End Of A Reunion

"Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! It's been so long, Lady! I miss you so much!" Jenny said with excitement on all over her face. They break the hug and Lady hold her "sister's" hand tightly and replied, "I miss you to princess!" She turn to Akila and Luna in surprize, "Are these your younger sisters? They are so cute!" She said as she pinch their cheeks and give them a big hug, "It's nice to have new maids." Luna and Akila quickly break the hug by pushing to their soon to be called "Mistriss" and ran to each other's arms, while they both shed a tear. "What's wrong?" N asked. The two sister look at him in fear, but then they saw the scariest look on Lady's face and they decided to say everything is ok to N.