Fight Till One's Death! Kidding.

N cough and cough, while his body start to heat up, he tried to talk, but no one listens, and so he keeps on being hurt, from the likes of the pillars of the school. N scream in agony and begged, "Please, stop guys! I can't hold it much longer." N pant and cough as he start to fall on to his knees, "Please you're all hurting me." N curls himself into a ball and cried, while closeing his ears hoping that their words won't reach his mind and stay, though that's not really working.

Let's rewind a bit to find out how he gets to this point. N run up to his dorm and shut the door close, panting heavily, while trying to catch his breath. He lean on the door, then slide down and sit on the cold floor. He look down and notice his shirt is wet from the tears falling from his eyes, then curl himself into a ball and cried till his eyes are very red. "Why did I feel so helpless? Why did I ran? Why didn't I face him? Why am I so scared of him? Why did I left them with him?" Those questions race on his head as he questions himself, regretting what he did. "Why are you crying, dude?" A voice echoed in the empty room, making N shocked and quickly look forward. Surprisingly, everyone on the gang was there, staring at N as he cries on the floor. They were worried, but their eyes are judging. N stands and dash into the bathroom. In the bathroom, N quickly cool himself down. He wash his face and take deep breaths, because he was scared of everyone out of the bathroom. For if they knew what he did, he's in a whole lot of trouble.

Meanwhile outside the bathroom, awhile before N walked in, Neal and Jake are on Luke's bed, they were playing their annual night video games contest, for whoever wins on 3 rounds, the other will do whatever the winner says, without saying denying anything. "I'll win this time, Jake!" Neal said with full determination, while his childhood friend replied, "Good luck with that Neally." With a flirtatious content, calling him with his nickname he use as kids. "Oh, you wanna play it that way, Jakie?" Neal asked, feeling more determin. "Oh ya I do. Alright, for today, if I win, you get to be my personal assistant for a week, which means all my homeworks and tests are all in your hands and if i get a C, in any of it, you'll be under my command for another week." Jake set the bet. "Alright, if I win tonight, you'll get to be my pet, which everything I say you'll do without hesitant. Anything!" Neal too set the bet. Jake gasp and asked himself, why didn't he think of that, but with that said and the bet has been made. Then the two play their games and fight till one's death! Kidding. Till the winner and loser is decided. The two shouted and screamed as they play and it's starting to piss someone off.