Chapter 258: Han Yunru Was Furious

Han Yunru was together with Old Madam Bai when someone informed Old Madam Bai about this matter. Since Old Madam Bai wanted to see Bai Xiang, she also tagged along. Bai Xiang was still handsome like always. Probably became more mature.

The three of them arrived at the same time. They looked at each other.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" Bai Guowei asked.

"Well, I heard about Bai Xiang coming. He must have regretted saying something like that yesterday and came here to apologize." Old Madam Bai said.

Bai Xiang was waiting outside the main hall. Bai Xiang, his two children, Yu Nianzu, and Yang Meixiang and her maid were here. Bai Xifeng told Xiao Li and Yu Sisters to clean up the things around the house. That house would be theirs to stay. 

At first, Bai Guowei did not notice Yang Meixiang at all. His focus was on Bai Xiang. He smiled at Bai Xiang.