Him, My Tutor

"N, Akila!" The principle calls the two, while the siblings rush out of the room. "Wait!" Akila hesitate, but N reasures her that they'll be alright. "I hope you're right." Akila worries and at that momment, N smiles and her worries lesses. They both then went in the office and the principle insisted them to sit on the two chairs infront of his desk and so they did. "Well, you know the drill, extra homework and detention for a week for the two of you." The principle said and his students understands. "Oh and by the way, N, my boy, since you are tutor, why don't you teach Akila too?" The principle said, which N would be happy to do so. "Thats all for today. Now you may go. See you in detention!" The two students, said their sorries for the troubles they cause and head out of the office. "So where is your dorm?" N asked and Akila snapped, "N, can we go to the nurse? I'm afraid something bad happen." N believe her and they both went to the nurse's office. When they get there, Akila's feelings are true. "Luke! Let go of my brother!" Akila shouted. Luke is bullying James, while Luna is hold back by Jenny. Luke look at his sister and best friend and let his brother go off his grip.