It Only Hurts For A Five Minutes

Dylan walked back inside his room his feet swayed, not able to stand still. He wiped his feet on a female garment that was lying beside the bed; he grabbed his blanket and fell asleep.

Five hours had passed, the darkness had already crept into his house. A beautiful female in her twenties with long raven coloured hair, porcelain skin and sharp, bewitching eyes hooded with long eyelashes, entered the house.

She was wearing a gold colored mini dress which fell to her thighs, clinging to her soft body, tight on just the right parts; carrying along with her a Gucci handbag. She hurriedly discarded her six-inch heels shoes and walked aside.

Dazzled at first to see the entire house was dark without a single light, as the hall was lit up by the faint silver rays of moonlight through the full height glass wall.

The woman lowered her head to check the kitchen on her left and then to the theater room on her right. She walked back to the foyer and entered the master code of the house on a black keyboard at the side of the door.

A soft glow lit up the hall with an elegant double drum ceiling light. The flush-mount ceiling light offered a lovely look with its double drum like design.

A sheer silver organza outer shade enclosed a white hardback inner shade for a captivating effect. An acrylic diffuser at the bottom softening the light to a gentle glow, and polished nickel accents added a hint of gleam.

She grabbed a remote on the table beside her. Turned the dim red color to a bright white. She turned the lights on all the rooms.

She placed the remote gently on the big, fluffy, overstuffed sofa and went inside the room where Dylan was sleeping.

As soon as she walked over to him, she felt his alcoholic breath, "D-Dylan? Baby? Wake up! What happened?" Being puzzled she shook her head both sides and saw the vodka bottle.

"Baby? Dylan? I'm here! Wake up!" She tried to pull him by the shirt into her arms but the buttons of his shirt came off. She moved closer to him, taking his head into her arms. She ran her fingers through his hair, taking his pores.

Dylan tried to open his eyes but the light was too bright for his eyes. He felt his head was floating in the air while the cold breeze was passing through the strands of his hair.

As he opened his eyes and saw that it was his girlfriend, "H-Helen?" He got up in her arms. "Hehe yes, it's me. You got yourself drunk and fell asleep? Did you even eat anything?" Her gentle, angelic and healing aura were taken over by the aura of a caring mother with her cold stare and pouting face.

Dylan had a smile on his face right away after seeing his girlfriend acting so adorable. He stretched his hand forward as he said "I'm sorry, I could not cook for us today. I was disturbed and stressed with work so.." He squeezed her nose with his thumb and pointy fingers.

"Ugh Dylan Youu!!! I told you to cook something for yourself and eat, right! Hold on, get up and wash your face. I'll cook something tasty for you." She got up from the bed. But a silky texture pricked her feet. As she saw with curiosity. It was her $2000 dress.

"Oh! Why was this here, darling? And dusty?" She turned her face towards Dylan. Her eyes turned cold and steam left her mouth as she breathed.

"Uhhhh by the way, Helen! Did I tell you I ordered a $7000 diamond necklace for you?" Dylan immediately used the ace card up his sleeve. His face still showed fear and doubtfulness.

"Awww! I know you love me so much!!" Her cold stare immediately turned to a bright smile as she said while leaning forwards towards him. "I will go cook for you now. Hold on." She planted a kiss on his cheeks and stormed out.

"Sigh! There goes my $7000" he whispered under his breath.

Helen dressed herself in a red apron, she quickly took a look at what she had in the kitchen. She cooked the rice in a cooker and grabbed the eggs from the refrigerator quickly. The rice was soft, fluffy and white, like the ones you would use to make rice balls, but less sticky. Her hands took a pinch of salt, sprinkling it over the grains.

She waited until the rice was 75% cooked. She then took a frying pan, she put in oil dressing and then onions. Then came nicely chopped green onions with green chili. She sautéed the onions, which turned a caramel brown shade, and the chilies turned darker. The oil sizzled in the pan. The scent was heavenly, able to make a passerby's mouth water

She shifted the rice into the pan and fried rice with onions and chilies, adding a little garlic for flavor, for a good 15 minutes. She added some sauces to create a sensational flavor, finally making the rice smelled like a mixture of spices, slightly crispy in texture with the onions, but also chewy with the soft, lightly salted and flavoured rice.

She put on another pan, added a little amount of oil, and cracked open the eggs like a professional chef into the pan and let the eggs spread all over the pan. Within two minutes, as the egg is half cooked, she took the pan out of the stove and swayed the pan in her hand wrapping the omelette inside into a nice oval shape. Lastly, she garnished it with some mint leaves and sprinkled pepper. The fluffy omelette was ready, and slightly swayed as she moved the plate.

The omelette looked very squishy and big. She put the rice cooked with greens and chilies looking well fried in oil into a plate and topped the omelette carefully on top. She put the whole setting in front of Dylan who was watching her all this time while sitting on the dining table in front of the kitchen.

Then, she came with a knife in her hand as well. Dylan was confused as to why the knife came along with her. Seeing that he is concerned about the knife, Helen wanted to tease him "Oh babe! You know what makes this dish better? It's human blood. Since my blood is impure, lend me your hand for a while." She said with an evil face.

"Huh!???? Stop with the jokes, I'm not in the mood." Dylan tried to act tough as if he does not care about what she is talking but deep down, he is a human and his heart beats faster.

"Don't worry, darling!!! It will only hurt for 5 minutes!! Give me your hand!" She came closer to him to grab his hand. "Yes, because after five minutes I won't be in this world you idiot!" He retracted his hand and moved away from her.

"Come on, come on! It doesn't hurt! By the way all of your bank balance and property are on my name right?" She groaned with an evil voice and she bit his shoulder to scare Dylan more.

"Ahhhh! Stop being a kid!" Saying that, he smacked her head hard. Being in pain, Helen pouted and asked Dylan to focus on her dish now.

She slowly cuts the squishy omelette in half right in the middle as it was on top of the rice. The omelette immediately spread all over the rice as if it had just blossomed. The inside is very creamy and layer-like.

It was a visual feast already. Helen then squeezes ketchup on top the omelette. "Here, eat your stomach full now." She said with a proud smile.

"Haha this looks really good, did you eat though?" Dylan asked Helen.

"Of course! I came from a party. I ate all I want." She said but her stomach is still empty. She wanted to eat Dylan's cooking so she just had a little fill at the party.

Dylan dug in straight away. The omelette fell apart when he scooped it with just a spoon. A spoon of fried rice on the bottom with creamy omelette and ketchup on top. It oozed his taste buds. Dylan turned over to Helen with the spoon in front of her mouth.

"Now say ahh" he said lovingly.

Feeling happy, they both shared the dish together while eating with the same spoon and Helen sat in Dylan's lap as he fed her and then fed himself.

Later he helped her to wash the dishes and clean the kitchen. They both took a shower and went to bed together with Dylan kissing the top of her nose as a good night kiss.

They both slept soundly.

At midnight, right at 3am. As Dylan and Helen were in deep sleep, the Air-conditioning of their room decreased rapidly. Immediately chilling the whole room and a faint cry of a women was heard coming from the hall.

The cry had become louder and started to resonate in the whole house. Dylan immediately opened his eyes.

He looked at Helen to check if it was her. But no, the cries are so dramatic as if someone was crying so painfully.

"W-who is it?" Dylan hesitatingly shouted. But the cries are still going on. He didn't know who it could be, nobody else lives with them. Nor anybody else knows their house code, other than him and Helen.

Dylan got down off his bed, the cold floor sent chills to his feet. The room was really dark to see something. He turned on the lamp but the cries were getting much louder "H-Helen?" He called but there was no response. She must be too tired he thought and walked towards the door.

As he was about to place his hand on the door, the cry was stopped. It was pin drop silence. He ignored it as nothing and turned back facing away from the door and started to walk two steps.

*THUD THUD THUD!* loud slams on the door were heard and they stopped the instant Dylan turned back. "You-need-to-die" a strange unfamiliar inhuman voice is heard from the other side of the door.