Alisa Raya, The Ice Impress

Siberia, Mother Russia

Ice Empress Palace

The place was a gigantic castle made of crystalline ice covered by high walls of ice. The palace was like a great frozen fortress. The feeling that the place gives is majestic and old.

There was nothing around it but ice and white snow, dry trees, and frozen lakes, it was not possible to see anyone walking the streets of the palace, the place seemed to have no living beings.

After the Great Change, Siberia became much colder than usual. Like much of Russian territory, the only thing you could see is snow and frozen locations.

The vast majority of the country's magicians were of the element of water and ice.

The current name of the country was Mother Russia, this was due to the fact that the first Saint Mage in the human world was a Russian woman. She overthrew the old government and changed the country's name to Mother Russia.