Chapter 308: Doing The Test

"I accept your offer." The depressed man said. 

"Good. By the way, what is your name?" Bai Xifeng asked.

"Fu Peizhi. Then, what is your name?" Fu Peizhi asked for Bai Xifeng's name.

"My name is Bai Xifeng." Bai Xifeng smiled.

"Bai Xifeng... Bai Xifeng... I think I heard the name before..." Fu Peizhi thought about that. He made a shocked expression when he found out about that. "You are that..."

Bai Xifeng just smiled. Fu Peizhi was stunned when he found out that he had been hired by Bai Xifeng, General Bai's daughter. Well, he did not know what to feel right now. To be honest, he was a fan of General Bai. Who did not like a strong man? 

"Well, just return to your house. I mean your former house. Gather your things and go and wait for me at General Bai's house. You know my new house, right?" Bai Xifeng asked.

"Yes. I know." Fu Peizhi nodded several times.