Bully, With Meatballs?

"Say N, why did you sit with me today?" James asked N, who was eating, but then he suddenly chokes on his food. James panic and quickly give him water. "Thank you, and you're right." He said as he stands and start to move from the table, "It's been fun, but I have to go before..." N was cut off when a thud could be heard as he bump into someone. N stumble backwords and sit again on his sit. "Where are you going, Newt?" The person asked and obviously It was Luke, who has fans all around him. Everyone can see them, Luke is the leader of the pillars, N is still one of the pillars and now is the perfect time to strike an attack. "It's time, Newt!" He said with a smile, while pulling N's collar towards him. N nods and stands beside Luke. Meanwhile, not too far from them a group of boys, who are surrounded by fan girls, sees the signal. "Vic, he stands. Is it Luke's turn?" Hunter asked, while signalling Vic and everyone else in the group to walk towords Luke and N. "Yup, we're on witnesses duties today." Vic replied, while he scratch his head. The boys stand and start to move, while a certain lady finish her sit of tea before she let out these words, "Have a great time!" Back to Luke, N and James. Luke notice his brother's plate with a total of 3 meatballs. He leans on the table and face his face inches infront of James. He was smiling, more like smirking, making James freeze on sight. He takes the fork from James' hand and stick on a meet ball. "Look at me." He demand. James flinch, then slowly look at his brother. Luke stands tall hovering over his brother. On that note, whispers start to form, talking about the brothers, hearing this, James looks down on his plate. With a fork of meatball on Luke's right hand, he slides himself to sit on the table, pushing James' food away. Luke face his brother again and force the meatball on James' mouth, but he didn't open his mouth, cause Luke didn't order him to actually eat. "What did I say?" Luke asked, still trying to force a meatball in his mouth. James gulps and looked at Luke, and shivers. Luke looked so evil as if horns would grow on his head. "What a look, now eat!" He order, the he laughs, making the fans laugh as well. James sigh and open his mouth.