True form

Buckingham Palace, that's were they took me.

I want to make a big entrance so closing in on the place I changed form again.

This time however I completely stopped looking human, my abyssal demon blood line isn't like other blood line it's like one big package with two slightly smaller packages incide of it.

What I used earlier was the demon form now I'll show them somthing realy scary, a abyssal creature.

Upon activating the transformation I quickly became 10 meters tall then 20, 50 until finely stopping at 80.

The sky sudenly became compleatly black the air it self felt heavy like stones are raining down.

Looking up all anyone could see is a black blurre, looking faded making it difficult to distinguish any features.

That's me.

"Come out and let's talk, you don't want me to come in there to take you out."

After my earlier speech I didn't feel like talking any more I just want to get this over with and start faze 2 of my grand plan.

Grand plan that's what I decided to call the plan I am making to try and make sure humanity doesn't go extinct.

Honestly I thot that just making that sect and train some people would be enough but I just realized somthing.

No one is gone want to fight these monsters if at all possible. Jacob and the others are exceptions they were forced to fight for there lives and had some knowledge of how to do that.

But most people? They don't in this day and age badly anyone knows how to fight.

what is called a grandmaster in any fighting still is in from my and any monsters pointed to of view someone that just crossed the master level let.

I'll think about that later for now let's deal with this.

looking down I could clearly see a big crowed gathering most of them are soldiers but some look important.

"Which one of you is in charge of this country?"

I tried to keep my voice as low as possible, in this form I could wipe out this entire city with one shout. And I don't want that.

The group that so escorted me here went to work quickly telling there superior ls what hapend and how I am.

They saw my transformation so they know how I am and why I'm here, that is if they did turn in to retards after what hapend.

"So how are we gonna solve this?"

Once a group came forward followed by those soldiers I decided to end it early.

Putting just a little force in to leg it sank in to the ground lifting it again a big hole was formed about 12 meters London, 3 wide and 10 deep.

"Tomorrow this hole will be filled with gold. I will take that is a apology. Remember if you ever boughter me again I'll make sure it never hapend again."

I used a teir 10 illusion spell to show them my fight against the immortal golden dragon. One of my favorite fights I have ever had I had to fight it in this form to because the dragon it self was more then a kilometer long.

The illusion was visible to every single person in londen. but because the spell is tier 10 even once such a large scale every single person can feel the terrifying aura and killing intent both me and the dragon are emitting.

almost every one fell to there knees most compleatly K.O. but for those that were still standing I showed another illusion.

A sneak peak of faze 2.

Virtual reality.

I also gave them a small crystal and some very simple instructions.

'Buy the VR game coming out next week.'