Chapter 9: A Form Of Trust

Inside the mirror, Bai Xifeng could see only one building in the large area. Well, it was probably a house for one person. Bai Xifeng entered the house. It consisted of one bedroom, one hall, one kitchen, one pill room and one storage.

"Baishe, who is the owner?" Bai Xifeng asked Baishe who followed her quietly.

"The owner has already died. Now all of this belongs to you, Xifeng." Baishe answered.

"Oh, I see..." Bai Xifeng looked around.

The thing that Bai Xifeng wanted right now is money. She went to the storage room. There were all the books in storage.

"What? Nothing valuable here?" Bai Xifeng was very disappointed.

However, when Bai Xifeng looked through the books, her eyes lit up. Her hands quickly reached out for another book. Their content was mostly about poisons. Besides money, poisons were the most favorite things in her life.

"I love poisons." Bai Xifeng shouted.

Baishe looked at Bai Xifeng. 'Indeed, this girl is weird.'

"Baishe, you said that I can cultivate?" Bai Xifeng asked.

"Let me check your pulse." Baishe turned to human form.

Baishe took Bai Xifeng's hand and tried to read her pulse. It was a normal pulse. He could not detect any poison with normal reading.

"I will check you with my Qi. You just need to relax and allow my Qi to flow. Is that okay with you me doing that?" Baishe asked.

"Okay." Bai Xifeng agreed.

Allowing another person's Qi into a person's body was very dangerous to the cultivator because another person's Qi could destroy the body if the person wanted to. If you do not truly trust the person, you must not let other people's Qi enter your body. It was a form of trust.

Baishe did not think that Bai Xifeng would let his Qi enter her body just like that since they barely knew each other. Unfortunately, Bai Xifeng did not know about that fact. She thought it was a normal procedure in this world.

Baishe did his work by letting his Qi flow into Bai Xifeng's body. He could not help but frown when his Qi passed through Bai Xifeng's body. 'This little girl's body is full of poisons. Not only the normal poison, but even deadly poisons are also in her body.

Who on the earth poisoned this little girl with deadly poisons like this? However, to his surprise, this little girl's body is not reacting properly to the poison. The poisons are just blocking her meridian making her could not cultivate. However, all of those poisons made her body immune to the poison and dangerous to others. '

Bai Xifeng observed Baishe's expression. From his expression, her body condition could be considered a serious problem. 'Well, let's listen to him first.' She waited for Baishe to finish checking her body.

Baishe let Bai Xifeng's hand go. He nodded and then looked at Bai Xifeng's face.

*** This novel is a work with w e b n o v e l. c o m. If it is not read this novel on w e b n o v e l. c o m, then it has been stolen. It breaks my heart when someone steals my hard work. For those who read my novel on another website besides w e b n o v e l .c o m, can you consider reading it on the original website? As your support to me. Thank you, for your shameless author, ZerahNeko***

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