I've never rode a horse.
Paul didn't forget my promise to go horseback riding with him.
He's a very romantic guy in my opinion, but on the other hand I think the only thing that he wanted from me was marriage and a kid.
Paul came wearing a outrageous outfit, a polo outfit.
Didn't think they made those anymore. Who am I to speak, I'm wearing some ugly rag of a dress to ride a horse.
My dress my light brown with a giant bow in the back.
Paul walked up to me, bowed and kissed my hand, "My lady."
That's when confusion hit me...what do I say?
Paul looked up a little from his bow.
So I did the only thing that I know best.
I rubbed his head, stroking my fingers through is thick fluffy soft light brown hair.
Paul looked up at me, humour was in his eyes.
"Am I your dog,my love?", He laughed, gazing at me.
"I'm so sorry, Paul....I didn't know what to you....I panicked."
It was panic mode, I felt so choked up and ashamed for my mistake.
That's me, I panic at my own stupid mistakes that I couldn't change.
His forehead met mine and he stepped back, a half smile on his face, "I shall be the best prince ever, I am to teach my American princess some tradition!"
I half laughed,my heart racing with anxiety.
"So, are we going horseback riding?"
"No.", Paul said with a mischievous grin, "we're going to do something even better than that."
"What is that?"
"We are going to the city, in a car, going as fast as we want.", Paul replied, winking his eye.
"And I hope we are changing!"
"What kind of car is that?",I asked looking at the bizarre looking sports car that was in the garage on the left side of the giant stone castle.
The garage was the size of a small two story house, within it was about five cars, three sport cars and two classic chaikas.
One of the chaikas belonged to Paul,but the thing is that he hates it.
His car was black and from the 1940s but remodeled to look beautiful.
"So you're going to take you uncle's car to who knows where just because you feel alitte rebellious?",I questioned with a tone of sarcasm.
"The marussia, isn't she beautiful?", He asked rubbing his hand on the side of the bright blinding yellow sports car.
It's was oddly beautiful with it's strangely shaped headlights and it's unique shaped body.
It was had to describe the the car in many ways,but it was one of the most beautiful cars I've ever seen in my entire life.
"But Paul,why don't we take your car,it's beautiful too."
Paul laughed at what I said like it was the most stupid thing he had ever heard.
"Princess,the thing is ancient!", he exclaimed."
"So what",I replied," that only means that it's a classic and plus it's your first car!"
"And,"Paul began, "it's a pile of rubbish."
I rolled my eyes, "You are such a spoiled little brat."
Paul elbowed me, "Live here long enough with me and you'll be spoiled too!"
Paul walked around the side of the car and opened the passenger side of the sports car.
"Are you coming Ms. innocent?"
"So is it wrong to question the right and wrong thing to do?" ,I asked crossing my arms.
"Uh, you are really boring", Paul narrowed his eyes," You don't know how to let loose and have some fun.
That's when I felt like showing that rebelous side come out at his comment.
"Try me prince charming, I'm the renegade princess."
Paul smiled mischievously, "Hi renegade princess, met rebel prince."
"Stop the car, Paul!", I tryed screaming out over the sound of the loud and deafing engine.
The speed of the car made me feel like I was being sucked into the seat of the passengers side.
I don't know if Paul couldn't hear me or just didn't care, but from the sound of the engine,I don't think he heard me.
Each time the car would speed up, I felt as if I would have a tiny heartattack.
The view from the windows was of the pine Forest enveloping the side of the road making it beautiful with melting snow on the branches of the pine trees.
"Having fun, love?", Paul asked loudly, griping the steering wheel tightly with a giant grin on his face.
"Slow down, please!", I whined touching his broad shoulder, "I can't take it!"
Paul gained a deep look of worry of look on his face and slowed the car down.
My heart sped up with the slowing rumble of the car,as if to adjust to the much slower speed.
"Princess,are you okay?",he asked me with worry In his voice.
I began to feel my heart slow do after what felt like forever,my breathing went back to normal,but I had a light headache from the shock of speed.
I placed my hand over my heart to feel the difference in it's speed.
I closed my eyes, " Paul I will be fine."
"I'm so sorry lace."
I layed back on the soft cloth seat, that's when I felt his hand go over the hand over my heart.
I relaxed alitte bit.
What why the heck his hand on my chest?
"What are you doing?", I asked pushing his hand away quickly.
"Making sure that you are okay, princess."
"Well,I'm just fine!", I snapped.
"Lace,why are you so explosive towards me?", Paul asked,I'm a very unexpectedly kind tone.
"Paul, I don't know,I don't know you,I'm so confused!"
And that was the truth,it's hard to love someone that you've known for less that six months.
Paul pull the car over to the side of the road.
He took off his seatbelt and turned towards me, "Talk to me,what do you want to know or need to know about me ,I want you to love me not push me away everytime that I get closer to you."
"Paul,I don't.....",I began before he cut me off.
"You know what it is that you wanna know", Paul's eyes were warm like his expression," And I know what you wanna know."
"What is it then?", I replyed to him, curiosity sparking up in my gaze."
He smiled a little, " You want to know if the only thing I care about is the fame I will get from being the first royal king to marry a American and have a child with you, but for once,have you thought that maybe I want the normal life of a teenage too before all that happens?"
I was stunned, he had read exactly from my heart, what I was thing and couldn't say, he's right,he hasn't had a normal childhood without being told to stand right or be be proper.
Paul gave a half smile, "Now do you understand why I am drawing so close to you,you are the only person in the castle that acts normal, you're the best normal person I've known and I don't want to lose you."
"Really?",I said looking towards him trying to peek through the curtain of curly hair.
"I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it beautiful.",Paul mumbled taking his fingers and removing the hair from from hiding my eyes,"Don't be shy,we are both kids stuck in a crazy world where we don't belong."