Chapter 211: Request To Join The War

Bai Xifeng went to see her father. Bai Xiang was busy preparing for the upcoming war but still willing to allocate some time to his beloved daughter. 

"Father." Bai Xifeng smiled as she greeted her father. 

"Xixi, I heard that you want to see me." Bai Xiang stated.

"Hmm... I know that you are busy preparing for the war. But I have something to ask you." Bai Xifeng stated.

"What is it? You can tell me." Bai Xiang waited for Bai Xifeng's words.

"Father, can I join you in the war." Bai Xifeng looked straight at her father when she mentioned this.

"What did you say?" Bai Xiang who was sitting down stood up when he heard that his daughter wanted to join the war as well. 

"I want to join the war." Bai Xifeng stated.

"Xixi, it is not a game." Bai Xiang sat down again and sighed.

"I know, Father." Bai Xifeng said.