Chapter 217: Fight For Food

After three hours in the pot, the stew was finally ready to be served. Bai Xifeng poured the stew into the bowls that had been prepared by the other soldiers. After pouring about five bowls, Bai Tingfeng stopped her.

"Junior General Bai?" Bai Xifeng called him politely since there were other soldiers around. 

"Stop doing that. Let them do the work. You already cooked for them." Bai Tingfeng stated.

The soldiers who heard the order smiled at Bai Xifeng.

"Sir Long, let us serve others. You can rest and leave that to us." The soldier said.

"Let's serve General Bai and the high-ranking first." The soldiers stated. 

Bai Tingfeng took two bowls and gave one to Bai Xifeng. 

"You can eat first." Bai Tingfeng said.

"But..." Bai Xifeng wanted to help them to serve the stew. 

"Don't worry about that. They can handle the small tasks like this." Bai Tingfeng said.