Yui suddenly jump to her sit and ran toward the table and settle herself immediately leaving Yuko remain to her sit, she smirk on what she just saw like a little child leap after hearing that she has a treat, she stand up and walk toward the table and sit facing Stuyoshi.

After Stuyoshi bring the dish Yuko and Yui eyes sparkle after seeing the freshly cooked beef steak on the table but after the amazement Yuko kind of little bit disappointed that it just a simple steak with no toppings or any plate dressing on it.