A New Start


We waited in the academy central office waiting for the lumbay city academy leader to walk in. i looked over to rouk. hey do you know where chad went? the hell if i now. that guy is always up to something. okay then who was that girl we brought with us that's all bandaged up. no clue. he stated. so what are we gonna do then are place is overran with demons and not to even think are own people. i got no problem with them rouk said. frankly ive wanted to pound some of them anyways. well that may be you i said. but was hoping for a future that was there. well your gonna have to change plans. the door opened a guy walked in with a map. he walked over to the round table in the room. so we talked with your headmaster in charge mark. we are fully okay with all of you staying here. that's great i said. but we will need to make sure everyone's informed of the academy's rules and regulations. for example its actually ilegal to use any form of magic here. inless you have a licensee to do so. fine by me i don`t really have much magic use in my ability's. same here rouk stated. so what's gonna happen to are academy then. well we don't have an answer for you now but its predicted we will be the next one to be attacked. we have already increased the number of guards around the entire city. were at the center currently. so if anything even try's to enter we are protected from the barrier. unlike your guys barrier are power source is different. neat i said. we do have one problem he stated. he pulled out a piece of paper. you see the amount of people you brought here is not a problem. but you have two people with you that need to go away if we are to take in everyone. and who is that? he pushed the paper to me. i carefully read the rules and as i got to the bottom of the paper. i saw chads name. huh why is he on here, the other is mark. why are both of these people on here i asked. mark can not stay. from the intel we have gathered from the events leading up to here. he can not be trusted as it would seem he may have some kinda relation to the fall of your academy. i can understand why but it if weren't for him and chad none of us that are here now wouldn't even be alive to day. were sorry he stated but these of the terms of are contract. i cant sign this im not even a member of your city. you and all your friends can be by signing the contract. hmm. rouk asked why is chad on the list then. I'm lumbay citys general Alex. i know from experience that chad is not to be trusted. ive seen him kill his own people without a thought about it. he is not to be trusted. he was in are academy. he was one of the higher ups. i don't know exactly how high he was but he seemed more powerful then an A class student. indeed he is Alex said. none of you know him. he doesn't let on about his past to much. but why would he choose to save us then i asked. he made a pledge to protect the academy when he joined it. that would be going against erwin command as leader of the academy. which no longer is a thing. meaning that he can now freely choose his own actions. once you sign this paper you will be part of are city. we ask you that you no longer have contact with him. hmm. what of that girl with him rouk stated. she was wrapped in bandages. she is a special case. just like chad we will have to look into her more. as of now we do not know who she is or what she can do. so until then she free with you guys when you sign the paper. i looked down at the paper. so just mark and chad have to leave that's the deal right? yes. alex said. i don`t know if i can sign this. if it wasn't for those two i wouldn't be alive here to this date. if what your saying is true that he can not be trusted then i would like to know the story why he cant be trusted. Rouk looked at me. chad was trained to be a warrior. i know this Couse i have fought beside him in the past. during my 3 wars i have fought there is no man i fear more then him. chad alone could take out my entire army with his mana reserves. Really now. yes he can I've seen him do it to my own army. we were suppose to take over this castle from elf people that were using it as a source of mana. when we all charged into the castle he stood outside. i looked at him as he rose his hand and lifted the ground behind the entire castle and slammed it into the ground destroying the castle and everyone inside of it. i survived because i was not inside at the time. when i came to i got up and bolted down to him screaming WHY! he said nothing and turned around and walked away. this is my feeling towards the man he killed my brother in arms. Couse it was easier to kill them all at once. why send us inside to take it over at all if he can do this all by himself. your right rouk stated. chad is a danger to us all. and should be expelled from lumbay city. he went ahead and signed the paper. he then turned to me. we can not let his actions reflect are decisions we do what is best for us and not for others. Alex folded his hands and looked at him. indeed we do. i sat there looking at the paper. can we at least go talk to him. sure Alex stated but he must leave the city. you can be the on to tell mark and chad as we escort them out of the city. okay. then this meeting is concluded.