I wont kill you, probebly

Meanwhile on top of mount Everest lightening was falling down at a unnatural speed, every second hundreds of flashes could be seen.

The light could be seen from a hundred kilometers away. luckily the sound didn't reach that far or some series problems could be expected.

a single man could be seen throwing what seems to be weapons, armor, ore and even some plants into the lightning.

"I'll go home now, this should be enough to creep the formation going for a couple of days."

I'm so tired, in the book the formation looked fairly simple, activate abyssal rock this will cause the world to use its energy to suppress it, make heavenly blood turn that energy in to purification energy, make something absorb that energy to prevent it from fusing back with the world, this will weaken the worlds over all magic energy.

Easier said then done it toke me hours and I made sure to practice before hand, get everything ready and pick the best location but shit.

I'm never doing that again.

going back to the store I was ready to sleep.

It's been so long since I last had a full night sleep.

The next day I woke up at 8:00 went to a near by restaurant and ate breakfast.

I wanted to do my morning work out but I honestly don't know how to I can't just start running around at 250 km and I don't want to go to the desert to do that.

the only solution I could think of was using earth magic and dig a tunnel 1 km under the ground.

I decided to do with it, I could set up a plant growing formation and some protective once and make this were I plant and farm my rare plants trees and maybe get some animals in here.

I decided to dig 2 km deep just to be sure no one can see what I'm doing here.

then I started using earth magic to compress 1 cubic meter of rock in to 1 cubic mm making it 1000 times denser, I plan to do this with all the rock I mine here.

Then trow these into to the heavenly purification formation to make some top quality ore.

my cave is gone be 1 km high, and 10 km across making it 2 km under ground and reinforcing the walls with dozens of formations and finishing it to of with a plant growing formation.

This it's one take me weeks if not months.

In the 2 hours I've bin digging I only did 1% I could do more on the weekend when the store is going closed.

It was 10:30 when I opened the shop door I saw a very suspicious man siting in a very suspicious car about a 100 meters away probably working for that old man from yesterday.

I let him be.

I sat down behind the counter and open day a book about tier 10 lightning magic specifically lightning prison.

I know I probably never need to use this spell but the principle behind it was just to fascinating.

At 11:00 a group of youths came walking in.

lead by the girl that followed that old man from yesterday.

I know they came liking for trouble but I decided to try and be polite.

"welcome to the all purpose magic store, how can I help you?"

"Not so tough now that I'm not alone right old dude."

Old, me, no I just have a lot of experience that's all.

"Hannah is this the guy that threatened you."

He wasn't even asking he just wanted to look tough.

Kids these days.

"Hey old man you better get on your knees all round beg for our forgiveness or well brake your legs."

Are these kids mentally challenged? or do they have some weird hobby of acting like they are?

I mean come on there asking a sword God to kneel and begins for forgiveness.

"Am I that old that I don't even get what the young people are doing any more."

I let out a long site again the idea guess this what happens when your gone for 10 years.

"kids just go home I'm in a good mode so don't ruin that for me."

"You think that were just gon..."

Once I noticed that they weren't gone listen any wais I decided to deal with them the way I know best.

A slapped the guy how seems to be the leader out cold, he isn't dead just unconscious.

I sat back down and picked my book back up.


It seamed one of them didn't get the message so I send him another. releasing just a bit of my killing intent.

the color quickly draining from his face folding on his nose he toke a nice nape.

I can only imagine what he must have seen a demon, a lion or maybe a dragon ready to eat him.

it has ends when your killing intent is strong enough it can cause illusions to enemies weaker then your self.

I had a very peaceful morning at 13:00 I went to the bakery at the end of the street for lunch and when I came back I just relaxed looking out of the window I fantasized about my new underground world project.

At 14:00 I saw a log row of cars stop in front of the shop, there are at least 20 maybe 30.

A old man came out of the BMW in the front and walked in to the store behind him followed three man fully in black obviously bodyguards.

I don't care it hundreds of people were to chow up out of nowhere, I'm happy with it instead.

"welcome to the all purpose magic store. How can I help you?"

as they walked towards the counter I gave my usual greeting.

"Hello, I would like to have some people appraised."

I see Jacob must have told him about this place.

Hahahaha he sure has gotten me a lot of customers.