Power leveling

3 Months later (one day)

We made some real progress.

[Name: Alex

level: Fist fighter 15

gladiator 15

mage 15

master fist fighter 3]

[Strength:102 Endurance: 73 Agility:114 Intelligence:45 Wisdom:30 ]

[Name: Andrea

level: mage 15

fire mage 15

alchemist 12]

[Strength: 1 Endurance: 60 Agility: 64 Intelligence:130 Wisdom:121 ]

[Name: Mr. Gibson

level: swordsman 15

cultivator 15

inner qi master 11

great cultivator 5]

[Strength:152 Endurance:154 Agility:93 Intelligence:0 Wisdom:0 ]

I'm very happy with the results in only one day I trained three level 40 to 50 battle ready warriors, Mr. Gibson may look like the strongest because of his high stat but he will be at a big disadvantage against a 'mage' or 'archer', he only know close combat skills he will have to become a 'outer qi master' to cover that weakness but that's a gold class difficult to get but not impossible he already has one 'great cultivator', the cultivator class changes the magic energy in his body to qi strengthening his other stats but makes it impossible for him to use magic.

Alex may seem weak at first glance but he is probably the strongest he can both use magic and his fists to kill giving him endless options, I'm disappointed he doesn't have the 'ice mage' class yet but he made up for it with the gold class 'master fist fighter'.

Andrea is a slightly above average 'fire mage' but what surprised me was that she has the 'alchemist' class I gave her some books about alchemy so that she could prepare and study so that in the future her progress would be much quicker.

I my self obviously didn't sit still for 3 months I made all the formation the sect would need and a fu*k tone of scrolls from tier 3 to 9 every spell I think might be use full I made.

I also did some research I discovered that they don't have Skill Points and cant just learn skills I thot that was the case but never had the chance to verify it.

It didn't change much for me my plan was made with that in mind the monsters also don't have skill points so it doesn't mater.

But shit the SP was the reason I'm were I am today without it forcibly increasing my talent I would have never gone past floor 30.

I looked at the formation that slows down time by 100.

"We only have 30 minutes left give it your all."

I know they are tired from the continues death matches with monsters but the show must go on.

"Guys that's enough. Come here."

two man and a woman stand in front of me completely equipped with the items they stole of there pray giving of a aura that can make the most seasoned veteran shake in there boots.

"Time is up. One I teleport you out of there you have one day to do what you want. Don't forget I'm not our teacher, mentor or anything of the sort I'm you senior disciple and I'm only helping you build your sect. Ok?"

"Yes sir!"


I used mass teleportation again and sent them away the day after tomorrow they will come back here.

I decided to quickly go to Scafell Pike and install those 160 formations on the 160 pillars, to lazy to fly I teleported there.

to my surprise I saw Henty and Joana there standing not to far from one of the pillars I decided to teleport over behind the pillar so the don't see me and to look miseries.

walking out from the shadow of the giant rocky pillars I walked up to them.

"What are you doing here?"

"AAA! Mister shopkeeper do you have to scare me like that."

"Sir we came to look for you, unfortunately I can't give you this mountain so we have to give back the books you sold us."

I see whats going on, I thot so this was there idea from the start they took the books copied them then returned them.

Idiots do they realy think I would ever give back something once given to me.

"I would realy like to give the mountain back but I already sold it to my junior disciple, hes planing to start his sect here he even convinced master to act as the ancestor and guardian of the sect so no mater what you try unless you want millions to lose there lives you will never get this mountain back and even with millions you probably wont be able to take anything standing behind these pillars."

She looked back at me not knowing what to say. I was still wondering why they came here, sure they obviously did want to return the books but they could have bone so in the shop even if it was closed they would just have come back later.

"So Henry what are you realy doing here, be honest now I don't want to have to start coursing problems."

He looked ta me with his eyes trying to evade mine.

"These strange pillars suddenly appeared so we had to come check it out."

I don't think he's telling the truth but I don't care any more.

"Just make sure not to cause trouble here ok."

I ignored them and started putting the formations on the pillars connecting them to a main formation at the top of the mountain then to the core formation back at the shop.

I also installed some summoning formations behind the pillars and connected them in the same way.

Like this if some one tried to go in to my territory I can just summon some monsters to deal with them.

Do to the 25 meters high wall the monsters can't invade the sect so I can just hunt them down later or let the Mr. Gibson and the others do it.

I went back to the store and dove in to my bed to sleep. I've been working non stop for 3 months making.

Tomorrow is gone be a day of maybe I'll try to convince my family to move it London or maybe some other place were monsters wont live do to the low magic density.